Trinidad is separated from Venezuela
by the seven mile (11km)
straits of the Gulf of Paria.
Location: Latitude 10 1/2°N,
Longitude 61 1/2° W
Physical Area: Rectangular in shape,
measures 37 miles (80 km)
by 50 miles (60 km).
Total Area: 1864m2 (4828km2)
Major Cities: Port of Spain (capital), San Fernando
Major Towns: Arima, Point Fortin, Chaguanas
Trinidad comprises 1,864m2,
about one and a half times
the size of the state of
Rhode Island. The territory enjoys a
tropical climate with average
maximum temperatures of 32°C, (89°F).
owing to the more constant
north east trade winds.
There is a dry season from January
to May and a wet season
from June to December.
Annual rainfall is about 200
cm (40 inches) over
most of the country.
Trinidad is just south
of the hurricane belt.