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This describes your characters basic view and beliefs about the world, and what her behavior is. To view the types of Natures click here.


This is the 'personality' of your mage's Avatar. There are four different types of Essence that will be explained later. There is a theory that the Essence of a mage plays in his destiny,while another theory states that the Essence only reflects the longings of the Avatar. Your mage's Essence could be considered his subconscious. There are four types of Essence, click here to find out what they are.


This is the personality your mage projects to the outside world, her basic persona so to speak. To view the Demeanor choices, click here.

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This is the most common Essence, these type of Avatars are the incarnation of the forces of change. All mages are a part of this force that drives reality, however, mages of this essence are usually consumed by it. They love constant change and are often considered pioneers and embodies the very heart of what it is to be a mage.
Dymanic Avatars are usually energetic with great cunning and curiousity and are impossible to please.

This Essence epitomizes the Technocracy, althought Pattern Essences are vital to the survival of mage society. Mages with this Essence work to a certain end. They are innately dynamic but aren't as concerned with finding new ways as they are with keeping the existing ones alive. Dynamic mages would be unable to pursue their own truths of reality without the support of the Pattern Essence.
These Avatars are stable and constant and usually manifest in one given form. Usually an authority figure from the characters past, a demanding and unforgiving one.

Primordial Essences are rare and draw their nature from the beginning and the end of the universe. Most of the ealier mages embodied this Essence. This Essence wants to return to the Pprimal state, which is an end to everything we know of today.
These mages tend to be abrupt and have alitle time for foolishness, they strive to get to the bottom of everything. Even through all their ancient ways, Primodial Essences crave new experiances. They tend to take the form of animals, spirits, or gods of legend.

These Avatars seek balance. The Questing Essence pushes the mage into journey after journey like the Dynamic urges. The Questing Path however finds the road more important than the destination. Even through this, Questing mages have more focus than Dynamic mages.
Questing mages seek the big picture. These Avatars are often pushy and demanding, they're never satisfied by what's been achieved.
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Nature and Demeanor

Your sense or purpose is to go beyond your own needs. You want to create something that will last for those who come after you. People need things and you gain satisfaction by providing what you can.
Strength - Your strength is purpose. You have a vision that will make the world better.
Weakness - Your weakness is obession with your ambitions. You blindly focus on your plans and your plans alone.
Regain Willpower whenever you create or establish something important or lasting.

You must always be the forefront, whether it's a new dance, fashion trend, or discovery. It's not good unless you were among the first to know. You hate second hand news and new discoveries are your life.
Strength - Your strength is your foresight. You seek out new things and appreciate radical things before others do.
Weakness - Your weakness is your pride, your absolute self assurance that you are better than everyone else. Anything old is held in contempt and you grow tired of the new quickly.
Regain Willpower when you make a signifigant discovery.

Bon Vivant
The sayings "live life to the fullest" and "first you live, then you die, so fuck the world, let's all get high" epitomize the Bon Vivant. To them life is too important to waste so have a good time. You don't mind a little hard work as long as a good time is at completion.
Strength - Your strength is your joie de vivre (love of life). You pity those who do not appreciate life.
Weakness - Your weakness is hedonism. Pleasure is your only real goal.
Regain a point or two of Willpower whenever you have a truly good time and can bring others along for the ride.

War is your pleasure and destiny. It could be a physical scrap to an all out war, someone must die, however, it will not be you. This attitude is more common among Awakened (mages), because reality moves for no weakling.
Strength - You draw strength in your strength. You're hardly ever deterred by obstacles. Most setbacks only encourage you to try again.
Weakness - Anger is your weakness. Life is a battle to you and not a compromise.
Regain Willpower whenever you utterly defeat someone who stands in your way.

You always try to help people around you and struggle to make a difference. People depend on your stability and your strength to keep them steady and centered.
Strength - Your strength is your kindess. Despite the suffering around you, your good heart still make a difference.
Weakness - Your weakness is your lack of confidence. You have a martyr's strength from your sense of duty, a need to validate your existance.
Regain Willpower when you successfully protect or nurture someone else.

Your role is the team player. You gravitate towards a born leader because taking charge isn't your style. You hate inconsistency and instability and it's not your nature to rebel.
Strength - Cooperation is your strength. Unlike your malcontent peers you value the common good..
Weakness - Your weakness is your low self esteem. You don't have the self confidence to assert yourself.
Regain Willpower whenever your group accomplishes something because of your support and aid.

Something for nothing is what you strive to attain. Why work when just by talking you can get what you want? You always search for the easy way out and the fast track to success.Trickey is your game and you're damned good at it.
Strength - Your strength is your cleverness which is a real asset at wartime. You set your friends to tasks and enemies against each other making life easier for your side.
Weakness - Envy is your weakness. You're never happy with what you have and want what others have.
Regain Willpower whenever you trick another person into doing what you want.

Nothing should be accepted without your scrutiny and examination. Nothing is perfect but you must point out blemishes in order to recognize the good. Your standards are high for everything and you insist they be met.
Strength - Your strength is your high standards. Nothing gets accomplished when people are slack. You can be an asset to your friends with your critical eye, if they can stand you.
Weakness - Arrogance is your weakness. It's difficult to accpet who you are so you focus on finding greater faults in others.
Regain one point of Willpower whenever you discover a signifigant imperfection that others overlook.

The world sucks and no one knows it better than you. Everyone around you is bound to screw up and althought your wit is wickedly barbed you find a little lasting pleasure in it. Your middle name is cynicism, and you use it as a tool to judge everything in life.
Strength - Your strength is your critical eye, however, you really need to get a life.
Weakness - Lack of imagination is your weakness. You've lost what truly makes you magical and deny it by putting down the acheivments of others.
Regain Willpower whenever someone does something stupid just like you predicted.

You're among the people who never fit in. Obeying the status quo is not your style. You're not so much a rebel as an independent thinker who doesn't belong in society. You follow your own code of conduct and down't give a damn about the morality of others.
Strength - You shatter boundries by taking them head-on. Your vision is of the future and not the past.
Weakness - Your weakness is your perversion. The energy you require to defy the established order might one day remake the world in your image.
Regain Willpower whenever you successfully thumb your nose at society and it's precepts without retaliation.

You hate chaos and disorder and usually take control to organize things. You love to be in charge and live to organize and strive to make things work. You tend to think of things in black and white terms and trust your own judgement implicitly.
Strength - Organization is your strength. Usually people need leaders to accomplish tasks, and you're a leader.
Weakness - Your weakness is your lack of tolerance.
Regain Willpower when you lead a group and accomplish some signifigant task.

You are consumed by a cause, it's the primary force in your life. Every ounce of blood and passion is directed toward your cause. You feel guilty about spending time doing anything else. Nothing can stand in your way. You and those around you may suffer, but your cause is everything.
Strength - Your strength is dedication. Nothing happens without a sacrifice.
Weakness - Stubborness is your weakness. The possibilities of life have been closed to you.
Regain Willpower whenever you accomplish an act to further your cause.

People go crazy without someone to laugh at, that someone is you. You're a clown, a fool, a comic, you seek the humor in every situation. You hate sorrow and pain and constantly try to take others' minds off of it.
Strength - Your strength is empathy. You can cheer up others and find the banana peel in your cabal's path.
Weakness - Hypocrisy is your weakness. Focusing the attention of others on happiness leaves a deadly potential to ignore the dreadful.
Regain Willpower when you raise the spirits of those around you through the device of humor.

You're a facilitator, moderator, arbitrator. You always seek to make things better. You pride yourself on your rationality judgement, and deductive ability. You respect justice and through justice, truth will reign.
Strength - Your strength is your fairness, wisdom, and logic. Any group in society needs your ability to seperate emotions and the truth.
Weakness - Your weakness if your lack of vision. You've created a static framework that must be expanded to one of choice, openness, and freedom.
Regain Willpower when you are able to seperate the truth from a web of lies, or when you convince disputing individuals to agree with your judgements.

You are a wanderer, hunger, and lone wolf. Though others may think of you as lonely, forsaken or remote, in truth you prefer your own company to that of others.
Strength - Your strength is your self-reliance. You get by just fine without the help of others.
Weakness - Lack of empathy is your weakness. All things and people have value, by interacting with others, you can find a rewarding place in the world.
Regain Willpower when you accomplish a signifigant task on your own, without the help of others. The amount is based on the signifigance of the achievement.

Whatever someone needs, you will do it even if it kills you. This desire for self-sacrifice might stem from low self-esteem or a frofoundly developed sense of love.
Strength - Your strength is your devotion. The world would fall into ruin without those who would willingly give of themselves for others' sake.
Weakness - Your self-sacrifice could destroy you. Without a sense of self-preservation you may be consumed by others' needs.
Regain Willpower whenever you sacrifice yourself in a real and immediate way for your beliefs or another individual.

You're a malcontent, iconoclast, and free-thinker. Your are unwilling to join any cause or movement because you're such an indepent free-thinker.
Strength - Your individuality is your strong point. No one can force you into a static mold.
Weakness - Your weakness is your lack of direction. Your power has no focus and cannot be brought to fruitation without a goal.
Regain Willpower whenever your rebellion against the status quo turns out for the best.

You always survive, no matter what happens. You can endure, pull through, and recover from nearly any circumstance. When the going gets tough you get going, and you never give up.
Strength - Your strength is your perseverance. No matter what the odds, you come out breathing.
Weakness - Your weakness is your lack of trust.
Regain Willpower whenever you survive a difficult situation through your own cunning and perserverance.

You're and orthodox and conservative person. What was good enough for you when you were young is good enough now. you oppose change and are sometimes seen as a miser.
Strength - Consistancy is your strength, and it's good to have. The world is in a state of flux and someone must hold it's center.
Weakness - Your weakness is excessive complacency. A mage must summon the energy to enact new possibilities.
Regain Willpower wheven you are able to protect the status quo and prevent change.

You are imaginative enough to look beyond mundane thought in searc of something more. You may be a spiritualist, shaman, New-Ager, or philosopher, but whatever you are you are always looking for something more.
Strength - Your strength is imagination. With this vision you may guide others who desperately need wisdom.
Weakness - Your weakness is your pride. Pride in your ability to see and understand what others cannot.
Regain Willpower whenever you are able to convince others to believe in your dreams.

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