So, you have been researching your family for years, the hard way. Now you have a computer and you wonder why you waited so long. Hey, this is a little easier, don't you think? Now you really need to put your genealogy out there for others to see. Hey, if we can do this, you can too. So this page has some helpful tools and tips. All are free as far as we are aware of. Some of the graphics may require a link back, so please honor this. We have tried to place items in categories as we could.
Web Design Tips (remember I am no expert)
Web Page Building Programs
(Note: The WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) is a program where you actually see the results as you create them).
AOL Press The WYSIWYG editing capabilities of AOLpress remove the requirement for manual editing of HTML. AOLpress contains simple menu-, dialog-, and palette-based user interfaces for creating, formatting, and editing Web pages. Click on download and be sure to click on documentation to download the manual.
"IMS Web Dwarf" is a visual HTML authoring application for the creation of Internet web pages. The program features a WYSIWYG, Drag and Drop intuitive interface with pixel precision scaling and positioning. Click Web Dwarf on the left to download and follow instructions.
Microsoft Front Page Express This is the web building program
that comes loaded with Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser. It is a WYSIWYG
web page builder. The only way to have this is to download Internet Explorer
by clicking here,
Internet Explorer 5.01.
Here are 2 different online tutorials for FrontPage Express for you to check
Netscape Composer This is the web building program that comes
loaded with the Netscape Communicator Browser. It is a WYSIWYG web page builder.
It is only available if you download the Netscape Browser. You can download
Communicator. It is a large file. Here are 2 online tutorials for
you to check out.
Tutorial 1
Free Web Servers
(Note: When using an online server, please be sure and read their terms of use. Some servers claim rights to all material put on their sites, and yes this means your family info. If they want to use it they can. If your ISP offers free space and it is adequate, then please learn to use it)
This is just a few and I do not support any of them.
To obtain free Web space, users can reach us at:
and must fill out a request form at
and select the "Freepages Account" option. RootsWeb will provide free Web
space for any non-commercial use that is not offensive, discriminatory, or
promotes violence. Those interested in commercial sites should contact RootsWeb
at to make specific arrangements.
Unlimited Space, Unlimited Sites
Tripod 11 MB's of space
MyFamily unknown space available
GeoCities,Yahoo Offers 15 MB's of space, web building tools and lots more
Xoom Free Unlimited space, web building tools and more
Family Tree Maker unknown space
Genealogy Graphics
(These are pages that offer graphics for genealogy use. Be sure and check their Terms.)
VikiMouse Very excellant genealogy graphics. Requires a link back Check out all the goodies available.
Rhio's Sampler Graphics for Genealogy Pages Some very excellant graphics. Link is required.
Misty's Digging for Graphics Some fine genealogy graphics. Link is required.
Marvelicious Genealogy Backgrounds Link is required.
Graphics by Chris Some very wonderful graphics. No link required, but I would just to say Thank You!
Glee Graphics Lots of great graphics. Link is required
Genealogy's Most Wanted GenGifs Free graphics no link required
der Hund Haus Some very good graphics. Link is required.
Cherished Memories Very nice genealogy graphics. Link is a requirement.
A Touch of Country Some good country graphics here. Link is a requirement.
Genie Art Site dedicated to genealogy graphics. Link not required but would be nice for all the good graphics.
Graphics By Shawna Lots of good graphics here. Link is required.
Graphics By Trial and Error Lots of good graphics. Link is required.
Marvelicious Graphics This site has some great graphics. A link is required. This site also lists hundreds of links to other graphic sites.
Barbara's Bordered Backgrounds All genealogy graphics here. Link is required.
Antique Graphics Repository As far as I can tell, totally free.
Genealogy Graphics Some good graphics. Link is required.
Timberlake Grahics Some good graphics, including sets. Link is required.
City of the Silent-Cemetery Clipart Some good graphics. Link is required.
(Note: There are so many graphics links out there. I have
only listed ones that contain genealogy graphics. If you have a good
site that has graphics for genealogists, and would like to put the link here,
I would be happy too. For sites with everyday graphics, and there are
thousands, just use your favorite search engine.)
Genealogy Helper Programs
(These programs are used to convert your GedCom into Web Pages for putting on the Net)
GED2WWW is a free GEDCOM to HTML converter; it takes a genealogy database
stored in GEDCOM format and produces a bunch of web pages from it.
Ged Browser The ultimate tool for converting your genealogy to HTML.
Uncle GED A free GedCom to HTML converter. Pages done with this look very nice.
Familia (Web Publishing of Family Tree and Photo Album) Have you ever thought about putting your family tree and pictures on the Web? If you did, you would probably like to link the tree and the pictures. You would like to click on a cousin's name and get all her pictures and to understand who is who on a group photo.
uFTi uFTi is a widely used tool to create a comprehensive web site from your existing genealogy database. It is free but you must register.
GedCom Cleaners
(These programs take all the information out on living individuals)
Res Privata Using Res Privata, you can filter the details of your original GED file and create a new file ready for sharing with other genealogists or publishing on the Internet.
GEDPrivy Remove information about all living individuals from your GedCom. Then you can keep the living private whether you are posting your file to the net or sharing with a distant relative.
GuestGear (formerly Guest World) Get your guestbook here
RootsWeb's Guestbooks Free guestbooks
Search Engine Submitters
Lycos Add-A-Site Free to submit your page or pages to Lycos.
HotBot Submit your site here. submit your site here free
(Note: This has some of the same sites, but lot's more links and good tips and how-to's)
Genealogy Home Page Construction Kit