How we both adored our little poodle

"Doggie in the Window" may be slow

( published August 8, 2000 )
( updated April, 2002 )


Next to his love of all mankind, Bernie loved all animals. His favorite was dogs so we always had one. This is "Candy". She is a brown poodle weighing 8 pounds. Her eye operation when she was 14 years old enabled her to see after many years of blindness. Being deaf she was then able to respond to sign language. However, she continued to look for Bernie in all of his favorite places.

Candy lived to age 17 years 3 months. The last year prior to death her eyes became very sensitive to light, causing her to shake and often fall. This required her to wear sun goggles, a sun hat or both in the daytime. She was afflicted with doggie alzheimers along with weakened hind leg muscles. Gradually she recognized only me. For 3 months I hesitated to have her put to sleep. The Vet said it was an inevitable must so I finally conceded. This was a very traumatic experience. She was cremated, placed in a tiny coffin inscribed "Candy" and buried with Bernie. I desperately miss my loveable constant companion.


In Memory


February 7, 1985 - April 9, 2002



These gifs do not belong to me. They belong to the many talented people who developed them. By surfing the web I located everything for my Web Site and I thank everyone for generously supplying them. However, if any of these are copyrighted please let me know and they will be removed immediately.