"Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention"
June 5th. to 7 th. 1998

(Page 4)

Here are some pics that were taken
during the last day we were all together!

Brownie (our board monitor). Steve in the back!

Jo, Jodi, Popeye (the croissant QUEEN), Jenny Mc., & Brownie from the back!

This is Jodi & Brownie
They are the official board monitors of our Chatterboard Board!

Blondie & Lawrence

Here we are all in the lobby. Saying our final Good-Byes!

Here we are walking down Clifton Hill
On our way to The Hard Rock Café for lunch.

Some of us went to The Hard Rock Café, for luch before we made that long journey home.
Here are Charlie, Blondie , Lawrence & Debra!

Here are from left to right circling the table:
Brownie, Gina, René, Amy, Jenny, Ruth Ann, Charlie, Blondie, Lawrence, Debra & Holly Hobby.

Here is Holly Hobby's Mom & daughter Alissa.
Her Mom is such a sweetie! And Alissa is a cute as a button

Here we are all walking back up the hill to get to our cars!
Left to Right
Jenny, Debra, Amy, Ruth Ann, René & Gina!


Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 1)

Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 2)

Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 3)
