Movie Descriptions:
Dragon Ball Movies
Dragon Ball: Shenron no Himitsu:
The Secret of Shenlon, or
Shenron no Densetsu, or
The Legend of Shenlon
This is a retelling of how Gokou began his adventures; from the first encounters with Bulma, Oolong, Puuaru, and Yamcha, up to his learning of the Kamehameha just by watching Kamesennin using the technique. This time Gokou's origins are tied in with the evil Emperor Gurumesu, who wants the Dragon Balls to wish for delicious food, and the Emperor's minions, Pasta and Bongo (these two are using the quest for the Dragon Balls to cover the fact that they are greedily raping the countryside to gather up valuable Richi Stones.)
Bulma still wants to wish for a nice boyfriend (Yamcha wants the Dragon Balls to wish for a woman he can marry), and ends up summoning Shenlong before Gurumesu can, but the daughter of the local mayor, Pansy, shouts out her wish first -- for the countryside to be restored to its original state prior to the discovery of Richi Stones. Shenlong does this, and causes the stones to disappear. Gurumesu becomes a normal deformed human that likes to eat apples, and Gokou zips off to findthe #4 Ball again.
Gurumesu -- A gluttonous monster that NEEDS to eat delicious new food. He becomes a normal person eventually.
Pansy -- A young girl that searches for Kamesennin to ask him to help her village. She disappears from sight after this movie.
Pasta -- A greedy blond woman that co-heads Gurumesu's army.
Bongo -- A huge, mean man that works closely with Pasta. Both Bongo and Pasta disappear from sight after this movie.
Richi Stone -- "Rich Stone". The most valuable gem on Earth.
Dragon Ball: Majinjou no Nemuri Hime:
The Sleeping Princess of Demon Castle
Young Gokou seeks out Kamesennin to ask to be accepted as a student,while the little runt priest, Kuririn, arrives for the same reason (and uses a nude magazine as a bribe.) Kamesennin sends them on a quest
far to the east, where "five mountains stand, called the 'Devil's Hand'." In a castle there, is the legendary, and pretty, "Sleeping Princess." Whoever brings back the Sleeping Princess will become the old pervert's student.The two boys
set out, and Kuririn uses all the standard tricks to trick
A little later, Bulma, Oolong, Yamcha, and Puuaru -- who are on summer vacation -- arrive at Kame House to find Gokou. Kamesennin says that the two boys have gone far to the east for training, so the friends fly in Bulma's Capsule jet to the Devil's
Hand. When they near the castle, the jet is attacked by demons, and Bulma is taken to the Castle. The owner of the castle, Lucifer, pretends to treat her as a guest, until it becomes time to awake the Sleeping Princess. In the meantime, Gokou and Kuririn are fighting monsters, and they drop in on Bulma just before Shitsuji can drain Bulma of her blood through a giant syringe (Bulma's blood is to be used to toast the awakening of the Sleeping
Princess.) Then, Roshi arrives to steal the Sleeping Princess -- which is really a giant
jewel. Everyone is captured and encased in a wall of rock.
It is the night of a full moon, and the moonlight is used to power
the jewel. The moonlight also turns Gokou into a were-ape,
and everyone escapes. They fight Lucifer, and Gokou uses Kamehameha
to destroy Lucifer's Princess-powered laser cannon (the full-moon-light is to be
used to destroy the
sun, and begin the Reign of Darkness), and kills Lucifer. The
heroes escape, and Kuririn acts contrite, but doesn't actually
apologize to Gokou for
his behavior. The two boys return to Kame House with Kushami,
and Kamesennin takes them both on as students. Then,
Kushami sneezes, turns into
Ranchi, and shoots Kamesennin full of
Lucifer -- A typical handsome demon who likes drinking blood, and killing people. Killed by Gokou.
Shitsuji -- Lucifer's Igor-style henchman. Short, buckteeth, and has one eye that's bigger than the other. Carries a syringe around a
lot. He was probably killed by Gokou.
Sleeping Princess -- A huge, priceless gem that is "awakened" by the light of the Full Moon, and can be used as a power source for a laser cannon.
Dragon Ball: Maka Fushigi Daiboken:
Mysterious "Maka" Adventure
Another retelling of the Dragon Ball story. This time, young Gokou and young Kurilin are training for a Budoukai to be held in the country of Miifan. The Emperor of Miifan, Chau-zu, is trying to find his lost "Ran Ran." "Duke" Tsuru-sennin stole a Dragon Radar from Pilaf, and is using it to locate the Dragon Balls. Duke Tsuru-sennin and Tao Pie Pie claim that they'll use the wish from Shenlong to locate Ran Ran, but are actually planning, with Tenshinhan's help, to kill Chau-zu and take over the country. Blue Commander announced that Ran Ran was being held in Tsuru-sennin's
room,and was killed by Tao Pie Pie for it. Bora and Upa have located the final Dragon Ball and they take it to Miifan to use it to demand that Miifan's soldiers be forced to leave the land near Karin Tower.
Bora is tricked into entering the Budoukai (the winner of the Budoukai will be granted one wish by Chau-zu), and is then killed by Tao Pie Pie. Bulma, Oolong, and Roshi are looking for the other 6 Balls, so Bulma can wish for a boyfriend. But, when the balls are located, they're accidently dropped to the bottom of the moat surrounding Chau-zu's castle. Tenshinhan realizes that he likes Chau-zu too much, and doesn't kill his friend; instead, Ten-chan blows away Tsuru-sennin. (The story of Blue and Goku entering Penguin village is included, but this time it is Tao Pie Pie and Gokou that meet Arale-chan, and Gokou kills Tao Pie Pie with Arale's help.)
Then Gokou throws the final ball into the moat, and asks Shenlong to resurrect Bora.
No new characters. Nearly everybody from the first series shows up here.Ran Ran is the name of Chau-zu's favorite doll.
Dragon Ball Z Movies
(Movie 1)
Dragon Ball Z
An evil little Namek, Garlic Jr., is gathering all of the Dragon Balls together to wish for immortality. Since young Gohan has the #4 Ball sewn to his cap, Gohan is kidnapped by Garlic's minions. This causes Gokou to seek out Garlic (whose mansion is located on a black island to the south of Kame House). Garlic also wants to get rid of Kami-sama, so his minions attempt to kill Piccolo (if Piccolo dies, Kami-sama also dies, and vice versa.) So Kami-sama and Piccolo join in the battle, as does Kurilin. The minions are wasted, but Garlic Jr. already made his wish, so he is unkillable. Garlic and Kami-sama fight it out, and Garlic wins (he wants to get rid of Kami-sama to make way for his own "reign of blood", but he doesn't kill Kami-sama right away).
Garlic Jr. gets beaten up a bit by Gokou and Piccolo, so he decides to create a "Dead Zone" (a black hole) which threatens to suck everyone in and kill them. But Gohan (who had eaten a hallucinagenic apple, and is still feeling a bit of a buzz) gets angry, and blasts Garlic into the Dead Zone. The Dead Zone closes, sticking Garlic into a form of eternal hell.
Garlic, Jr. -- Evil little immortal Namek, lost and forgotten.
Ginger -- Garlic's green-skinned, red-eyed demon minion. Killed by Gokou.
Nikki -- Garlic's blue-skinned, apple-eating minion. Killed by Gokou.
Sansho -- Garlic's big, purple-skinned demon minion. Killed by Piccolo.
(Movie 2)
Kono yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu:
The World's Strongest
Oolong steals Bulma's Dragon Radar, and discovers that someone is gathering up the Dragon Balls. He and Gohan go into the northern glaciers in time to see Dr. Kouchin summoning Shenlong and wishing for Dr. Wheel's lab to be released from the ice. Piccolo arrives to save Gohan from Kouchin's bio-men, but the demon is overcome by Wheel's 3 androids (Gohan and Oolong escape). Later, Kouchin goes to Kame House, and kidnaps Bulma in order to force Kamesennin to go with him to the lab. Kamesennin is told to fight the three androids, and does well for a while, before being defeated by rubbery Minkattsun. Bulma learns that Kouchin and Wheel's plan on turning the Earth into a desert and peopling it with androids. Dr. Wheel's brain is encased inside a robot, and he wants the body of the world's strongest man to house his brain. But, while Kamesennin was the winner of the Tenkaichi Budoukai 50 years ago, (when Wheel's lab was iced over) the strongest man is now Goku.
Gokou learns what happened to Kamesennin, and goes to the lab, where he destroys all three androids. Gohan and Kuririn also arrive, and end up battling the brain-controlled Piccolo until Gohan's shout of frustration causes the mind-control bands to shatter. Dr.Wheel decides to fight Gokou, and as he pulls his robot body free of the wall. The resulting destruction hurls Kouchin down an energy shaft, and Kouchin's outer coating melts before his own robot body is destroyed. Wheel fights the heroes, and looks like he'll win, when Goku creates a Genki Dama and throws it at Wheel. Wheel flies up into space to get a breather, and he is destroyed up there.
Afterwards, Kamesennin says that Wheel got one thing right -- Kamesennin is the world's strongest guy. Bulma corrects that to "the world's dirtiest old man."
Dr. Kouchin -- The Christopher Lee of bio-tech scientists. A robot, he is accidently destroyed by Dr. Wheel.
Dr. Wheel -- A large brain housed in a robot. Was a deranged scientist until his lab was entombed in ice. Killed by Gokou.
Kishiime -- Electrical android iguanaman. Destroyed by Gokou.
Ebifuraiya -- "Fried shrimp." Hulking android with weather-control abilities. Destroyed by Gokou.
Minkattsun -- Blobby, yellow rubberman android. Punctured by Gokou.
Bio-man -- Mindless blue attack robot; like Vegeta's old cybermen.
(Movie 3)
Chikuu Marugoto Chou-kessen:
Earth's Ultimate Deciding Battle
(The Tree of Might)
Oolong, Kuririn, Bulma, and young Gohan are on a camping trip, when a spy satellite crashes into the forest and starts a raging fire. Kuririn and Gohan battle to put out the blaze, then gather the Dragon Balls to wish for the forest to be restored. One of the animals they save is a Haiyaa Dragon (Higher Dragon) that follows Gohan home to become his pet. The two of them (and Gokou) play together and have a lot of fun, but Chichi wants the dragon sent back to its mountain so it'll stop disrupting Gohan's studies.
Meanwhile, a Saiyan fighter, Taurus, and his minions are scouting Earth to locate Kakarot. Taurus wants Kakarot and/or Gohan to join him to go trash planets. The minions plant a seed for an energy-eating tree near the restored forest -- Taurus plans on eating the fruit of the tree to get a "power up." The tree grows quickly and threatens to destroy Earth. Kaiou-sama alerts Gokou to the danger, and everyone (Chi Chi prevents Gohan from joining in, but Haiyaa Dragon kidnaps the boy to take him to the battle) goes to fight Taurus. Piccolo joins in to save Gohan, but the demon still plans on killing Gokou later on. Gokou denies his Saiyan heritage, claiming that he's happy to have been hit on the head as a child, rather than growing up to be like Taurus. There's a major battle, and Gokou uses a Genki Dama to kill Taurus and destroy the tree. Afterwards, the Genki Dama breaks up, and the lifeforce energy repairs the damage from the tree.
Shinseiju -- The energy-eating tree.
Taurus -- A Saiya-jin Warlord that looks like Gokou. Killed by Gokou.
Amond -- Taurus's big Indian minion. Killed by Gokou.
Daiizu -- Taurus's muscular punk minion. Killed by Gokou.
Kakao -- Taurus's ugly, silent lava-man minion. Killed by Gokou.
Rezun & Rakasei -- Taurus's arrogant twin runt minions. Killed by Gokou.
Haiyaa Dragon (Icarus)-- Gohan's cute little pet.Fiercely loyal; like Piccolo is.
(Made-For-TV Special)
Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen:
Lonely Final Battle
Story of Bardock, Gokou's father. When Gokou was still a baby, on the Saiyan planet, Freeza was using the Saiyan as mercenaries to wipe out all intelligent life on other planets. Bardock gets cursed with seeing the future, and confronts Freeza as Freeza is about to destroy the Saiyan planet.
The planet is wiped out, and the only surviving Saiyans are young Prince Vegeta, Nappa, and Kakarotto (baby Gokou). Gokou was sent to Earth to destroy it, but is found and raised by Son Gohan. (The grandfather Son Gohan)
Bardock - Gokou's father. Killed by Freeza.
Tooma - Bardock's big, lean henchman. Killed by Dodoria.
Toteppo - Bardock's grey-skinned, chrome-dome henchman. Killed by Dodoria's peons.
Pan Buukin - Bardock's fat henchman. Killed by Dodoria's peons.
Seripa - Bardock's female henchman. Killed by Dodoria's peons.
Tooro - The fishman that gave Bardock the ability to see the future. Killed by Bardock.
(Movie 4) (03/19/91)
Super Saiyan da Son Gokou: This is the Super Saiyan, Son Gokou.
Young Gohan and the Haiyaa Dragon visit Piccolo to show the demon the new dance that Gohan taught the dragon. But, Piccolo, in pain, yells for Gohan to stop.
A planetoid headed towards Earth causes a panic, and Kuririn and Gokou go out to try to deflect the thing with their energy blasts. It still crashes into Earth, but it turns out to be a spaceship that needs to land for refueling. The ship is commanded by the imperious Emperor of the Universe -- Slag, who demands that they leave in 3 days. A weather satellite is launched to cause a cloud to cover the planet, and freeze it over. Earth is now more hospitable for the soldiers living in the ship, and they step outside to terrorize the Earthlings. Slag recognizes the Dragon Ball that is sewn into Gohan's cap, and reads Bulma's mind to learn about the Dragon Radar. The Dragon Balls are rounded up, and Slag wishes for his youth back.
Gokou and Krillin receive Senzu Beans from Yajarobe, and they go to fight Slag. Piccolo shows up to save Gohan. Slag reveals himself to be a Super Namek. Gokou wastes Slag's minions, and even turns into a Super Saiyan for a while, but is trashed by Slag when the Super Namek turns into a giant. Piccolo tears off his own ears, then yells for Gohan to whistle again; we now learn that Nameks get hurt really bad when Earthlings whistle. Slag drops to his knees, and Piccolo imparts his energy to Gokou. The Gokou/Piccolo fusion beats up Slag, then Gokou flies above the black cloud to get enough energy to create a Genki Dama that kills Slag.(Slag accidently trashed his own spaceship, so there's no bad guys left now.) The cloud dissipates, and Yajarobe reappears to give Senzu Beans to the heroes. Piccolo's ears grow back. Finally, Kamesennin, who'd been sleeping through all this, wakes up from his dreams of naked women, and exercises while saying that the weather is very nice today.
Slag - A big, square-headed evil tyrant Super Namek. Killed by Gokou.
Kakuuja - A Jawa that runs Slag's ship. Accidently killed by Slag.
Zeeun - A bull of a man who oversteps his authority and is killed by Slag.
Gyooshu - A Jawa killed by Slag for saying that it would take 10 days to refuel the ship.
Angira - The blond god that can burrow underground to trap people's feet.Killed by Gokou.
Dorodabo - The fat yellow winged demon. Killed by Piccolo.
Medametcha -- A big horned frog that can create energy-sucking copies of itself. Killed by Gokou.
Slag's Soldiers -- Most were killed by Slag for running away from and Kurilin.
(Movie 5) (07/20/91)
Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou: Fantastic Ultimate Strength vs Ultimate Strength
Dragon Ball Z: The Greatest Rival
Back when Freeza destroyed Planet Vegeta, and killed Bardock, Freeza's older brother, Cooler had been watching from his own spaceship. Cooler had seen Kakarot's space capsule zipping off, but didn't interfere with it. 20 years later, Cooler receives a report stating that Freeza has been killed.
Gokou, Gohan, and Kuririn go on a camping trip, and are attacked by Cooler's henchmen. Cooler wants to fight Gokou, and discover the true strength of the legendary "Super Saiyan." At the end, Cooler has been blown into the sun by a massive energy ball, and apparently dies.
Haiyaa Dragon - Gohan's cute pet dragon. Reappears for this movie.
Cooler - Freeza's older brother. Very arrogant and selfish. Not dead yet.
Sauzaa - Cooler's blond, blue-faced pretty boy minion. Killed by Piccolo.
Neizu - Cooler's lizard minion. Killed by Piccolo.
Doore - Cooler's green-skinned ugly minion. Killed by Piccolo.
...More to come...still working on it...