Poet Dorothy's Home Page

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Wind Beneath My Wings

"Poet Dorothy"

"Welcomes All" To My Homepage.

A good poet chooses to be creative in the greatest scope of enthusiasm and hard work.

"Imagistic Poetry", is in her goal to happiness within herself, through greatness and encouragement in the awakening of creativity in God.

Choosing Peace With Nature

A Poet I Am, Yet I A Friend For All Meet.


To the world I bestow my greatest gift.
I can offer you an imagistic journey.
On a pathway to find a special uplift.
In the unexplored realm of poetry.

Leading you to vividly experience the
The wonders of life in God's foyer.
A spiritual morsel from my heart is sewn.
My gift of poetry will pave a new highway.

To the world I bestow my greatest gift.
I can offer you an imagistic journey.
On a pathway to find a special uplift.
In the unexplored realm of poetry.

Dorothy E. Scott
© Copyrighted 2002
All Rights Protected.

My Silver Poet Award

My Greatest Achievement Is: God, My Family, Friends, Books, The Golden Key, Paper And Pen.

I am a professional poet, my first books are out in one found here;

I am married to a great man Johnny. We have been married 15 years. I have a wonderful two aunts by marriage truly my family too, Aunt Mary is so dear to me, and Aunt Ozell both in their eighties. I love you both very much, My aunts forever.

I have a very serious heart disease caused by a medicine "Cisapride". The medicine has left serious complications in my heart, it has really made life difficult for me, living each day second by second. Each moment that I live is a new life for me, this life I cherish everyday. As I lay down to sleep, I do not know if I will awake tomorrow, as I often go unconscious, or my heart clutches, stopping blood while I sleep. So I thank my God for every second that I live, for every breath I take, and for everyday that I live.

I have an adopted family Blazer Family. They are truly all my real family. I love all them all: my moms, Ruth, Cocomom, MuffyMom, Grannies: Granny T, Granny Ginnie, my sises and brothers, and my Grandad Ben Henry, Grandpa Marvin, and Grandma Wynell. a special Granny Wanda has been my crutch when things were bad as I live with this disease Prinzmatel Angina and hitting 99% my body, because its rare and in my case left untreated can be fatal. Mine didn't have right drugs and became a devil to deal with..

I have a special brother; Mark D - , he is the webmaster building this wonderful site for you to view. We are still building. I love him dearly and you will too.

I have been tested faith-wise many times: Two Reverends Brenda and Shannon and Granny Wanda have taught me that faith is the key and laughter to healing I love them dearly. Another group pray4me is an egroup run by Betty and Sandy, they are blessings to me and many too. My adopted sisters.

Writers Links

In little over seven years I have written 68 books Christian, Children, And Regular. Two of my books are out now in one book. A very special Adopted sister, Reverend Bertha Williams, made in her magazine my own poetry corner with Almshouse News Magazine out of Pa. Together we can spread God's word. I send a poem list, so please email me if would like to join my list, or receive a magazine. It's God's gift. He is the greatest Father and Friend.

I write poems for so many. My goal is to help world since five. I learned that a wonderful family waits in a chat room, gaining many new kin. There are many heartaches can be found in this world I am God's poetry minister and help many with poetry too.

I write many weddings, memorials, logos, poems special too for people anniversaries, and I write for birthdays. Anyone is welcome to ask for a poem I comply.


Email Me


I look for love, sincerity, and care in other people. I hate to see hyprocrite actions, and those who are mad. I dislike a friend who backbites, and is untrusting. Most of all, I can't understand abusers, thieves, and murderers.

I am a peace lover. I choose to love all and choose to love me. I am what you see a poet who has endured so much to help the world.

My Favorite Things Are:

I would say my favorite things are nature animals and life. I love nature and people I love meeting new people and old friends to make their world brighter.
I love cooking and writing poetry. I love friendship and helping people. Most of all my favorite things are honoring worshipping God He is there continually working on me. He has heavy hands taking care of this poet.

I dislike the wars and devastation. People who offer help for financial gain I am against abortion unless necessary and violence of any kind.

Order My Books, and Check Out My Other Poem Links Below:

Index Of My Poems, & About Me

Christian Poetry
Writers Links

"My friends"
home pages, favorite URLs, and other pages:

Sea Angels.org

See Me, see all of me.
Subt: A Heart Song,
In the Poetry of
"Emotional Intimacy"


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