Don't know what a Web Ring is ? This page should help you out.
1. The sites accepted into the ring must include the required HTML
code. This code consists of the Webring Navigation Bar
(obtained from Webring) and the ring badge and
code below
2. If your site contains practice information, the title that you
give in the webring sign-up must have your city and state.
3. Your site must have appropriate psychotherapy content If you are in doubt or if your site is mainly a support site for recovery, etc, then please ask us first before you add the code to your page.
- If you are a New York City site - please inquire first.
4. The url you enter into the webring system must be the url (page) where you put the ring badge and nav bar.
This doesn't have to be your main page, but you can't point
to your main page and then put the badges on a different page.
You must point to the page that has the badges.
All sites are subject to approval by the administrators who reserve the right to refuse or remove any site for any reason. A site can be removed from the ring at the discretion of the ring owner.
We will check out your site and if all is ok, add it to the ring. If you move, change your site name etc., you must let us know. Please do not email us before you have met all the requirements of the ring
This is the webring BADGE, followed by the HTML code
<br clear="all">
<a href=""
<FONT SIZE="4" face="comic sans ms" color="black">
<b>The Psychotherapy Ring</a>
is Managed by:
<a href="" target="_parent">
<I>The New York Psychotherapy Collective</I></b></a></font>
<br clear="all">