Answers to Trivia Quiz #62

        1. a medieval singer who wandered from castle to castle singing songs and telling stories

        2. saxophone

        3. November 29, 1929, was the day the U.S. stock market crashed, setting off the Great Depression of the 1930's.

        4. gold

        5. the Caspian Sea

        6. a leader of independence movements in South America

        7. Uncle Tom's Cabin

        8. Lincoln and Douglas were running against each other to be elected U.S. Senator from Illinois. Mr Douglas won the Senate seat.

        9. cruel and unusual punishment

        10. Hammer, Spade, and Marlowe were private detectives.

        11. The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells

        12. the pancreas

        13. Judaism (the Jewish religion)

        14. 240 thousand miles

        15. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

        16. V stands for voltage; R stands for resistance.

        17. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

        18. had. . .died

        19. SHEM

        20. Somalia

        21. Emmys

        22. sheep

        23. Fidel Castro

        24. Samuel Colt designed and built a .45 caliber revolver.

        25. Cleopatra

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