Kira's Poems


On a deserted beach I rest easy by your side
No worries interfere as the quiet flows with the tide

A warm breeze blows those distractions away
Our eyes see beyond the horizon of today

The sun and the moon are our only time pieces
This special paradise is our private release

Expressions 1

Smiles of joy and smiles of fun
Tears of grief and tears of pain
Hugs of friendship and hugs of love

Smiles hiding grief and smiles hiding pain
Tears from joy and tears from fun
Hugs of consolation and hugs of good bye

Expressions 2

Enough grievings from all the good byes
Enough tears to fill forever
Enough leavings to last a lifetime

All the leavings to learn a lesson
All the tears to tell a tale
All the grievings to help us grow

Thank You, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

When I loved you
        The love made me feel happy
                Having know the feeling of love
                        I rejoice
                                And in ecstacy
                                        I surrender to die.

When the love was replaced by rejection
        The loss was so painful
                Having felt the pain
                        I scream
                                And in anguish
                                        I surrender to die.

When I realized what you took from me
        The theft made me angry
                Having learned of anger
                        I lash out
                                And in exhaustion
                                        I surrender to die.

When the anger was replaced by sadness
        The memories brought me tears
                Having lived the sadness
                        I cry all night
                                And consumed by grief
                                        I surrender to die.

And with my emotions spent
        Ecstacy   Anguish   Exhaustion   Grief
                Having lived them all
                        I leave this life
                                And in quiet peace
                                        I surrender to die.

But with all the lessons learned
        The emotions strongly felt
                Having gained through life's experiences
                        I am energized
                                And free from limits
                                        I live.

Precious Gift

I give you my friendship
Here is my hand
Please take it

I give you my love
Here is my heart
Please don't break it

These are precious gifts
I don't give them lightly
I offer them carefully

So take them gently
And treat them well
It's the best I have to give

Loving Friend

Loving friend
        So gentle and kind
Often times
        You're on my mind.

I think of you
        It brings a smile
My life moves on
        All the while.

Our quiet moments
        Are never cold.
A caring friendship
        Is ours to hold.

Preparing For The Date

I have a date.

Time to get ready
Take a bath ... bubbles
Do my hair --
Soft and fluffy.
And my makeup --
Red lipstick and blush.
And my nails --
Shiny with a hint of color.
Look in my closet
Choose the right dress -- 
The hot, bright red one
That constrasts with
my cool, ivory skin
And dark brown hair.
Mom always likes me in red.
And the accessories --
Red, dangle earrings
With a matching necklace
That I made for me.
And a straw hat
with a large brim.
And comfortable shoes
To finish the picture.
I think about this date
I am excited
Imaginary conversations
fill my head
I want it to be perfect....memorable...
And now, the time is here
Time for me to meet my date
I open the door
And my date is here
My date is me.

Light And Reflections

  Somewhere inside
  I see a brilliant light
  And I know
  am the light.

  And I know
  I get brighter
  and more beautiful
  with the reflected light
  from many people in my world.

  Each person is a bead in a necklace 
  or a flower in my garden 
  or the notes that make up my favorite songs.  
  Each one finds a treasure in me 
  The way I find a treasure in them.

  My source of the beauty
  and light
  comes from within
  Enhanced by the reflections 
  Of those who help me
  work my garden

  And I am complete and whole.
  I am beautiful.
  I am magnificent.
  I am the center of my universe,
  My world of light and reflections makes me more.

How Do You Wrap A Hug?

I'll wrap my hug and send it alone
To bring you warmth when things go wrong
And to bring you sunshine on winter days
As well as clarity in foggy haze

In a separate package you'll find my smile
It's there for you mile after mile
As we walk together or walk alone
My cheerful thoughts are yours to own

So remember me and my gifts to you
At times when you're happy coasting
 or blue
You're a part of me and will always be
A most pleasant thought and cherished memory                      

NEXT... Taking Care Of Ourselves
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