The Really short Ver. Of this page:
Heaven is a Crazy, white-haired Dr. Pepper obsessed, LFOH making, Axe carring, 23 yearold. *S* Short eh?
Stats and such:
Real Name: Meka Roe
Eye Color:Is a Greenish color.
Hair:White. (Currently has pink strips in it*
Height/Weight:She won't tell
Other:She is usally a fairly nice person. She had alot fo stress in her life in the month of july and has still not recovered(UPDATE:Feb-Doing better). She man snap at any moment. She has been know to try to kill people on an impulse. REason:Unknown.
Objects:(Things she either carrys w/ her or has)
Heaven wears outfits that she has gone and made out of a really thin and flexiable metal,feels and looks like cloth, that she got from her "friends". Its not great armour but it helps if just walking down the stree.
Cat Stone:
The catstone doesn't play as an important role in heavens lfe as it used to. If u realy care click on the link to learn more. If not, Lets just say it saved her life and help bring out her powers faster then if she didn't have it.
The Bag:
Heaven carries a bag, and it seems to have everything but
the kitchen sink!(u never know). She got in from a race of
aliens she met in space a while back(maybe she'll tell u
why if u ask). It apears to be a bag, but it's really a
portal to another demention. Thats why she can fit
anything she wants in it. She just has to think about what
she wants.
The Story: Read about Heaven's Past, and how some things came to be.
Meka's Message Center: Leave a message to Meka.(Guest Book)
ICQ ME!-Send me some feedback and what u think of this page threw ICQ or just tell me Hi.<
-Stuff that has happened to )-(eaven since she has come to the mansion.
-'nuff said
-Here on demand. What )-(eaven REALLY belives in.