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Click on Vader to get Interactive!!!
Get Interactive!!!This little puzzle should keep you busy for about 5 minutes or so. The idea is real straightforward and simple. Anyone should be able to solve this one without any troubles at all. On a scale of 1-10 I give this puzzle  
4 for difficulty and 10 for fun. 

Get Interactive and frustrated
This puzzle should keep you busy for a real long time. If you have little or no patience plan on getting extremely frustrated. I have only solved it once after many unsuccessful attempts. I would like to now congratulate all of those you do solve this puzzle, I know how hard it really is. But it's here to add some fun to your experience at this site. I hope you enjoy it! On a scale of 1-10 I give this puzzle 10 for difficulty and 2 for fun. Why such a low fun rating? You'll just have to try it out and see why.
More interactive items coming to this page soon.
Last update on this page 
July 18th 1998

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