Welcome To A Java Applets Page

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The text at the top of this page is a variation of the ScrollingUpdateApplet which can be found by following the link below titled 'modernminds.com.' If you download the Applet, bookmark this page and come back and click your browser 'View' button, then click 'source' or 'page source' or 'document source' and view the simple changes I have made between the <applet code> - </applet> Tags to make it appear as it does! No code or documentation was altered. Only the parameters were changed, creating a totally different effect!

Where you see the parameter <param name="text" value="test.txt"> is where the text that scrolls is found. This is where most people have a problem with this Applet. If you download this Applet it will come with a text file containing the words that are scrolling in that variation of the Applet. Simply find the text file and replace the wording with your own. Make sure that the name in the value="whatever.txt" is the same as the name of the text file! ("whatever.txt") Another problem I have found is that if the Applet does not seem to run when viewing it from your computer (local) drive or you are getting a NullPointerException message, the reason is probably because the local drive cannot find the background 'image.' Simply delete the entire parameter line <param name="background" value="Graphics/BkgndImage.JPG"> , change the fontColor to"ffffff" and the bgColor to "000000" and try it again. You should have no problem like this on your server!

You can change the size of the Applet, the colors, where the text begins etc.! The Applet can be paused by sliding the cursor over it and started again by taking the cursor off. The entire Applet can be designated as a url link to another page or site by placing an 'http location' between the two quotation marks after value in the <param name="url" value="">.

Make sure that 'all' files relating to the Applet are in the same 'directory' on your server, or in the same 'folder' on your computer as your 'html' file! This is the most common mistake made! If this cannot be done for some reason, see the documentation provided with the Applet for the use of the 'codebase' tag! A word of caution; when visiting sites with a lot of Java Applets on the same page do not quick-click your mouse as this may freeze ( lock up ) your browser and you will have to Control-Alt-Delete to end the task and re-open your browser. This will not likely cause harm to your system, but it is very irritating!

The applet ScrollingUpdateApplet, along with a copy of the documentation, is available for download as a standard zip file or as a self-extracting file (for Windows95/NT users) at:


Click 'Java' in the left column, click 'Freeware' on the main page, click 'ScrollingUpdateApplet', click 'download' at the bottom if you want to try it out!

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