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Birth of the Prophet Nostradamus and Historical MomentMichel Nostradamus was born in Saint-Rémy , in December of 1503, almost at noon. He was the son of notary Jacques o Jaume De Nostredame and of his wife Renée de Saint-Rèmy. This is a small town in Provence (southern France), located at 1O miles from the gaul-roman town of Arles (with roman ruines as an arch of Consul Marius arch and Saint Paul mausoleum). Saint-Rèmy was built near the ruins of Glanum , famous holy place for gauls, and in the 1921 excavations were found ellenistic, greek and roman remains. The city is located by the middle of "Provence's sacred triangle", that has as it's vertex Arles, Avignon and Salon (web-site) , where the Prophet will marry and live since 1547 and die in 1566 , plenty of fame and glory. It was almost 11 years from Colombus' discovery of "Western Indias", and in Rome had suddendly died Pope Alexander (Rodrigo Borgia) , (Catholic Encyclopedia) . This Pope maybe died because he ingested by error a poison that was destinated to an unknown cardinal. After him was elected Pious III, that died after 25 days, and was replaced with the warrior Pope
Julius II (Giuliano Della Rovere, from Albisola, Savona) a real military commander, that began many victorious expeditions against french and cities that rebelled to the Pontical State. He was the same Pope who ordered to sculptor
Michelangelo Buonarroti the wall paintings present in the
Sistine Chapel At those times King Louis XII ruled over France That was the shining era of Renaissance , and great artist as Leonardo da Vinci ,
Raffaello Sanzio and Michelangelo Buonarroti were making their masterpieces.
Nicolò Machiavelli wrote his treatise of politics "Il Principe".
Christopher Columbus was makinghis fourth trip. Only in those years, Amerigo Vespucci , after discovery the of Rio de Janeiro's bay , realizes that it is an entire new continent and publishes this idea in his book "Mundus Novus" (1503).
Martin LUTHER is studying in Erfurt's University, and his 99 thesis are still in his mind.
The Hebrew Ancestry of Michel NostradamusMichel de Nostredame grandfather was Guy Gassonet, a merchant in Avignon town and the son of the cereal's merchant Arnoton De Velorgne. In June 14 of 1463 was declared null the marriage between Guy Gassonet and his wife Benastruga, daughter of Ricavus, because she refused to convert to chris- tian faith. Guy Gassonet converted and took his name from "Notre-Dame" parish, (Our Lady). He married a catholic woamn, Blanche De Sainte-Marie, that gave him 5 sons: JAUME o JACQUES (Father of Michel De Nostredame); Marguerite (M.N. aunt) that will get marry in Avignon and hosted young Nostradamus during the years of his high school. In 1481 Provence (formerly a territory of the Anjoux Archduke, who was very tollerant), was conquered by the French Crown, and soon they began to apply their ancient laws against Hebrews. That, in the case of a refusal to convert to christian religion and to pay bleeding taxes, were sentenced to the seizure of their belongings and to expulsion from the kingdom (1501 Edict by Louis XII). Jacques went to work as a notary in Saint-Rémy, and had to pay the "Tax over the Ancestry", as is clearly registered in a document with date 21/12/1512. Then he married with a woman from an hebrew family, Renée de Saint-Remy, (daughter of Reymier de Saint-Rémy and Beatrice Tourriel) and they had 3 sons: MICHEL, Jean and Bertrand. JEAN (1507-1577) became procurator in the parliament of Lion, and wrote: Vies des plus Cèlébres et Anciens Poétes Provencaux , BERTRAND became a public notary in Avignon and married Thonine de Roux. |
In the book by Cèsar Nostradamus (Michel's son) Histoire et chroniques de Provence is told that great-grandfather Pierre was a Royal Phisician (false: was a wheat merchant) and is said to be descendent from Israel's tribe of Issachar , and that his true name was Abraham Salomon.
The friendship with comediographer Françoise Rabelais is certain, Nostradamus was surely a great friend and steemer of him. Less sure is the life of merry-making and the visits to dubious girlfriends, told in many books, and less of all, the marriages with two prostitutes, in sequence ! I don't believe that a so sharp mind would have preserved his great cuteness This could be truth for Rabelais, son of a wealthy family, that began as a franciscan friar, then changed to the benedictines, and then signed to Medicine in Montpellier (1530), where he got his degree in 1537. In the while he wrote his funny materpieces
Pantagruel (1532), Gargantua (1534), and Pantagruelique Pronostication
(burlesque predictions for year 1533), where he made a laugh of astrologuers and
voyants. And is not known in what measure this was inspired by the sighting of his His friend Cèsar Scaliger. His first Wife and sons die of Plague.After his degree, Nostradamus did not had an easy life. He lacks a medical relative that could help him to make a decent practice and that maybe could introduce him to some clients. He also has to hide his hebrew steem, in order to get modesty jobs as a helper in small medical consults or chemists laboratories. In 1533 is in Avignon , then moves to Bordeaux (website) and Tolouse , where he had to survive selling beauty lotions and fruit jellies, that brought him some fair money. He went to to the town of Agen
(website) , located in the departmant of Lot-Garonne, (100 miles north of Lourdes) after receiving a letter of invite sent by César SCALIGER , a stravagant man with sage's fame, very presumptuous, that had knowledge in many areas (but without enough deepening) and that claimed to speak correctly greek, italian (obviously, he was born there) latin, german, etc. He had a very strong will, and had 15 sons with his wife Audiette de Roques-Lobejac. Was an atheist to the extreme, made severe cryticism against the ideas of the Holandese Erasmus von Rotterdam and to the italian mathematician Girolamo Cardano . Scaliger was very exuberant, wants to take control of all, and took Nostradamus
under his protective wing. He founds a wife for Nostradamus, and Michel marries
for the first time in TOLOUSE
(1533), with Madeleyne (?) and from their marriage were born two sons, that soon will die during the tragedy of PLAGUE. Scaliger soon understands the deep knowledge hold by Nostradamus in many esoterical arguments, and soon begins to have a growing envy. And Nostradamus also began to work in the workshop of an hugonote chemist, Victor Sarrazin, that when tortured by the Catholic Inquition, denounced Nostradamus as being more a nigromant than a medical doctor or an astrologuer, and that also was the owner of "forbidden books". Many biographers say that was Scaliger himself to call the inquisitors. (I don't
believe this because MN called Cèsar his first son, in honour of his old friend ?)
So Nostradamus had to run out from the town, in order to save his life, and left When Michel finally reached the town (1535), he could only watch the terrible death of his wife and two children, already infected by this bacteria (being most of all an hygienist, he could do very few thing to save his family).
Travels of Nostradamus: Germany, Italy, Egypt ? Persia ?Overcome by the grief of the lost of family and the betrayal of his best friend, prosecuted by Inquisition, ruined in his career, Michel travels for 12 years across the world. He suspects of everybody, is in a complete paranoid condition that is loosened only by the immersion in the bitter-sweet condition of having nothing more to lose, of being completely free, from any duty and responsability. He is free to read anything he wants, he is free to prepare and taste any potion, there are not any wife of children to care about, he can go almost everywhere in the world, he is free from daily life, the only hunger that he has to satisfy is his own desire of more knowledge, of the deepest misteries. There is a tale, probably a legend, that tells that during one trip to Italy, near Ancona (Ghetto-city in Adriatic sea, for italian hebrews and harbor to the east) he crossed in his path with a group of humble franciscan friars, between those there was the young novice Felice Peretti , a former swine-herder, maybe the poorest in group. Nostradamus suddendly kneeled down in front of him, and made a reverence ! The friars remained startled and asked, why all this fervour towards a very simple brother that had entered the order only yesterday ? M.N. answered that it was quite normal that a good christian prostrate in front of
his Holyness the Pope ! In effect, after a long and painstaking career, the swine-herder Felice, will became General Vicarium of the franciscan friars, Bishhop of Sant'Agata dei Goti, Cardinal in 1570 , and finally he will be elected to the Pontifex Solium, becaming Pope with the name SIXTUS V (Pope from 1585 to 1590, more than 19 years after M.N. death). Is IT lost any news of Nostradamus, maybe from Italy he took a ship to the orient, to Egypt and Persia where he begins to know the magic of Ancient Egypt and the
Suphism . There is a book "Suphis from Iran", written by emir NOSRATEDDINE GHAFFARY, where is said that Nostradamus also lived in ISPHAHAN, capital of the Sofavides (in Persia). Is it said that there he got the initiation to the secrets of Avicenna to their spiritual techniques, to KHAYYAM's metaphisics and to Hermes TRISMEGISTUS , is said that there he learnt the secrets of the DRUGS that increased his innate prophetic capabilities. Much more sure, are his travels inside the territories beyond Rhin river, in actual Germany, and the meeting with the great master Agrippa von Nettesheim , (website) (1486-1533), german medical doctor, philosopher, astrologuer condemned as eretical because of his books De Occulta Philosophia (1510) and De incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum (1527). Agrippa, the great magician from Prague founded in 1506 the "Community of Magicians" with members in all Europe. Another great german that could had been personally known by Nostradamus is the mitical Iohannes FAUST , (Yes, that of the teatry pieces of Goethe and Marlowe), born in Knittlingen , in Wurttemberg (1480), died in Staufen (1540), near Baden. He made studies of theology and astronomy in Ingolstadt . Heir of an enormous fortune, it is said that he owned healing powers, and also the alchemical secret of the eternal youth.
In the first act of FAUST, piece of theater by Johann W. von GOETHE , the author shows us this misterious character while is reading Nostradamus' Prophecies:
"Go, escape ! It is un unknown who is author of "Prophecy of monk Philippe Diendonné Olivarius" (1542), that accurately predicts Napoleon
Bonaparte , the exact number of his soldiers, horses and cannons.
The author tells about himself that is a medical doctor, a surgeon and astrologuer... maybe was written by our dear Nostradamus during a meditativen retire in a peaceful and serene place (after all this terrible disgraces !) as it is the ORVAL monastery " located between Belgium and Luxembourg. In opinion of abbot Tornè-Chavigny (first great interpreter of Nostradamus' prophecies), Olivarius monk should be anibody else than Nostradamus, and the mention of olives, could link him to his birthplace Provence and to Israel, the place of the remote origin of his ancestors. |
First Books by Nostradamus. Medical Doctor and Astronomer.In 1545 he wrote Interpretation des Hiéroglyphes de Horapollo 86 handwritten sheets authenticated, that after being in the library of COLBERT, minister of french king LOUIS XIV, were bought by THE ROYAL LIBARY and (until recently) were in the old National Bibliotheque de Paris (former location: MSF 2594), this is the only certified hanswritten of Nostradamus, actually available. All it's parts are written by himself and signed. This text was pubblished in
Barcelona by Pierre ROLLER (1968), and contains 11 unpublished quatrains and an "explanation" about Costantine's threasure, commented by Henri Peiresc ,
a famous botanic and brotherlike friend of In may 1546 a delegation coming from the town of Aix en Provence asked for his presence in the city, where it was raging a terrible PLAGUE epidemics, (Infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that has as it's reservoir more than 200 species of rodents and vector insects like fleas). In a few hours thousands of persons got the illness, because also the small drops of cought (Pflugge's) expulsed by those with the pulmonary form, that remained in suspension in closed environments. In 2-12 days the patients went from complete good health to a terrible disease that showed with fever arriving to 72° Fahrenheit, with repeated agitated quivering, headache, delirium, vomit. In the place of the flea's bite (or entrance's wound), can be seen a vesicle that soon will enlarge to from a blister, after two days there will be swelling of lymphonodes that will merge to form a big bluish bubo ussually in the inguinal zone. The aching bubo Charbon will enlarge to the size of an egg. There is irregular fever. If the patient has a good immunity the bubo will open and leave a scar. If the person was unlucky he would had the bacteria going to the blood, the lungs or > brain, with a toxic state, bleeding, diarrhea, kidney disease, shock. Death from plague ussually happened in 6°-7° day. But, during epidemics there were several types of disease, fulminating with death in 3 days, or mild as an a common flu. In our age there is a vaccine, that covers for 6 months. As therapy for infected are available sulphamides, streptomycin, cloramphenicol (it reduces mortality to 5%). Great relevance is given today to the fight against rats and to the isolation of the suspected and certainly ill, something that M.N. knew and made perfectly, anticipating modern notions. But, in that times, many doctors thought of plague, simply as a chastisement sent by God.> Aix town was plenty of corpses, abbandoned along the streets, leaking blood and pus, eaten by rats, that were bitten by fleas. In a general histery, ill and healthy commit suicide throwing themselves from windows or drowning in wells. Many women sew on herself their shroud, in order to prevent, when dying, of being left naked in the street and raped by any of many infected men plenty of madness. Nostradamus ordered to empty the streets, burn trash, to bury the corpses very deep between layers of quicklime. Orders disinfection of houses with winegar, boiled wine, boiling water. Advises to burn aromatic woods, to clean sewers. Orders extermination of rats with poisoned bait. Recommends the chewing of GARLIC cloves, (today scientist proved the antibacterial action of garlic), the use of gloves and filtrating masks made of leather. Nostradamus, clearly knows, to be one of those few lucky men, with a strong immunity towards plague, because he got it in a milder form in Tolouse. With cold blood he contempts death, walks in the streets and brings his lovely help everywhere, also in the houses of the terminally ill, while outside, in the street, is heard the terrifying bell of the Alarbes cart that is collecting corpses. With the help of the Aix's pharmacist, Joseph Turrell, makes prepare remedies, like his "Electary of Egg against Plague", made of But his presence is immediatly requested in Lion, for another epidemic, that he
will defeat with the same great success. In 1547 he goes to Salon for a suspected epidemics, but luckily is only a false allarm In this city of 4000 souls, lives his brother Bertrand, there he will put his home for the next 19 years, and will marry Anne Ponsarde and live until the end of his days. SALON en Provence is
located 24 miles from Marseille, not very far from Saint-Rémy, and
But many authors suspect, based in a few quatrains surely belonging to the past of
Nostradamus (like those about the Templar Crusaders, or those about Anglican Schism) |
Today in Salon, we could see the clock (XIV c.) of the watchtower of Saint
Michel's Church (background of this page) were Nostradamus everyday assisted to Holy Mass (Is behaving in an very christian way, in order to prevent any further prosecution by Inquisition). We could also see the ancient arch of Borg-Neuf, and the Saint Laurence's College and Church, belonging to franciscan friars, where M.N. will be buried 19 years later.
He elaborated many horoscopes (very well paid) for rich men in town, and also helped
to the decoration of the city. The mayors of Salon asked him to write the text of In March 15° of 1555, he ended his long letter ad Cesarem Nostradamus Filium
(That interpreters De Fontbrune (father and son) have deciphered and linked in a
very convincing way to events like French Revolution [1792 is a clearly stressed
date in this letter], to the Fisrt and Second World Wars, and to the menacing
THIRD WORLD WAR, that could led to St. John's Apocalypse and to the glorious >
return of Our Lord Jesus).
The "Letter to my Son César" will join in the same book, the first 3 Centuries |
Nostradamus's sons: Cèsar, Michel, Charles, André,
As reaction and remembrance to the death of his first wife, Michel called Madeleyne |
This q. adjust perfectly to the tragical destiny that awaited king Henri II Valois: Tournament was developing in front of Tournelles palace, and all was going right.
King Henri II, that wore the colors of his favorite Diane de Poitiers, had been
armed by the Seigneur de Vieilleville. He had broken 3 lances against Emmanuel F.
Savoy, the duke Henry of Guisa and with con Gabriel Montgomery, that almost by
But this tragedy was in 1559, we are still in 1556, and M.N. took a long travel,
first back to Provence, then to Italy, exactly to Turin, where he left in 1566
a commemorative stone, in the mansion called Villa Vittoria, that then becamed
Domus Morozzo.. maybe the misterious
D.M. STONE of q.8.66 ? In this years Nostradamus began to suffer from continuous gout attacks, with pain
in the back and pelvis, his body swells of lIquids (kidney disease ?). In 10 years <
his disease would have taken him away from us. But, in Salon, he is greeted by kings
from all Europe. In Salon's Emperi Castle he received the visit of King Emmanuel F. Savoy and of his Queen
Margherite de France, terrorized but fascinated after Henri II death. They were
reassured, when foretold that their descendance would rule Italy for many centuries. Between 1557 and 1561, appeared several false quatrains and libels from critics of Nostradamus Prophecies, between those we can remember the Contredicts by Monsieur de Pavillion, and the Declaration des Abus... by Laurente Videl. In 1560, is told of another legendary meeting of Nostradamus with Catherina de' Medici,
in that years absolutly immersed in the occultism environment. They would had make a
* magical experiment, with the misterious mirror "Kaptotron" that supposedly was made in Sweden, with only one sheet of a black monocline mineral (kaptoprite ?), extracted in NORDMARK .
After a magic rith, the Queen saw her son's shadows, make as many turns on themselves as the years of their reigns. Then appeared also the shadow of the protestant King Enrique Borbon de Navarra, son of Navarra's King Antonio Borbon and of Juana de Albret. Catherina, covered by talismans in all her body, had made built a true alchemical labo- ratory in her castle, but is distressed by the future of her sons. She is conforted by the visions in the black mirror, that shows all his sons in reign. This was true, they reigned, CHARLED IX for 14 and Henri III for 15 years, but they died young, poisoned or killed by fanatics. Francis II Valois, married with Mary STUART, died suddendly in a party, after only one year in reign (X.39: poisoned ?). In 1564 king CHARLES IX and his mother Catherine (regent) brought the extreme salute to Nostradamus. He foretold again over all Catherine's sons, and greets Charles IX with the motto: Vir Magnus Bello, Nulli Pietate Secundus (meaning: without match in the use of wepons and in the charity, but... moving commas it turns into a terrible sequence of insults !) ![]() Nostradamus shows a scrupolous attention towards the young (11 y.) Enrique, prince of Navarra, ask to be taken to the home of his future son-in-law Pierre Trone de Codolet, that hosts Enrique, and sees "royal signs" in his child's naked sleeping body. Nostradamus made him the secret prophecy, that if he managed to survive, he would had became a Great King of France and Navarra. Truly ENRIQUE-IV (King: 1589-1610), became King after the death (killed) of Alexander-Henri III (Re: 1574-1589), Catherine's son, that was tired of wars between the catholic faction of Henri Guisa and the protestant group of France's admiral Coligny, that slaughtered each other since "St. Barthelemy's Night" (1572). Henri III asked Henri IV to put an end to this wars between french. Maybe Nostradamus admires the person that will bring to an end the "religious wars" in France with the signature of Nantes Edict. |
Prophet Nostradamus foretells his own End in Presage 141After the brief visit of Charles IX to Salon, the King made to Nostradamus several gifts,an amount of 300 golden ecus and the title of "Royal Medical Doctor and Ordinary Advisere", wih the right to a rich annual fee. Nostradamus escorted them to Arles. By the while, the disease of he old Michel worsens, mainly after april 1566, and in June 17° 1566, he calls the notary of Salon, Joseph ROCHE, in order to made redaction of his TESTAMENT , very precise (Analyzed by peruvian interpreter Daniel RUZO, has shown to contain many useful keys for the understanding and authentication of quatrains). His devote disceple Jean Aymes de CHAVIGNY (That had took part to expeditions in Canada, where he remained impressed by the divinatory capabilities of indian seers, thing that induced him to study the world of voyants, and later to serve Nostradamus) was very, very woried, when he saw that his master had written in a copy of the book Ephémérides Jean Stadius the latin words Hic propre mors est meaning Here it is the moment of the own death. The night of the death, Jean Aymes salutes him "See You tomorrow", but Nostradamus, responded to him with very weak voice: " Tou will not see more me in life at SUNRISE ". PRESAGE CXLI Du retour d'Ambassade,don de Roy,mis au lieu,
Plus n' en fera,sera allé à Dieu, Parens plus proches,amis,freres du sang, Trouvé tout mort pres du lict et du banc. Coming back from a Diplomatical encounter,gift of a King,put in place, More he will not do,he will be near to God, More close relatives,friends,brothers in blood, Found dead at all near the bed and the bench But, in this sad moment, we can remember that Michel Nostradamus has the same concept of death, proper of the First Christians, he calls it "The Day of Birth" Dies Natalis ... QUATRAIN II.13 Le corps sans ame plus n' estre en sacrifice,
Iour de la mort mis en nativité: L' esprit divin fera l'ame felice, Voiant le verbe en fon eternité. The body without soul is no longer in sacrifice, Day of death is make as birth: The divine spirit will rejoice the soul, Seing the "verb" (Divine Will) in his ethernity ![]() |