The Assassins

This page contains biographies of the current Assassins. And like on the Thieves' page, there's a page linked at the bottom of now-dead members of the Guild.

BELLA DONNA BOUDREAUX: Current viceroy of the Unified Guilds, former matriarch of the Assassins Guild and ex-wife of Gambit, Bella Donna made her first appearance in X-Men #8. She is a telepath, although I do not think she's a very strong one, and she's a very skilled killer.

GRIS-GRIS: This huge (yeah he's a big man) voodoo master first appeared in the Rogue Limited Series. He holds the Assassins Guild title "First Kill" and was right-hand man to Marius Boudreaux before Marius died, and is now what Bella Donna calls her "besider". He has the ability to manipulate emotions.

FIFOLET: If it's possible for me to have a favorite member of this Guild, it's Fifolet. Maybe it's the hair, I dunno. ;) Anyway he first appeared in the Rogue Limited Series. He has the ability to render himself and his clothing intangible whenever he wants to.

SINGER: This beautiful killer first appeared in the Rogue Limited Series, just like her male Assassins Guild counterparts. She can fly (in fact I have never seen the woman walking anywhere yet!) and is also a communications channeler. She usually uses that power to project messages (through her eyes) from Bella Donna to other people.

QUESTA: The man with the female name (his character was originally a woman, in the Rogue Limited Series) is literally the most insane member of the Assassins Guild. He has the ability to stimulate shape-shifting by manipulating another person's optic impulses. He can also change what other people see in their minds.