Answers to Trivia Quiz #52

1. to carry water into a city from long distances away

2. ballet dancing

3. Michelangelo

4. the American Stock Exchange

5. a group of islands

6. the War in Vietnam

7. President Ronald Reagan was most definitely a conservative and a Republican.

8. the right to vote

9. A traditional sonnet has fourteen lines.

10. High Definition Television

11. Neptune

12. Gautama's famous nickname was Buddha, and he obviously founded Buddhism.

13. Humans are classified in the class Mammalia and the order Primates.

14. uranium

15. the telephone

16. exclamatory

17. Cana

18. Sierra Leone is found on the western side of the continent of Africa.

19. Camelot

20. 640 acres = one square mile

21. John Adams was the father of John Quincy Adams.

22. Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia.

23. Hans Christian Andersen

24. Neil Armstrong

25. Attila the Hun

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