~I sat once again trying to sort out the truth,that nagging feeling had been chewing way at me,little by little,piece by piece,until nothing was left but raw irritated nerves...As always I cried out to my Savior,my Lord,my God,tired with desperation in my voice."Jesus,I can,t take this lonely road again,I,ve walked it so many times before,yet it takes me nowhere"I swallowed the words but the thoughts numbed my brains as they drudged up unharness...nowhere but to the end of my emotions..to the void:that emmense grip of painfully,cold blackness.~

~"Mary" He called softly~


~"How is it that you still don't trust me?"His voice was warm and deep. "Lift your eyes to Mine" and with that He gently placed His hand beneath my chin and brought my face opposite His. Looking into His eyes I saw something I'd never seen before,there,a single tear swelled and spilled over His dark lashes and down His smooth olive skin,first one then another. His heart was breaking for me. I lifted my hand to wipe the tears from His cheek,pausing to caress the precious face of Jesus.~

~Then He took my hand gently into His own. I winced as my fingers touched the scar. He cupped His hand over mine and with a pat of reassurance,in that same smooth voice said "Follow Me,there is nothing to fear". With that He let go of my hand and turned and walked away...there before Him I saw that road..just as I'd always seen it before,but this time,Jesus walked ahead of me, I knew I had to follow.~

~The road was long and winding. It was narrow and rocky. The incline sharp and steady. My feet were heavy and each step became harder to take. I slowed to a crawl,but Jesus kept His pace and soon was far ahead of me,out of sight. It seemed like hours had passed as I neared the end of the road,but my heart was full of anticipation. I knew my Lord would be waiting for me,arms opened wide. Just around the corner, I wouldn't have to face the void alone this time.~

~Filthy,exhausted and out of breath, I finally reached the end. As I rounded the last corner, I couldn't believe my eyes,shocked and horrified a cry of agony filled my lungs,as I fell to my knees...."Nooooooo"....There before me hung my precious Jesus,once again nailed upon the tree, His skin hung in ribbons,blood flowed freely down that smooth olive face as the thorns dug deep into His skull.~

~There at the foot of the cross I wept and once again I looked into His eyes. "Why?" I asked Him pleadingly. "Why did you do this for me?" He pushed Himself up on the nail in His feet and gasped a reply I didn,t expect..."The question...My child...is not why..but what now? What..will you do with....Me now?" "I don't know what you mean" I sobbed "what choices do I have?"~

~Then there appeared next to me a large bucket filled with a lifetime of atrocities. The stench was sickening,more hideous then anything I'd ever experienced before. It was all I could do not to wretch at the sight. I looked again to the mutilated figure on the cross and shaking my head. I pleaded "I just don't understand" Again He put all His weight on His feet and spoke in painfull gasps."throw..it..on..Me" I screamed "I can't, I don't understand,Lord..please help me to understand. "I continued frantically" you've already taken my sins,why must you do it again".

~"These aren't..your sins...My child...but the sins..of..the one you seek" "You mean the one who hurt me.." I said quietly,it was more of a statement than a question,"but you've already taken his sins too,why must you do this again?" "My precious ...Child" He spoke lovingly "Each time..you seek him out..you drive the nails into Me..all over again. Until you..let go...of the past..until you..forgive him..I will hang there suspended in agony" With that I grabbed the bucket and flung it as hard as I could away from my Savior into the void beyond the cross.Then I threw myself at the foot of that tree,there I clung with all my might,sobbing uncontrollably.~

~An Angel came that moment and released my sweet Jesus and two of them soon disaappeared from view. I released my painful grip of the cross and pulled myself to my feet. I looked at my own hands and forearms and again I gasped in astonishment,there deeply embedded in my hands and arms were splinters from the cross. As I pulled each of the shards from my own soft flesh the wounds immediately began to heal. Then in a moment the blackness of the void was over taken by the glorious Light of the Son of God..I was free.~

~Author Unknown~


~The Biggest Mathematical Miracle in the World: Moses & the people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food.~

~According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it is reported that Moses would have to have 1,500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each, a mile long would be required!~

~Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, and they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4,000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day. Just think, they were 40 years in transit.~

~Oh, yes, they would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11 million gallons each day, and a freight train with tank cars 1,800 miles long, just to bring water!~

~Then another thing: They had to get across the Red Sea in one night. If they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So, there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5,000 abreast to get over in one night.~

~Then another problem: Each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground 2/3 the size of the State of Rhode Island was required or a total of 750 square miles. Think of it! The space just for nightly camping.~

~Do you think Moses figured all this out before he left Egypt? I think not! You see, Moses believed in God. God took care of these things for him.~

~Now, do you think God has any problem taking care of all your needs?~

~Author Unknown~


~God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain.~

~But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a light for the way.~

~And for all who believe in His kingdom above, He answers their faith with everlasting love.~

~Author Unknown~


~One day, a man went to visit a church. He arrived early, parked his car, and got out. Another car pulled up near him, and the driver told him, "I always park there. You took my place!"~

~The visitor went inside for Sunday School, found an empty seat, and sat down. A young lady from the church approached him and stated, "That's my seat! You took my place!" The visitor was somewhat distressed by this rude welcome, but said nothing.~

~After Sunday School, the visitor went into the church sanctuary and sat down. Another member walked up to him and said, "That's where I always sit. You took my place!"~

~The visitor was even more troubled by this treatment, but still said nothing. Later, as the congregation was praying for Christ to dwell among them, the visitor stood, and his appearance began to change. Horrible scars became visible on his hands and on his sandaled feet. Someone from the congregation noticed him and called out, "What happened to you?" The visitor replied, "I took your place."~

~Author Unknown~


~He was just a little boy, on a week's first day. He was wandering home from Sunday School, and dawdling on the way. He scuffed his shoes into the grass; he found a caterpillar.~

~He found a fluffy milkweed pod, and blew out all the "filler". A bird's nest in a tree overhead, so wisely placed on high, Was just another wonder that caught his eager eye.~

~A neighbor watched his zig zag course, and hailed him from the lawn, Asked him where he'd been that day and what was going on.~

~"I've been to Bible School," he said and turned a piece of sod. He picked up a wiggly worm replying, "I've learned a lot of God.~

~"M'm very fine way," the neighbor said, "for a boy to spend his time." "If you'll tell me where God is, I'll give you a brand new dime."~

~Quick as a flash the answer came! Nor were his accents faint. "I'll give you a dollar, Mister, if you can tell me where God ain't."~

~Author Unknown~


~Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. The child asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"~

      ~God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."~

       ~The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."~

       ~God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."~

~Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"~

~God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."~

~"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."~

~"I've heard that on Earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"~

~God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."~

~"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."~

~God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."~

~At that moment there was much peace in heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."~

~"Her name is not important. You will simply call her Mom."~

~Author Unknown~


~Moses, Jesus, and an old, bearded man were out playing golf one day.~

~Moses pulled up to the tee and drove a long one. It landed in the fairway but rolled directly toward a water trap. Quickly Moses raised his club, the water parted and it rolled to the other side safe and sound.~

~Next, Jesus strolls up to the tee and hits a nice long one directly toward the same water trap. It landed directly in the center of the pond and kind of hovered over the water. Jesus casually walked out on the pond and chipped it up onto the green.~

~The third guy gets up and sort of randomly whacks the ball. It heads out over the fence and into oncoming traffic on a nearby street. It bounces off a truck and hits a nearby tree. From there it bounces onto the roof of a nearby shack and rolls down into the gutter, down the downspout, out onto the fairway and right toward the aforementioned pond. On the way to the pond, it hits a little stone and bounces out over the water and onto a lily pad where it rested quietly. Suddenly, a very large bullfrog jumped up on the lily pad and snatched the ball into his mouth. Just then, an eagle swooped down and grabbed the frog and flew away. As they passed over the green, lightning struck the eagle; the eagle dropped the frog; the frog squealed with fright and dropped the ball, which bounced onto the green and rolled within a couple of inches of the hole.~

~Moses looked at Jesus with a strange look and was about to speak when an earthquake hit the golf course, and the ball rolled into the cup. Moses then turned to Jesus and said, "You know, I just hate playing golf with your Dad."~


~Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school, the Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said, OK..~

~Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem. And we said, an expert should know what he's talking about so we won't spank them anymore.~

~Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued. And we accepted their reasoning.~

~Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we said, that's a grand idea..~

~Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want, so they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't have to = tell their parents they got them at school. And we said, that's another great idea.~

~Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good..~

~And then someone said let's print magazines with pictures of nude women and call it wholesome down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female body. And we said we have no problem with that.. And someone else took that appreciation a step further and published pictures of nude children and then stepped further still by making them available on the Internet. And we said they're entitled to their free speech.~

~And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. And let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes.. ? And we said it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, and nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead..~

~Therefore, now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves..~

~Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with... "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."~

~Pass it on if you think it has merit! If not then just discard it.....~

~But if you discard this thought process, then don't sit back and complain about what a bad shape the world is in...~



~We are not perfect, but don't worry, we are in good company:

       ~Moses stuttered.
    David's armor didn't fit.
    John Mark was rejected by Paul.
    Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
    Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
  Jacob was a liar.
    David had an affair.
    Solomon was too rich.
    Abraham was too old.
    David was too young.
    Timothy had ulcers.
    Peter was afraid of death.
    Lazarus was dead.
    John was self-righteous.
    Naomi was a widow.
    Paul was a murderer. So was Moses.
    Jonah ran from God.
    Miriam was a gossip.
    Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
    Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
     Elijah was burned out.
    John the Baptist was a loudmouth.
    Martha was a worry-wart.
    Mary was lazy.
    The prodigal son was wasteful.
    Samson had long hair.
    Noah got drunk.~

~Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?  So did Peter, Paul well, lots of folks did. But God doesn't require a job interview. He doesn't hire and fire like most bosses, because He's more our Dad than our Boss. He doesn't look at financial gain or loss. He's not prejudiced or partial, not judging, grudging, sassy or brassy, not deaf to our cry, not blind to our need. As much as we try, God's gifts are free. We could do wonderful things for wonderful people and still not be...Wonderful.~

~Satan says, "You are not worthy." Jesus says, "So what! I AM." Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees a cross. He doesn't calculate what you did in '78, 88 or 98; It's not even on the record.~

~Sure, there are lots of reasons why God shouldn't want us, but if we are magically in love with Him, if we hunger for Him more than other next breath, He'll use us in spite of who we are, where we've been, or what we look like. Step out of your limitations into the unlimited nature of God.~

~Author Unknown~


~An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking  about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout, "PRAISE THE LORD!"~

~Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations that he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!"~

~Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for God to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD! God, I need food. I am having a hard time. Please, Lord, send me some groceries."~

~The next morning, the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD!"~

~The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "HA...HA. I told you there was no Lord! I bought those groceries, myself! God didn't!"~

~The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and saying, "PRAISE THE LORD! He not only sent me groceries, but He made the Devil pay for them! PRAISE THE LORD!"~


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