***************************** * THE DOMUS MOROZZO LAPID * ***************************** This is an pictorial reconstruction of the D.M. STONE that appeared by the first time in photographies of the e twenties. Last time it was seen in the seventies in Italian Mistery Magazine "CLYPEUS",then disappeared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.S.S.6. N O S T R E D A M V S A L O G E I C I O N I L I I A L E P A R A D I S L E N F E R L E P V R G A T O I R E I E M A P E L L E L A V I C T O I R E Q V I M H O N O R E A V R A L A G L O I R E Q V I M E M E P R I S E O V R A L A R V I N E H N T I E R E This text is written in a really awful Provence and can be translated: I.S.S.6. N O S T R E D A M V S L O D G E D H E R E W H E R E I S T ' P A R A D I S E T ' I N F E R N O T H E P V R G A T O R Y M Y N A M E I S T H E V I C T O R Y T H O S E W H O N O R M E W I L L H A V E T H E G L O R Y T H O S E W H O C O N T E M P T M E W I L L H A V E T H E H N T I R E R V I I N --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.66 Quand l' escriture D.M. trouvee, Et cave antique a lampe descouverte, Loy,Roy,& Prince Vlpian esprouvee, Pavillon Royne & Duc sous la couverte. 866 When the D.M. (*1) writing is found, (ENG) In ancient cave (*2) with a lamp is discovered, Law,King and Prince Vlpian (*3) is proved, Pavillon (*4) of the Queen and Duke over the coverage. NOTES: 1* D.M. commonly are the initials of "Dii Manibus", an usual initial formula in Roman tombstones, meaning "Sacred to the Gods of Hells". Otherwise (in this case) could be the initials of DOMUS MOROZZO, meaning "MOROZZO's HOUSE" the old Turin family that bought the formerly VICTORIA mansion in LESSONA street in TURIN. ( D.M. could also symbolize DUX MUSSOLINI, a relative link to the time sygnal for the date of it's discovery, in the twenties ) 2* Tablet was hanged in a wall of an underground cellar near mansion, (a really strange location for a commemorative stone). This clearly means that this memorial tablet hidens a secret message left by M. NOSTRADAMUS, very important for the understanding of quatrains, that should had been discovered only in the chosen time, probably... for OUR CENTURY ? 3* Law, King and Prince Vlpian... in ITALY, in the year 1922 there was a clash between the Italian Monarchy (SAVOY family from TURIN) and the Fascist Party. When Fascist occupied the streets of Rome in a parade ( The so called "Marcia su Roma" ) the Monarchs ordered the army to surround Rome and close all roads off access to Rome. (a real siege) The Fascist, came out as first party after electoral ballots, wanted to govern Italy (In the twenties Italy was a Parliamentary Monarchy, with a long rule of the Liberal Party (Pres. GIOLITTI) The government was elected by MAJORITY of the Parliament (but only Men voted), and election had to be undersigned by KING VITTORIO EMMANUELE SAVOY III . VLPIAN was the Prince of Lawyers in ancient Rome, as in those times, the KING convoked many Lawyers to know if RELATIVE MAJORITY of the FASCIST PARTY gave them the right designate MUSSOLINI to rule the Government: "Presidente (PREMIER) del Reale Consiglio dei Ministri". 4* King's lawyers decided in Favour of Fascist right,so The King ordered to the army to interrupt Rome's siege, and appointed MUSSOLINI ( that will soon declare himself ITALY's DUX = DUKE = Political-Military- Religious Leader of former Venice Republic) to the title of President of the Council,... and maybe the QUEEN ELENA SAVOY helped Mussolini pressing the King in that direction. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This memorial marble tablet has been studied in deep by author Renuccio BOSCOLO, probably he found a COUNTERCLOCKWISE SPIRAL decryption method that HE HAS NEVER EXPLAINED, but that can be esily found, departing from the word HERE ( ICI = a palindrome readable in both directions ). N O S T R E <-D A M V S <-A L O G E <--I C I / O N I L I I A L E P A R A D I S L E N F E R \ L E P V R G A T O I R E I E M A P E L L E \ L A V I C T O I R E Q V I M H O N O R E \ A V R A L A G L O I R E Q V I M E _\| M E P R I S E O V R A L A \ /| R V I N E H N T I E R E ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is my spyral decryption, very different from Boscolo's : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICI --> EGO LA(scio) (SUMmA) DE aRT SONO eLLA AMoRe ( here I left amount of aRTs I'm of her love ) RVINE necHroN TIERE hAdEs E ERE FiNE neL SIDA(RtA?) ( ruine Nero Earth inferno Era End in AIDS ) RAPpEL AI fILI N. En cAVE PRISE OVRA iL MeRLo ( remember to the Sons of N. In cave taken will have blackbird ) LEPus trAME IERI pOrTA GRoUPe URbis avrA LA GLOIRE QVI ( rabbit trames yesterday will bring the group of Rome, that will have Glory here ) sONO H.M. IVi in QuorE de RIOn T- CIVitas avRA LA GLOIRE ( I'm H.M. here in heart of Rome, Christian City will have glory ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------
KABBALAH EXTRACTION 155(6) This is the pattern of the decrytion made by O. Cesare RAMOTTI on the Domus Morozzo Tombstone: MIXED KABBALISTIC EXTRACTION ( DAVID Star Extraction + Kabbalistic extraction 155(6), with the SIX continuously shifting of position ). I ( S S 6 ) the complete pattern: | \|/ I T A L I _ A hA' S ER V O E E' NOSTRE DAMVS A LOGE ICION IL IIA LE PARADIS LENFERLE PVRGATOIRE IE MA PEL 1 5 5 61 5 5 61 5 5 61 5 5 6 6 A TO: qUi On. AU G E M I V AR _ E LELA VICTOIRE QVI MHONOREAVRALA GLOIRE QVI MEMEPRISE OVRA LARVINE HNTIERE 5 51 6 5 51 6 5 51 6 5 51 5 5 ST A A _I _ I PA Ssi Fa P O I _P NOSTRE DAMVS A LOGE ICION IL IIA LE PARADIS LENFERLE PVRGATOIRE IE MA PEL 61 5 5 61 5 5 61 5 5 6 6 5 51 A TO: qUi On. AU G E M I V AR _ E LELA VICTOIRE QVI MHONOREAVRALA GLOIRE QVI MEMEPRISE OVRA LARVINE HNTIERE 5 51 6 5 51 6 5 51 6 5 51 5 5 On DA A vE N_ Ir I F _ AT I _ NOSTRE DAMVS A LOGE ICION IL IIA LE PARADIS LENFERLE PVRGATOIRE IE MA PEL 5 61 5 5 61 5 5 6 6 5 51 dEl TE _ MH A dA dIR. LELA VICTOIRE QVI MHONOREAVRALA GLOIRE QVI MEMEPRISE OVRA LARVINE HNTIERE 51 6 5 51 6 5 51 Transcription: ------------- ITALIA hA SERVO Ed E'A TOrino qUi Onore ed AUGE MI VA . RESTA AI Iø PASsi , fa POI PATrian , Qui Onore AvrA' E PROLE Ed OnDA A vENIr . I FATI dEL TeMpo HAn dA dIR . Translation: ------------- ITALY hAs SERVANT And IS IN TUrin hEre hOnor and RAISE GOes to ME . REMAINS AT Iø STePs, THEN makes PATrian, that hOnor will hAvE AND SONS And WAvE TO cOME. The FATE OF TiMes Will SAY. In TO = TURIN, lives italian Author Renuccio BOSCOLO, that was the first to attempt a decryption of the stone. A former Library Clerk in Venice (Marciana L.), found many secret (or not very famous) quatrains of Nostradamus, between these, the HOMME ROUGE quatrains. Carlo PATRIAN wrote a giant review of many Nostradamic interpreters: Jean Le Roux, Torne-Chavigny, Le Pelletier, Bareste, De Fontbrune, Beltikhine, Centurio, Guerin, Pichon, Putzien, Vlaucu Ionescu, Boscolo. PROLE = SONS = CESAR... RAMOTTI ?... he probably found the simplest solution to the clue posed by the D.M. lapid...a key for ALL quatrains ?