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Duke    nukem    3-D

Trucos que afectan al juego:      
 DNCORNHOLIO - Modo Dios (y Jetpack ilimitado)     
 DNKROZ - Igual que DNCORNHOLIO     
 DNVIEW - Realiza la misma acción que si pulsas la tecla F7 durante el juego   
 DNHYPER - Modo esteroides     
 DNITEMS - Te proporciona todo el inventario y las llaves     
 DNWEAPONS - Te ofrece todas las armas y su munición     
 DNKEYS - Te proporciona todas las llaves     
 DNSTUFF - Obtienes todas las armas, llaves y objetos del inventario     
 DNSCOTTYxyz - Saltar a un nivel. x es el número de episodio; yz es el del nivel     
 DNSKILLx - Cambia la dificultad a x (de 0 a 3)     
 DNUNLOCK - Abre todas las puertas     
 DNMONSTERS - Activa o desactiva los monstruos     
 DNCLIP - Atravesar las paredes (usa este truco con cuidado; tu ordenador se puede colgar)
Trucos que no afectan al juego      
 DNSHOWMAP - Muestra el mapa completo     
 DNCASHMAN - Tira dinero cuando pulsas la tecla Espacio     
 DNCOORDS - Muestra un mapa detallado de coordenadas     
 DNDEBUG - Muestra la información de depuración     
 DNRATE - Muestra el número de frames por segundo     
 DNBETA - Muestra el mensaje "Pirates Suck!"     
 DNALLEN - Muestra el mensaje "Buy Major Stryker"     
 DNTODD - Muestra el mensaje "Register Cosmo Today!"     


Resumen del agente M:

Tu eres Bond, James Bond y tienes que resolver 18 misiones (y 2 secretas) para desenmascarar al terrorista Janus, quien ha tomado el control del satélite Golden Eye con el cual planea apoderarse del mundo. Utiliza tus ingeniosos aparatos y tu habilidad del mejor espía del mundo, no nos decepciones y por favor Bond trae de regreso todos los aparatos en una pieza (en especial el Nintendo 64) pues a veces pienso que los destruyes a propósito.

En este juego, como ya lo menciono el agente M tendrás que pasar por 20 misiones en tres diferentes dificultades, la ventaja es que cuentas con una gran variedad de armas y aparatos para cumplir con tu misión.

El juego tiene gráficas que sólo el Nintendo 64 te ofrece, podrás ver todo lo que Bond ve, este juego no es sólo otro juego de perspectiva de primera persona, pues además de escapar de los complejos laberintos tendrás que cumplir con los requisitos que cada misión te pide para poder completarla. 

Cuenta con la opción para hasta 4 jugadores simultáneos en un excelente modo de batalla, y por si esto fuera poco si acabas el juego podrás escoger más personajes en este modo de batalla.

Además el juego es compatible con el Rumble Pak, este increíble accesorio que te sumergirá aún más en este excelente título.

Suerte Bond...

Estos son algunos trucos...

GoldenEye 007

The following codes are enabled in the Cheat Options menu by completing the appropriate level on the specified difficulty level in the time allowed: 
Nivel Truco Dificultad Tiempo
1 Dam- Jugar con paintball Secret agent 2:40
2 Facility- Invicibilidad 00 Agent 2:05
3 Runway- Personajes Cabezones Agente 5:00
4 Surface- 2x Granade Launcher Secret Agent 3:30
5 Bunker- 2x Rocket Launcher 00 Agente 4:00
6 Silo- Modo Turbo Agente 3:00
7 Frigate- Sin Radar Secrent Agent 4:30
8 Surface2- Bond pequeno 00 Agente 4:15
9 Bunker2- Tira 2 cuchillos Agente 1:30
10 Statue- Animacion Rapida Secret Agente 3:15
11 Archives- Invicibilidad 00 Agente 1:20
12 Streets- Enemigos con rockets Agente 1:45
13 Depot- Animacion lenta Secret Agente 1:40
14 Train- PP7 de plata 00 Agente 5:25
15 Jungla- 2x hunting cuchillos Agente 3:45
16 Control- Municion infinita Secret Agente 10:00
17 Caverns- 2x RC-P90`s 00 Agente 9:30
18 Cradle- PP7 de oro Agente 2:15
19 Axtec- 2x laser`s Secret Agente 9:00
20 Egiptian- Todas las armas 00 Agente 6:00

To get

Aztec stage: Beat the game on Secret Agent. 
Egyptian stage: Beat the game on 007 Agent mode. 
007 mode: Beat every single level, including the two secret levels. 
Extra multi-player characters: After beating the game on Agent mode, you can be villains like Mayday, Oddjob, Jaws, and Baron Samedi, in addition to all the other characters in the game! 
Clone characters: In multi-player, set it to 3 players. Have player 3 pick the character you want to clone, then have players 1 and 2 choose any characters so they can exit. Now set it to 2 players and have one player pick the same character that player 3 chose earlier. Have the other player choose any character and exit again. Now set it to 3 players and press Start. Volia! 
All-Characters Code:
Enter this on Multi-Player mode on character select screen. Start at the very end character on the right...(Mishkin or Moonraker Elite)

1. Hold the L and R buttons and press C-left
2. Hold L and press C-up
3. Hold L and R and press left on the control pad
4. Hold L and press right on the control pad
5. Hold R and press down on the control pad 
6. Hold L and R and press C-left
7. Hold L and press C-up
8. Hold L and R and press right on the control pad 
9. Hold L and R and press C-down
10.Hold L and press down on the control pad
Your game will not save this code, so you'll have to re-enter it every time you want to use the extra characters...
Scientist Guns:
On any board in Secret or 00 Agent mode with scientists (i.e. facility, silo, caverns), shoot a scientist with any gun just once in the arm and once in the leg. If you did it right, the guy shouldn't die, but he should take out a DD44 Dostovei and start shooting you! They usually hit you and waste health, so don't hesitate to kill them and grab their weapon..

Some people believe that shooting the scientists twice in the leg works better. Try it and see.

Two different guns at the same time:
Once you have a paired set of guns do the following... 

1- Press and hold A 
2- Press z twice 
3-Release the A button 
4-Press the A button 
5-Press Z to fire 2 or 3 times to fire while changing weapons. 
If done correctly firing the weapon will lock 1 of the weapons on the screen in the middle of changing weapons, leaving you with a mixed pair!
More guns:
Play the train on the agent level. Now go to the two boxes stacked on top of each other right before the first door on your left. Blow them up and a RC-P90 should pop out with lots of ammo. If you play on secret agent a DD44 will pop out. There is none for 00 agent.

Even More Guns:
In the Water Caverns, in the big room by the Com area by the far windows on the right, in the right hand corner there is a box which, if shot, will explode into a smaller box, which in turn if shot will turn into another smaller box. Continue this until two metallic boxes appear. When shot, each of these creates a AR33 Assault Rifle. You can then hold an Assault Rifle in each hand. Couple that kind of fire power X2 and the zoom function...oh baby.

Uh...Guns, anyone?:
In the caverns level when you go through the blast doors and then through the normal doors to find Trevylan, you can turn back and hang about a bit . If you wait around long enough then an entire fleet of soldiers armed with weird shotguns (with the cartridges on the side????) and RCP-90s come along. After you kill some of them you can run about with two RCP-90s with full ammo. Woohaa!

Remote Mines without Detonators:
On any level with remote mines throw a remote mine anywhere. Hold A+B and it will detonate.

Floating Mines:
Place any kind of mine (remote mines, proximity mines, or timed mines) onto a piece of glass and shoot the glass until it breaks without hitting the mine and blowing it up. Instead of the mine falling it will be floating in midair!

More Floating Mines:
Pick remote mines and then go to the Bunker in Vs. mode. Then you place one mine on each of the T.V.'s (there are eight of them) that are on the ceiling. Blow them up. Now you can place mines anywhere you want in mid-air. All players will have this cheat. 

Invisible Mines:
In Multi-player mode, plant a mine on ammo, then pick up the ammo. When you do, the mine is still there but you and your enemy can't see it. It's a good trick if someone is chasing you and isn't very close...

Exploding stairs:
Choose Multi-player "remote mines" "Bunker" and choose characters if you want to... Now go to the big hall (The hall with TV´s) Now choose the "Remote mines" and crouch down and go to the stairs... Now you will see that you can throw a mine exactly under the stairs - not on the diagonal side! Others will see the mine(s) only at the straight side! Now when you know a person will go on the stairs... KABOOOM!

Cool train glitch:
For this code you have to have 2x Grenade launchers. On the train you beat all of the missions and use your laser watch to get out, then you run to the front of the train, get your grenade launchers out and shoot them up in the air. When you get done and see the part where they are shown running away from the train all of the grenade launchers bombs are hitting Bond and Natalya.

Shoot through the wall:
In Surface 2, you can shoot through one of the walls to kill enemies. The glitch is the forest wall between the cabins enclosed by a fence and the cabins down that road with the alarm and video camera. It is in the boundary line of trees. It is the part that comes to a point. If you walk up next to it, you can see the cabins enclosed by the chain fence and the shadows of the enemies when they walk by. You can shoot right through the boundary wall to kill the enemies.

Climb the vent in the Facility:
You need to be in Multi-Player mode. Get one player to get on the toilet right under the vent. Then the other player runs in and starts to wiggle left and right and always going forward into the other person. While you're doing that look up then down by pressing C up, C down. This is good for capture the flag.

Extra time on the Train:
On the Train, level 14, when you get to the end open the door and you will see Ourumov with a gun holding up Natalya. In the background you will see Xenia and Trevelyan. Side step to the left and quickly kill Xenia with the PP7, and as soon as you know that she is dead kill Ourumov. If done correctly you will get an extra 1:30 which allows you to have time to complete your Objectives in 00Agent.

To get into the vent with only one player, on multi-player or mission mode, get into a stall facing the door. Hold down the R button, C-Right, and left on the analog stick. You will begin to spin. After spinning, you will start "Hovering." When you are on the vent, let go of all the buttons, and push back on the analog stick and voila! 

Slap Jaws:
Use your Haikibo kung fu slap on Jaws. He won't get off a shot!

How to Get the Golden Gun in Level 20:
This is possibly the hardest task in Goldeneye 007. And it's a spoiler, so if you don't want to read on and find out for yourself, then stop here!
Go straight to the tomb in which the Golden Gun is hidden. Open the door. Step in onto the first square and step two squares to the left (or all the way to the left). Go two squares up, then go three right. Then go two squares up, one left, one up, one left, then go two up and one right. You should be in front of the gun, and, believe it or not, uninjured.

Game Shark codes
Infinite Health 
810D303C 3F80
810D304E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800D37FF 0007


Infinite Health
810B643C 3F80
810B644E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800B6BFF 0007


Infinite Health 
810D943C 3F80
810D944E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800B9BFF 0007


Infinite Health 
810B3C3C 3F80
810B3C4E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800B43FF 0007


Infinite Health 
810C683C 3F80
810C684E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800C6FFF 0007


Infinite Health
810E633C 3F80
810E634E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800C6FFF 0007


Infinite Health 
810B3C3C 3F80
810B3C4E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800B43FF 0007


Infinite Health 
810C543C 3F80
810C544E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800C5BFF 0000


Infinite Health
810CCC3C 3F80
810CCC4E 0000

Infinite Ammo
800CD3FF 0007


Infinite Health 
810D6C3C 3F80
810D6C4E 0000

Infinite Ammo 
800D73FF 0007

General Codes

All Guns
80069653 0001

Bond Invisible 
8006965a 0001

DK Mode 
8006965c 0001 

Enemy Rockets
8006966c 0001

Fast Animation 
8006966a 0001

Infinite Ammo 
8006965b 0001

80069652 0001

Line Mode
80069657 0001

No Radar (Multi) 
80069667 0001

Paint Ball Mode
8006965f 0001

Slow Animation 
8006966b 0001

Tiny Bond 
8006965e 0001

Turbo Mode 
80069668 0001

2XGrenade Launchers 
8006966e 0001

2XHunting Knife 
80069671 0001

80069672 0001

8006966f 0001

2XRocket Launchers 
8006966d 0001

2XThrowing Knife 
80069670 0001

Gold PP7
80069665 0001

Golden Gun 
80069663 0001

80069662 0001

80069661 0001

Silver PP7
80069664 0001 

Note: Turn OFF all other codes if you wish to use the ones below...

Extra Ammo
80030b28 0042

Bulletproof Bond
8002ce44 0030
80030b20 0030

Enemy Cannot Aim
8002ce40 0030
80030b1c 0030

Weak Enemies
8002ce48 0048

Todo esto es sacado de la direccion que esta en la pagina principal (game-revolution)

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