Fanfiction by Sunita

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By Sunita Srivastava,

Author's Note: This story contains a few spoilers. In fact, there's a major spoiler in the second paragraph, so don't read this unless you've finished the game. I won't be held responsible for any ruined surprises. You have been warned.

He, along with the villagers, watched as the pony-tailed man walked down the mountain path, heading for the Blackmoon Forest. His head was bowed, ashamed, as he trudged his way along the beaten path, wondering what really happened to Lahan.

It was bound to happen, thought Citan Uzuki. Three years without Id was too good to last. It was bound to happen, but not in Lahan! Damn that Grahf for killing Timothy!!

Although he was fuming inside, Citan did not let it show. The villagers looked up to him, he had to maintain his composure. It's hard, he thought. It's hard to live as Citan, the village doctor, the family man, the Guardian, the one everyone trusts and looks up to. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. I just want to be Hyuga and live my life as an ordinary man. Maybe if I wish hard enough...

Hyuga opened his eyes again, hoping, but was greeted by the grim reality. His heart wrenched when he thought about the events that occurred and what the future held in store for him. Lahan was destroyed, Fei was gone, and as Citan he had to help these people. He looked over to Yui and Midori. They, too, were watching Fei leave. They knew about him and his role in watching over Fei. Having been chosen by Emperor Cain, Yui and Midori, both second-class citizens, were assigned to Hyuga to pose as his family while he stayed in Lahan to monitor the Contact. Hyuga remembered how strongly he had objected when Cain proposed the idea. But the Emperor's word was God's word and so Hyuga had to live with two complete strangers. No longer strangers, he thought with a rueful grin. He had to admit that having the two of them around did help his being accepted by the villagers. Indeed it would have been odd to explain to them why I lived alone on a mountain path instead of in the village. But saying the mountain air was good for Midori certainly stayed most of the questions. I can see why Cain chose her, she is so odd...

Hyuga shook his head. Enough reminiscing. "Alright everybody," he called out. "Everyone needs to take shelter in our house," he said, glancing at Yui. "It is the safest place for the now, in case those Gears come back looking for Weltall," he added, gesturing to the ominous Black Gear that destroyed Lahan. "Now let's go as quickly as possible."

The trek up the mountain was slow because of the injured. But those who could walk helped those who couldn't. The spirit of the surface-dwellers never ceased to amaze Hyuga. Watching their compassion for each other made him think that it was them who were superior, not Solarians. An hour later, the survivors of Lahan were gathered in the Uzuki's living room. When everyone was settled, Hyuga caught the eyes of Midori and Yui and gestured them to follow him. They dutifully followed him outside to the land crab. He turned to face them. Now comes the hard part, he thought. We started out as strangers... but what are we now? A real family?

"You have to follow him," said Yui, more of a statement than a question.

Hyuga nodded. "It is my sworn duty to watch the Contact." He paused. The next part was going to be hard to say. "You and Midori do not need to come with me. You two have fulfilled your duties well and are free to leave." There was no trace of emotion in his voice, but he was sure that his eyes betrayed his true feelings.

Midori shook her head gently. "No, Hyuga. We can't leave. Not now."

"Midori's right," commented Yui. She walked towards the edge of the cliff, staring towards the rising sun, which signalled the start of a new day. "At first," she said slowly, "this was nothing more than a duty for us. We were here under orders, nothing more. But as time went by, we got to know the people of this village." She stopped and turned to him. "We got to know you," she said softly, her voice full of emotion. She paused to collect her breath, then continued. "After getting to know the villagers and finding out what honest, caring people they are, it disgusts me to know what Solaris has done to these people and that I've been a part of it!"

"Yui's right," said Midori. "We are a part of this village now. We can't turn our backs on them."

Hyuga's heart swelled with pride. Though they weren't his real family he finally admitted that he had come to care for them a great deal. He was proud that they had not succumbed to Solaris' attitude towards land-dwellers.

"I'm very proud of you both," he spoke. "We may not be a true family, but I still care for both of you." He put his arm around Midori and drew her close. "You two are the closest I have to a .. family..." Hyuga choked a bit, but covered up by pretending to clean his glasses. After three years of living with him, however, Yui saw through this guise and came over to give him a gentle embrace.

"Hyuga, we are very fond of you too." She smiled warmly at him. "Don't worry. This isn't good-bye. We'll meet again, I'm sure of it." Midori nodded her agreement.

Hyuga appeared a bit startled by the affection Yui showed him. He was never good at expressing his feelings. Displays of affection always made him a bit uncomfortable. "Umm.. of course... we'll see each other again. Just under different circumstances, that's all." He glanced at the sun, which was rising quickly. "Goodness, I must be leaving soon. I need to take that Gear away from here and deliver it to Fei." He started towards the land crab, then remembered.

"Yui, Midori, where will I be able to reach you later?" he asked.

Yui and Midori looked at each other for a moment. "I will go where you go," was all Midori said to Yui.

Yui smiled. "I'd like to go back to my home town, Shevat. If you need to find us, we'll be there." She put her arms around Midori's shoulders, like a true mother and daughter.

Hyuga nodded. "Alright then. You two be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"You, too, Hyuga," said Yui. "Come back to us alive. When your duty is over, maybe you can live with us... as Citan."

As he flew the land crab to pick up Weltall, he began to realize how much Yui and Midori meant to him. Yes, he loved them, like they were his own, and he knew that they felt the same way about him. Amazing how three come together as one without even intending to. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad living my life as Citan, as long as Yui and Midori are with me. Thinking of the two women, the black cloud in his heart began to lift and for the first time in a long time, he looked forward to the future.

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