It is very unfortunate that in this day and age there are still animals being killed for their skins or the "advantages" that can be gained from the massacre of these animals, and eating certain parts of their bodies....Not enough is being done to prevent this and it is a horrible fact that our animals are heading towards extinction all too quickly.
When i have children, I want to be able to take them to the Zoo so they can see all the animals I have seen and that I love but I am scared that by the time that comes around those animals will no longer be...People who are ignorant of exactly what is occuring and people that know but do not do anything to assist in the fight for animals are, (maybe unfairly), almost as much at fault as are the people pulling the trigger and killing our animals.
The rate at which some of these animals are being slaughtered is amazing and disgusting, because I, personally find it extremely difficult to comprehend exactly why there are people out there who kill these animals...
Contrary to popular belief (an all too common, ignorant belief) ONE single person can make a difference and there is absolutely no acceptable reason why that one person can't be YOU, because it seems that too many people are relying on others to do what we should all be doing...and this page is my attempt to find more people who can help in this fight...=o) smile you miserable people, i believe this is a serious matter, but there is no reason not to smile!!

Issues That Need Our Urgent Attention!

News And Press Releases

Fund Facts And Fund Films

Sanctuaries And Services For The Animals

How To Join The Fund For Animals

The Wold Wildlife Fund

WWF UK (World Wide Fund for Nature)

ADDRESS: Panda House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XR. Tel: (01483) 426444. Tlx: 859602. Fax: (01483) 426409. CC No: 201707.

The R.S.P.C.A (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is an active organisation in Australia (similar to the A.S.P.C.A in other parts of the world). There aim is to prevent the cruelty to animals as the name indicates as well as providing relatively cheap, but quality care for domesticated animals, as well as native and mistreated / stray animals.
They R.S.P.C.A relies mainly on donations and sponsorship from companies, no matter how large or small, and any donation is appreciated immensely...
The R.S.P.C.A in Aus

The NorthWest Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals


GreenPeace is another, major world wide organisation. Many people are critical of GreenPeace and the way they get things done, but lets face it, they get things done!!
They are one of the strongest Green Organisations in the world, and they have many members in political parties internationally, so before you criticise GreenPeace, please remember that at least they are trying and succeeding in many areas of the Environment that are in need of help and support, but they too also need our support and donations to help them maintain their position they hold.


[Is Extinction Natural?]


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Designed by Shelli, 1998