Another Stop On Mike Nelson's Virtual Tour of San Diego
Cabrillo National Monument -- A Dangerous Sunday Surprise

I spent another Sunday afternoon at Cabrillo on April 18, 1999. It was, of course, another beautiful San Diego day! However, on the way back to the upper parking lot, I discovered that 1-foot-long rattler also enjoying the great day. It, like snakes are prone to do, was basking on the sun-heated pavement just off the sidewalk between the Lighthouse and the Visitor Center. I knew that there were snakes at the point but this is the first time that I've actually seen one.

I watched for about 5 minutes or so. It wasn't happy about being noticed so I gave it plenty of room and it ambled off back into the sunny side of the shrubery where it knew that it could quickly sneak out of sight. By the way, I was over six feet away from the snake when I took this picture so that it wouldn't feel threatened. This was a small rattlesnake compared to others that I've seen since I've lived in San Diego County. I've seen some up at Mt. Laguna which were over 4-feet long.

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Here is my personal general observations about snakes:

Visit the Cabrillo National Monument's official webpage by clicking here.

This page was last updated on 05/22/1999.

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