Not all the links on this page are my pages, but some are hyperlinks to other people's great pages
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This page is for very new PB beginners.
I'm trying to rebuild this page and it's links after it got deleted by the server. Please forgive any broken links or missing information. |
PB= This is just short for pagebuilder
URL = Universal Resources Locater or a web address
How to get the URL of a gif or page
HTML = hyper text markup language
GIF = graphics interchange format
(ie: an image -can be animated)
JPG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
(ie: an image,sometimes a photograph-Never animated)
<<>HR> = Horizontal Rule (the line above)
<<>HR noshade> = Horizontal Rule-solid
(The solid line above)
<<>br> = break (breaks text into a new sentence line)
<<>P> = Paragraph (equal to two br's)
<<>UL> = Unordered List
<<>OL> = Ordered Lists (how-to-make-them)
Carrot signs <<>> These are the greater or lesser signs located on your keyboard above the comma and the dot. Use your shift key when making them.
Each CODE you write will have a (beginning) <<> and an / (end) tag.
Like this: <<>html>and<<>/html> The / slash says "stop" and ends the code.
Have your special backgrounds dissapeared? Click Here
So here's a couple of tips that could help right now.
Not all Pagebuilder backgrounds provided , will let you center your images and words. Choose different backgrounds until you get the one you want.
TIP: The purple background will "frame" your images.
(Replace the http:// address (url) of the gif with your own gif's address)
NOTE: Since The fall upgrade the <<>div align="center"> code works best!
<<>div align="center"><<>img src="">
<<>div align="right"><<>img src="">
There is only one space after each of these words:
<<>img <<>div (align)
CENTER using the UL tag. Writing ul before words or images will move them over to the right. The more ul's you use, the farther over it will go. Write <<>ul> all the text
that you want moved over to the right here. <<>/UL>
To move it even further over to the right use more uls like this:
<<>ul><<>ul><<>ul>text or image goes here<<>/ul><<>/ul><<>/ul> and so on.
CENTER using the spacer tag.
<<>spacer type="block" width="?" height="?">
Put a number from 1 to 600 where the ? (question mark is)
(note: since the last upgrade, spacer type="horizontal" does not appear to be work all the time , so try this next code if it doesn't work)
To the left of an image tag , write this: <<>spacer type="block" width="1" height="1">
(this should put a small image right in the center of your PB page)
If it doesn't, just Adjust the size of the space you get by changing the"1" to what ever you want.
<<>img src="purTheUrlOfYourImageHere"><<>br> <<>spacer type="block" width="1" height="300"><<>img src="UrlOfImageHere"><<>br>
There are 3 spaces in that code:
one after the word spacer, one after "block" and one after width="1"
INDENT TEXT TO THE RIGHT by putting this before your text <<>blockquote> and this after your text<<>/blockquote>
The only other way I know of to align or center images and text is to use tables.
When your ready to learn tables, you can go to DRAAC'S Site
(example of a very simple table.)
You can also learn the
If you use too many ANIMATED GIFS on your webpage, it will SLOW DOWN the "LOAD" TIME, the time it takes the page to appear. Use animation sparingly.
<<>a href="http://PutTheUrlOfYourPage2Here"> Page TWO
This will make the words Page TWO clickable and will take visitors to your second page.
MARQUEES : For a simple scrolling text marquee , use this tag: <<>marquee> WordsGoHere <<>/marquee>. Be sure to put nothing but text in between the marquee tags. Any other code used after the marquee tag will cancel out the marqee code.
Marquees slow down your webpage load time.
These numbers can be changed to make the image as big or as small as you like. width="100" will make an image about an inch wide (experiment with the numbers)
TEXT: Use the tag <<>font size="5" color=red"> This will give you big red text.
Change the number and color to what you want. 7 is largest, 1 is smallest. There is one space after the word font , one space after "5". Play with the numbers and colors.
IF your image doesn't show, check to make sure you have used the " instead of the '
Make sure the rest of your code and spelling is exact. Centre is not the same as Center in html.
Before editing your page, shut your Web TV terminal off for 5 to 10 minutes. This clears the cache (memory of the sites you were at previously) and makes for faster editing.
CODES : Just remember to always let the code wrap naturally from line to line. It may look odd jumping around by itself at first, but you'll get used to it..NEVER USE YOUR RETURN KEY (when writing code) to go to the next line. Only USE the SPACE BAR on your keyboard. You can use your delete key freely tho.
For Web Classic or Plus owners without the 2.6.1 upgrade:
When you first saw this page, did you notice how the page seemed to wipe from the left to right? For that effect use this: <<>body transition="wiperight">
Click HERE for more transition codes.
UPDATE: With the newsest upgrade, June 2001 (upgrade 2.6), only the backgrounds offered by Webtv's Pagebuiler are showing up. Read below for a "FIX" Go to your Pagebuilder index, select your page and click on: "Change Page". In the text box before the body background url, put this code: <<>/noscript><<>/head> Go to your webpage (index), click on "Change Public Listing" and put this after the title (make a practice page to test this out) another fix: OR You can Retrograde back to the old 2.5 upgrade by reading & following the links on This Page (this will make your background image appear to only the people who have NOT upgraded to 2.6.) or read the THE FIX OR you can use one of these 2 methods on the pages below: The Advanced PB Technique. |
Since the May/June 2000 upgrade, the alignment of some images seems to be wrong. As soon as I find a solution to this problem, I'll put it here.
If your PB image does not show up on your email but only a little blank box does:
Sometimes you have to "prompt" the image to appear in your email by viewing it. Do this by hitting your "Options" key and then your "Go to key", then type the url of the image into the address box and hit the "Return" key.
If your image appears with a black background, then the url for that image is correct. If the PB image does not appear, there is a mistake somewhere in the url.
If your code is showing on your pages near a clickable image link: I have noticed that PB sometimes puts an extra space into the "<<>a href" code when you hit "done" To correct this, look at your code and see if there are extra spaces between the <<>a and the href>, (you can check this by placing your curser in front of the word href= and hit the delete key. (even tho there is only ONE space between <<>a and href= it may be on a separate line, that is ok, as long as there is only ONE space. (never use your "return key" to make code drop to another line, it will do that by itself if you typed the code correctly. If you want all computer users to be able to click on your PB link, you need to include index.html and the number after the word community. Like this example: <<>a href=">My Homepage<<>/a> |
Have you Tried the Beginners newsgroup? EZTips |
Pagebuilder Scrapbook Uploader |
Source Viewer & PB image Extractor |
Scroll down for more help Links
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CC&P 4 WebTV (Cut, copy & Paste)
Adding Music to PB Webpages & Email
Make your Sigs load faster!
Joining a Webring with a PB page
My Top Ten list of html help sites
(try Momp54's & EZcodes for code help)
PB HELP | Inetdou's Tips | Paul Johnson's Help For Beginners |
Draac | Codes | My Help Links |
HTML HELP by Starfish9 | Beth Candy | RESOURCES by Jim Brooks |
You might need to scroll down a little to see the information you want. That's another good tip. Always scroll down on any webpage you are looking at. You might miss the one thing that you need if you don't.
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Text on image using tables (adv)
Here is a very SIMPLE TABLE that will make an image go in the center of the page horizontaly.
<<>div align="center">
<<>table border="0" width="100%">
<<>tr><<>td align="center">
<<>img src="http://PutTheUrlOfAnImageHere">
Spaces: Put one space after each of these: div, table, "0", td, img