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This list currently includes only vehicles purchased new by Barton since fleet number 1000. Gaps in the list are accounted for by secondhand vehicles, which formed a significant part of the fleet prior to the decision to standardise on Bus Grant specification dual-purpose coaches from the early 1970's. An exception is that several vehicles of the 1976 orders were never delivered, and their numbers were therefore never used - see notes at end of list.

It should be noted that after fleet number 1464, the decision was made to drop the initial '1' from the number as it had become possible to do so without causing duplication.

F/NoReg. No. ChassisBody
1000ANN 700B Bedford VAL14 Duple C52F
1001-10BVO 1-10C AEC Reliance Harrington C51F
1011-25BVO 11-25C Bedford SB5 Harrington C41F
1028DNN 647C Bedford CALZ30 Martin Walter C11F
1029DVO 262C Bedford CALZ30 Martin Walter C11F
1030EAL 557C Bedford VAS1 Duple C29F
1061-70FVO 61-70D AEC Reliance Plaxton C51F
1071-80FVO 71-80D Bedford VAM5 Plaxton C45F
1081JAL 642D Bedford VAS1 Duple C29F
1082JNN 128D Bedford VAM5 Duple C45F
1091-100LVO 91-100E AEC Reliance Plaxton C53F
1114SNN 644F Bedford CALZ30 Martin Walter C11F
1130-9YRR 508-17H Barton BTS2 Plaxton C45F
1144-53DAL 769-78J AEC Reliance 6U2R Plaxton C53F
1179-89GAL 12-22J Bedford YRQ Willowbrook DP52F
1190HAL 680K Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1191/2GAL 24/5J Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1193HAL 681K Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1194-1203HVO 463-72K Bedford YRQ Plaxton C45F
1204HVO 473K Barton BTS2 Plaxton C45F
1205-19LAL 307-21K Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1220-9MRR 802-11K AEC Reliance 6U2R Plaxton DP64F
1230-49RVO 652-71L Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1250-9VAL 963-72L Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
1260-4VVO 65-9L Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
1265/6XRR 596/7M Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
1267VVO 657L Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
1268-80XRR 598-610M Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
1281VVO 658L Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1282-1300XRR 611-29M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1301-36WRR 339-74M Bedford YRT Duple C53F
1337-72YVO 267-302M Bedford YRT Duple C53F
1373-87OAL 617-31M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1388-1412ONN 271-95M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1413/26/15-20PNN 767-74M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1414/27/9/30RNN 982-5N Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1421-5PRR 477-81M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1428PAL 796M Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1431-45GNN 212-26N Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R Plaxton C53F
1451-64HRR 757-70N Bedford YRT Plaxton C53F
465-79MNU 465-79P Leyland Leopard PSU3C/4R Plaxton C53F
480-2RCH 480-2R Leyland Leopard PSU3C/4R Plaxton C53F
484-7/9RRC 484-7/9R Leyland Leopard PSU3C/4R Plaxton C53F
495-500/3/4/7-9MTV 495-50/3/4/7-9P Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
501/2/6/11RCH 501/2/6/11R Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
510NTO 510P Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
513-20RRR 513-20R Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
521-32ARB 521-32T Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
533/4/7ERB 533/4/7T Leyland Leopard PSU3E/4R Plaxton C53F
535/6/8-47FTO 535/6/8-47V Leyland Leopard PSU3E/4R Plaxton C53F
548ERB 548T Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
549-62FTO 549-62V Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
563-6KAU 563-6V Leyland Leopard PSU3E/4R Plaxton C53F
567-72LNU 567-72W Leyland Leopard PSU3E/4R Plaxton C53F
573-5KAU 573-5V Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
576-82LNU 576-82W Bedford YMT Plaxton C53F
583-92PTV 583-92X Leyland Leopard PSU3F/4R Plaxton C53F
593-602PTV 593-602X Bedford YNT Plaxton C53F
603-12VRC 603-12Y Leyland Leopard PSU3G/4R Plaxton C53F
613A613 CAL DAF MB200DKFL600 Plaxton C53F
614-7A614-7 ATV DAF MB200DKFL600 Plaxton C53F
618-22A618-22 ATV Leyland Tiger TRCTL11/3RH Plaxton C53F
623-7B623-7 JRC DAF MB200 Plaxton C53F
628-33C628-33 PAU DAF MB230 Plaxton C53F
634-43D634-43 WNU DAF MB230 Plaxton C53F
644-8E644-8 DAU DAF MB230 Plaxton C53F


  • 1357 was rebodied Plaxton C53F in 1975
  • 1204 was a rebuild of an AEC Reliance
  • The numbers 483/8, 490-4, 505, 512 were not used, the vehicles were cancelled
  • 1446-50 were AEC Reliances dating from the early- to mid-1960's, acquired secondhand
  • All vehicles with 3-figure numbers which were still in service after the takeover by Trent had their numbers prefixed by 1