November 19, 1999 |
KoQ will be Reforming as a Counter Strike Clan:
Last nights meeting went very well! After some short discussion, KoQ has decide to reform as a Counter Stike clan. As of right now, we have 12 Yes and 2 mabyes to giving this a shot. If you were not there last night, are interested, please reply back to me ASAP (email).
I know a lot of people have not played CS before, and may a have a hard time getting started with it, so I have created a short document to help everyone out. You can find it here. It will give you the basics, and give a good place to start with. There is much more to CS then is in the document, but I will cover more things in time.
The main thing we need to do right now, is just get everyone familiar with the game. To help with this, every weeknight (mon - Thru) at 10pm CST, I will be in irc to go play some Pub games of CS and to help others out. I will be around more often during the holidays, so I ecourage every one to come by IRC (really at any time) and play. Play, play, and play! =)
Our next clan meeting will be on Dec 2, at 8:00pm. I know that seems like a while from now, but with Thanksgiving coming up, and lots of people getting to know the game, thats gives everyone a good amount of time to have vacation, and learn the game. By that time, hopefully we will have our server going, and everyone will be familiar enough with the game, that we can begin to mess around and practice.
Just to keep an eye on the future, I plan on us joining the STA CS league ( when we feel we are ready. Their matches are on Thursdays at 8:30 CST. We will need to come up with a good day for regular practice. Some of us involved with DLG have Sun-Wed taken up, but I am not sure how long that will continue, as i know most of us do not want to have something every night of the week (for those of us playing TF with DLG).
Thats all for now. Feel free to email me if you have any problems, questions, and just wanna talk about CS. I am REALLY looking forward to this, as I hope you all are also.
p.s. Come by IRC!
November 13, 1999 |
Notice to all Veteran KoQ Members:
KoQ Clan Meeting!!!
When: 8:00pm CST Thursday, November 18, 1999
Where: IRC #clan_koq
Why: To determine if there is interest in KoQ reforming as a TFC or Counter Stike Clan.
This will be a very informal meeting (of course). There has been a lot of talk amongst some KoQ members of bringing back the KoQ of old, and moving on to TFC or possibly Counter Stike. While the idea has been tossed about, it has never really been move upon, so hopefully this will change that. Both TFC and Counter Stike have huge clan scenes now, and both have many league to play in. The plan, if we proceed into one of these games, would be to play 1 match a week, with 1 or 2 practicies a week.
While we would want to be competitive, the whole reason for is to bring back the KoQ family. Friends, having fun together killing the bad guys =) I truely believe KoQ could really excel at either of these games, and I think bring back the KoQ family of old is something many of us would love to see. Again, we would want to keep KoQ mostly older people, but I think exceptions could be made for some of the younger x-KoQ members.
If you are not familier with TFC or Counter Strike, please check out:
TFC is just a remake of TF for Half-life, while Counter Strike is a new Half-life mod that is more combat realistic, based on real life weapons, and I think is the best mod to come out since TF =).
I look forward to seeing you all again, and I think something good will come out of this meeting =)
--Snare |
October 19, 1999 |
World-famous KoQ TF Server back online!
Well, there were some complications with our highly popular TF server, but
we're pleased to announce that the KoQ Proving Grounds are back and ready for
action. The IP has changed : Come frag with us!
--Cadrys |
June 4, 1999 |
KoQ has gone inactive!
After almost 2 years of competition KoQ has put an end to all league
play. We will bide our time and wait for the next game to come along that
strikes our intrest. Please feel free to join us in our chat channel #clan_koq
on a gamesnet server. Also please join us for a game of tf at our public
server at
ATTN: KoQ Please check the members area for
info on the upcoming Lan Party!