The Witches Chronicle

Hello, and welcome to the old Witches Chronicle. The Chronicle will not be updated anymore. Why? Because I simply can't keep it up to date. I have school (ugh) and other things going on, like working on other websites and stuff like that. Every month or so I'll write an editorial on various subjects (none as banal and pointless as the cat article and the thunderstorm article). This page is the new site to the Senshi Olympics -- that is a purely original concept and I want to develop it. Imagine the Senshi as athletes!

Well, anyway, here's a few articles and a completely outdated 'Year In Review'.
Year In Review Sailormoon in 1998
Archives Read some old articles.
Guest Column Editorials and stories by fellow readers. This will still be open. 

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I sorta made this background by lightening it.