"Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention "
June 5th. to 7 th. 1998

(Page 3)

These following picture were taken on the Saturday.
Some of us shopped, some went sight seeing and the lucky ones went to the Casino$$$$
Then on Saturday night we all got all dolled up and went to see the...
"OH CANADA EH !!" Dinner show !

Lisa Lou & Cole (my grandson)

Stephanie came from Texas on the Saturday.
Carl, Stephanie & Jake

Walking to the Dinner Show
Gina's friend, Gina & Popeye

Jodi & René

Jo, Steve & Brownie

Here we all are sitting down to eat!
From left to right:
Lisa Lou, Donn@, Gary, Popeye, Jo,
Steve, Jodi, Sandy & Tabetha

Next table from left to right :
Ray, René, Joto, Linda, Gina, Gina's friend
Stephanie, Jake, Carl & Merilyn

Last table left to right:
Diane D.,Brownie, Holly Hobby, Debra, Amy,
Jenny Mc., Marie Joseé, Ruth Ann & Charlie
I was taking the pics !!

Ruth Ann's hubby, Charlie being serenaded!! LOL!

And here Charlie is serenading this young Lass! LOL!

Not a very good pic, but here I am...Sara...
I was being honored by the head of the Show Cast, for adding to the Tourism of Niagara Falls.
By bringing in all my CB pals from all over the States, Ontario & Quebec.
I recieved the "OH CANADA EH" medal of honor for dong so! LOL!
What a hoot that was!

Here are Joto & I , taken right outside the show after it finished!
Isn't she a sweetie? She is one of 3 Canadians that were here !

Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 1)

Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 2)

Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 4)
