A HTML tag is simply a command written between a left arrow and right arrow bracket, such as:
The above tag is the opening tag of a web page. It tells the browser that it's a page written in HTML.
Here are the basic tags you need to make a web page:
Meta Tags (don't worry about these, Pagebuilder automatically puts them in for you)
<<>title>Your page title goes here<<>/title>
<<>body>text goes here<<>/body>
The stuff you want to show the world goes here, between the opening (<<>body>)and closing (<<>/body>)body tags. The HTML tags do not show up on the web page, just this part does.
Most, but not all tags, require a closing tag.
A closing tag is simply the same tag repeated, but with a forward slash in front of the command, such as
Tags can also have attributes and values. Look at the tag below:
<<>body bgcolor="black">
In the above tag, BODY is the command, BGCOLOR is the attribute, and BLACK is the attribute value.
This tells a browser to make the background color of the page black.