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      Q.q602-d   SETI: Strange Century-Cycle . 
                                 (December 7th 1998)
 VI.02 -En l' an cinq cens octante plus et moins,
       On attendra le siecle bienestrange.
       En l' an sept cens et trois cieux en tesmoings,
       Que plusieurs regnes un a cinq feront change.
  602  -In the year five hundred eighty more or less,
 (ENG) You will watch the very strange century (CYCLE ?) .
       In the year seven hundred and three heavens testifie,
       That many kingdoms,ONE to FIVE (5-5 ?) will be changed.

  602  -En el a¤o quininentos ochenta mas o menos,
 (CAS) Os espera el siglo (CICLO) bien estra¤o.
       En el a¤o setecientos y tres (los) cielos haran testimonio,
       Que muchos reinos (de) UNO a CINCO (5-5 ?) haran cambio.

  602  -Nell' anno cinquecento ottanta piu e meno,
 (ITA) Vi attendera il secolo (CICLI ?) ben strano.
       Nell' anno settecento e tre (i) cieli faran testimonio,
       Che molti regni (da) UNO a CINQUE (5-5 ?) faran cambio.

 as you can easily understand taking a first glimpse, Nostradamus wrote 
 about TWO different YEARS very far away in time (at least 100 years), so,
 he described a vast prophetic landscape covering an entire Century... 
 see comment by ROBERTS (in 1950)... he said q. is for 1905 to 2028 ?
   OR:... the COMMENT got by CRISTINA MORIGINO (an italian Medium):
 In a message that she told to me by telephone in JULY 1997, she said:
 ( after talking about a New Therapy for AIDS, and Greenhouse Effect )

 "1999: Eye-Cats will tell the truth, paths, thoughs, facts, crumbles...
 (quatrain ?) 602 made by eight lines (maybe indicating Kab-1555 develop-
         ANTENNA... (withouth any further comment) ...a NEW ERA ! "
   I was startled by this message, and I decided to take a stand-by po-
 sition about the RADIO CONTACT, with determination to deepen the topic,
 and wait for further developments about AIDS Therapy... because it had
 several aspects that made this part of C.M. insight very credible...

   SULPHUR had already displayed activity adgainst HIV in "in vitro"
 experiments, the CORTICOID goes into the Lymphocyte's metabolic paths,
 and was interesting because this type of molecules are part of the
 structure of every Human cell, in higher or lower ammounts.

   But, I had my studies, work, family and my paintings to care about...
 First Lady DIANA died... then I began to design POPES' ASCII DRAWINGS,
 then I began to laboriously build Red Turtle Webzine site (March 1998), 
 then seemed very interesting q. 644 about Sinkings in Arabic Gulf,... 
 then I found Presage VIII about Bille (Clinton and Monica Lewinsky ?)...

   So, I arrived naked to the historical moment of engineer Paul DORE...*
 as we say in Italy, with "the pants down"... but covered with underwear !
  (* Name that will remain in History as that of Rodrigo de TRIANA )... 
 * An amateur radioastronomer with a really BIG professional background...
 British Engineer of the SIEMENS PLESSEY SYSTEM, a Company that works with 
 Radars and Microwave Transmission Systems, like those that make radio brid-
 ges between television towers, along straight lines, that have pan-shaped 
 antennas (diameter of +/- 3 to 10 feet), covered with sheets (plastic ?).

   The numbers 580 to 705 could be TRANSMISION FREQUENCES ? Well, I really 
 don't know. Frequences from 580 to 703 GIGA-HERTZ (billions of cycles in 
 a second), are very near to TERA-HERTZ (trillions), that are infrared ra-
 diation, this will be surely stopped by water steam in atmosphera.

   But, I remember to have read somewhere that Paul Dore announced that  
 frequences he catched from EQ-Pegasi was about 1451 Megahertz ?...
 well, as an average Nostradamus reader, I will make: 580 + 705 = 1285 ??
 COMMENTS BY OTHER AUTHORS: ( Obviously, NOT helped by Cristina Morigino )

 Henry C. ROBERTS: ---------------------------------------------------------
    Following instructions of this english AUTHOR, those are dates of the  
 by the year A.D. 325 (with addition of 1000 years). In the Ist Council of
 Christian Church was condemned ARRIANISM, was declared JESUS DIVINITY and 
 his identithy with THE FATHER. Was established the condition of Patriarchs
 and Metropolites. SECOND C. of NICEA was in A.D. 787 under Pope HADRIAN I.
 example: (1)325 + 589 =  1914 --> beginning of FIRST WORLD WAR: ... in
 efect it brought Communism, Chemical War, the End of Central Empires, ecc.
 Change of systems: in RUSSIA-> END of ZAR-> 5 pointed stars of Communism, 
 AUSTRIA-> disappeared: Austria, Hungary, Ceckya, Yugoslavia and Rumania.
 YUGOSLAVIA-> was born from: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Maked.
 forecast: (1)325 + 703 = 2028 |-> Actually for this date is expected...
           a close passage of an ASTEROID ...              ( Impact ???).
           Maybe asteroid will be broken (as Shoemaker-Levy) in 5 pieces ?
 Renuccio BOSCOLO: "this should be year 1784" (But did not explained why ?)  
 Pierre HUTIN: "this could be a second degree equation, with two solutions 
        580 = 1818, and 700 (not 703) = 1938 ... XVIII Century: apparition
        of many books and revolutions: Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Nazism"
 Roger         Based on his key, this quatrain began in year 1570,...   
 FRONTENAC: Religion Wars in France, (1572) S.Bartolomew's Night slaughter. 
            In 1574 CHARLE IX VALOIS was killed (son of Caterina de Medici
CHARLE I-X  and of King HENRI II) He became KING HENRI III VALOIS (1574-89) 
    |  *    (Ultra-catholic). The aspiring HENRI III GUISA was defrauded.  
    |          At last (1589) HENRI IV BORBON (Navarra) became KING...
   \|/   *  after WAR OF THREE HENRIES, indeed a STRANGE KING (Protestant, 
 HENRI I-V  of a Catholic Country) France was vexed, plenty of hatred, but 
 (Navarra)  exhausted of spilled blood. 1580: could be a half date between 
  from...   1547 and 1610. (1547: the beginning of the era of HENRI II, that 
            hired M. Nostradamus as his Phisician and chief Astrologer, 
* I to V !  1610: beginning of BORBON DINASTY, with the young LOUIS XIII ).
 700+(n x10)+3 = 1713: France lost territories because of UTRECHT Teatry.
            Year 1713: GIANSENISM was forbidden. Prosecution of Calvinist.
            Year 1763: France lost: Louisiana, Canada, India. Paris Teatry
            signed because of lost wars. Beginning of the end for Borbons'
            Dinasty in Fance, very soon, in 1789, will came Revolution !
            Year 1783: VERSAILLES Teatry: Louisiana return to French Empire.
            Year 1793: KING LOUIS XVI BORBON is guillotined on January 21.

  Now we have no other solution than opening q.602 with Ramotti's method,
  following the tricks suggested by Cristina Morigino and... Paul DORE !

----( q. 602: Kab-1555-development-> decription, english translation )------

  1) E I E N T E I N E N L E B I T E L   [ hEAvens are inhaBITEd by sENTRIES,
  ciElI ENTE sE@TI sEn@TIN@ELLE aBITarE      [ as known by sETI INSTITUTE, and
  Ed E@INsTEIN ImmaNENte @ELEVI TELeMA       [ in the IMmENsity of wEAK sTARs,
  EssI potENTE INENarrabiLE BIT-TELefoNAN    [ from there they SING CHORUS... 
  ( BIT=BYTE: information unities )          [ to Lord's ImmaNENt TELEMA * !  
[Telema (greek)= Lord's Will ] [TheY sEND their BITES with UNTELLable poWER !]                                   
                              [ but you will NoT KNOW how to DECYphER them ! ]                     
  2) N A N N S A P E T N N D E C I E R       [ Behind a CURtaiN plenty of... 
 TELoNe ANSiA A@SPETtate DECembrIno CIcERoN  [ ANXietY, you are waiting... 
  aNN@Ata  NoN  SAPETe NoN DECIfRabil@E      [ for... a DECembEr's GuIDE...
 Kofi aNN@AN A@SPETta,... NoN DECIdERsi      [ This YEAR you doN'T KNOW what 
                  [ will happen, NoT DECYpheRablE ??? Kofi aNNAN wAiTS,...
                                          [ He does NOT take any DECIsion !]
  3)   N Q S N L T S A D R L E N A E      [ But, at the end, is coNQueRED
 coNQuiStaN L'aTteSo rADaR LE antENnAE    [... The expeCTed rADaR signature
 iNQuiSito SaN@To LaTino Sto. pADRE@ La   [ of the antENnAE !!! ]
  coNQuiStaN L T "SAD" maRLENE@ lA NAvE   [ Holy SaiNT fATHER is eNQuiRed !]

  4)  L O T U M T R A S E N E N N A       [ hELlO ! : TUM-Tum is TRAnSmittED 
  " hELlO": TUM-Tum TRASmEtte aNtENNA     [... by SEleNE (Moon) aNtENNA ??? ]
  ELicOTtero Un MiTRA ASsEsiNarE sENNA  
  5) C C O C E S M O O T A I E S G N     [ wE ARE HERe !!! : AND are SHown ...
    eCCOCi ! E Si MOsTrAno I S@EGNali    [ SIGNals from CaThOdIc proJECTOrs !]
    C CrOCE  SMOTtAmentI  S@EGuoNo       [ followed by CRUMBles of Buildings ]
P-> frA@NCesCO CE SO@rMOnTAre dlS@EGNI S@EGNI [ FrANCesCO COssiga OVerRUNs... 
                                [ Italian Presidential aspirations of SEGNI !]

  6) I E C T O I N E L E B S T E L        [ proJECTOrs are CaTHOdS IN THE ... 
proJECTOrI CaTOdI NELlE roBuSTE VaSTE     [ stRONG GiaNT (blue ???) STARs ? ]
      In ESTON@IE E LEBed roBuSTa STELla  [ for Spring Water and ShoPPERS ]

  7) A N N T A P E I N N L E C I T R S     [ ANN TAPE... IN ENgLIsh...
 "ANN" "TAPE" IN INgLEse EChI vITToRioSi   [ shows EChOES of vI@CToRieS...
   ANNoTA PENn@INo La ECcITazione "TReS"   [ very ExCITed, she REGisTEred
  ANNaTA PEr bIeNNaLE ECITtaRe rECITa RoiS [ with PEN this in her NOTEbook ]
P->quAraNTA TAPpE(tI) NoLEggia montECIToR  (ANN Druyan ?: famous Astronomer)
       -                                        [ ANN will be eNQuiREd... 
 8)  N Q S A N L T N S A D E L E R A E E        [ too LaTe, NaSA super-PANS,   
 iNQuiSitA ANN LaTe NaSA pADELlE ELEttRomAgnEtE [ building are accELERAtEd... 
duNQue inSANe LiTi aNSiA mAD accELERArE ERA Eti [ and lot of QuaRRels too !]
iNQuina SANti LaTiNi "SAD" ELEvaRe cELEbRARE E  [ In Korea PuSAN there will
iN Qorea PuSAN LiTi N S ADELaidE guERrA E E     [ be QuaRRels that will...
         ^                                      [ @AccELERAtE incoming wAR ]
 9)  N T U S T R S E N A N N A P
  ENTUSiasmo "deSaTaRSE" EN ANNA druyAN?     [ ENThUSiasm will uNTIE, IN... 
  N T U SvesTiRSi SENo ANNA noNNA dA POco    [ ANN ... druyAN ?... She will
scoNTro USa TRiStE iN SENAto (Kofi) ANA@N    [ arrive to UnDreSS, to show
   coNTUSo  TRieStE SEreNA  NANNA?  P        [ her BREast ? even if being a 
 dENTro aUSTRia SENnA dANubiaNA PaCCO        [ GrANdMother since recently !]

 10) C C O T E S M O T A S I E N G N T         [ The hisTORY of coSMOS...
rACCOnTo TESi coSMO SMOnTA ScIENza iNGaNnanTI  [ ThESis will DEFlaTE ideas 
 PACCO PliCO TEStiMOnia esTASI SIrENa giGaNTI  [ of CheaTING ScIENtist ! ] 
    PiCCO COsTE SMOTtAmento SIENa giGaNTeschI  [ This PARCEL-LeTTer will...  
                               [ TEStiFIe the ecsTASY of GiaNT's SYrEN !!! ]
 11) I E C E O O N E I E B S G E L          [ She mAnaGES to rECEiVE...
rIEsCE r@ICEziONE dI nEBuloSa SaGittairE?   [ waves from SaGitta's nEBuLa...]
   E r@ICEvO buONE IdEe S@BaGliatE GEN@tiLi [ MN: And I reCEIvE gOOd IdEas
  LECcE ECEziONE ONE I E B SGELaNo GEM@eLli [ some uncorrect but all GEntLe!]
                                          [ The stoRY of this PEN-NIB...
 12) N N T P E I N N L E C I T E S C      [ SHE will READ-dEClAIm in GERMAN !]    
   raccoNTo PENn@INo LEI@ rECITarE in TEdeSCO?  [ EINsteiN LENseS, CORRECT...
 L@ENTe PEr EINsteiN LECITE TESi r@IESCano  ^   [ THESis will cOMe OUT ! ]
 MoNTE@ aPpEN@nINo LECce? vITE TESChio? pIraTESCo? 
 MoNTe PEgN@I (PrEM@I) PEN@I NoN LECITo ECcITarE vITE [fraud in Italy's Lotto] 
 13)  Q S A P L T N A D E C L E R E E E    [ Here thiS PLaTiNAteD-hair heAD 
  Qui teStA PLaTiNAta "DECLarER ERE N@Euf" [ will DECLaRE:... " a NEW ERA " ]   
   ConQuiStA PLaN@eT AuDiEnCE@ DECLaRation [ She will ConQueR the PLaNeT 
                               EREtichE    [ with Her hEREtcAl DECLarations]

 14) N L U S A T R L E N A E N A P N       [ IN The USA they could manage 
 EN L' U.S.A. "ATaRLE BUeNA" E aNNAsPaNO   [ to keep Her TIEd by GOOd...
   N LUZ diSAsTRo aLiENo A ENd APlaudoNo   [ (Press?) will PrAise Her ! ...
                                        [ as USUAL way The will bESiEgE hER !
 15) C O T U S M T T A S E E N N N T S     [ But, emInENt SciENTiSt will
  COsTUme USa MaTTA ASsEdiarE "EMiNeNTS"   [ bESiEgE hER, shouting Her to 
   sCOnTrO: Si MeTTA A SEdEre per MomeNTi  [ SEAt down... but, they will   
  COnTUSi "MaTArSE"   EN  iNcideNTe  S     [ achieve it only for MomeNTS !]
 16)  E C E S O O T E I B S G L     [ ECCESS in proCESS ThEorIES, (Parliam.)
 ECcESsO proCcESsO TEorIe pOTErI    [ pOWErs are WRonG ... while cRItICs
  rECEnSOri ESOTErIsmo S@BaGLiano   [ of ESOTERIsm show to be WRonG !!  
     Q.q602-r  SETI: Strange Century-Cycle.  December 7th 1998
 17) E O I E N M S P E R S N T         [ And nOw I feel jOY for NostradaMuS
 Ed hO giOIE NostradaMuS PERSoNe SaNTe [ (believers) these are SaiNT like
   tEOrIE dI ENneMiS SuPERST@izioNi    [ PERSoNs... prosecuted by ENeMieS 
  (E O I E N@EMeSi SuPERSoNico T     [ thEOrIEs saying were SuPERStiTioUs !] 
 18)   S C E T I E N O P L U E U C F T       [ PRESuMpTuous's HAIL is...
 PR@ESuNTuoSi fIENO NOn PLUs E sUfF@iCenTE   [ ... NO MORe ENouGhT  !!!
 SCEnATe SCEtTIci rETIcENti PaLUdE sConFiTtE [ SKEpTIcal will SCrEam, 
  FaNTaSCEnTIfico pIENO PLUmbEi UsCire       [  agitate while sinking
  ^    SCETtrI      "PLUsiEUrs ConFlicT"     [ in their SwAMP of deFEATS !]
  19)  E E T S U T I Q L U R G U N I E C     [ They will rEpEaT... their 
 ripET@Ere di inSUlTI CaLORe RinGioVaNIrE    [ SHARp inSUlTis against Her,
     TEsT@E SUTIlita CoLOuR iRraGiUNgIbilE   [ but raising HeAT of dispute 
   proiETtil@E  U@STICa LURida "GUN" rIEsCe? [ will make Her even YouNGER ]
       -             ^
  20)  P N T X T E N U U S S N N N R C H     [ More NEW PoiNTS (data) will 
  PuNTi (PER) TeSTE NUoVi UScire iN MaRCH    [ be OBtained iN MaRCH that
  rECiPieNTe X T E N U delUSioNe NoN seaRCH  [ will be helpfull for WiTNEss ]
   PiaNTo-X TriSTE ENd dU U. StateS MoNaRCH  [ CRy and SAD ENd for Clinton ]
 21) T S T R C E S G E S I E A Q O H A       [ Experiment-TeST will reToRT 
 TeST riToRCErSi ESeGESI eD AcQua cHiAROrI   [ over Her CRiTICS (ESeGETI]
 TeSTe STRonCarE inGlESI E AQuilOne OccHiAte [ as crystal-cLeAR wAteR, so...
 CHiesa-T eSToRCE St.inGlESI E AcQuOsa H@OrA [ HeaDS will FALL and there will
                                             [ be furious Eagle-like GAZe ]

 22) R O I E S M S I E R S A N A N           [ Maybe Ann Druyan will MOVe
  teO@RIE ESMeu MonSIEuR SagAN ANN@ druyAN   [ theORIEs of MisTER SAGAN:...
 pAROlaI diEZMa SpEttrI RiSonANzA NuClEare   [ E.T.s will send Graphics of 
 ROvInoso InglESe MeSsIER SAtaNA  N          [ Nuclear Spectrum Resonance !] 
 deNARO InSi@EMe inSIstERe SANANo ANnAN      [ This will dECIMate cRITics !]
 23)  C E O I E N M O P E U E C F T N G      [ ANN will act as a ANCIlla...
 ANCElla cANCEllO OPiniNE PEUplE iNGlEsi     [ (a Servant) of C. Sagan and
 CiEchi tEOrIE ENd MiOPiE VECchi ConFuTaNo   [ of Paul Dore, and will open
    C E O I E N EUrECa riFiuTaNo iNGEgnere   [ the GATE (of understanding) to
     CErchI@O E N M O  PENE  C FoTtoNo G     [ eNGlIsh PUBlic OPiniOn, while
       -                                     [ OLD BLINd thEOrIEs will ENd !]
 24) E T I S U O I Q L U R G U C I E G E    [They deserve ShaME and rIdiCuLe]
  eseGETI SUOI rIdiCoLi VeRgoGNosi "CIEGos"   
   vETI E.T. SUOnI  Q  Le URGOno  "CIErGE"    [ E.T.s. SOUndS are URGeNtly...
ciNGuETtiI SUOI lIQUidano L'aRGUmento InGlEsi [ asking for a TOrCH * ??? ] 
       -           Li@QUoR GUCcI UCcIdono? 
*[ TORCH: E.T.s are asking to be retransmitted with Earth Radiotelescopes ?]
                                             [ IN GENeSiS SiX or SiXTEEN ?   
  25) N S X T I N U U R S N N I N R C E      [ or SeXTINe ELeven... feAR
 GENeSi SiX TINtURa paURa dRoSNIN RiesCE     [ (Michael) DRosNIN AchievES ]
EN (Capella) SiXTINa U@Ndici hoNNI sIgNoRe C'E [16 shaME in SiXTINe Chapel ?]
 SiX IN U.R.S.s RaSputiN URSiNI MINieRe caRCEre[SiX to RaSputiN's JAiL-MINes]
EN SeSTINa (16?) U.R.S.s NUova *[RIN]asCE   [SeXTINe XI-16 ->NeW URSs REBorNS] 
       -                      ^
 26)  S T C E N G E S S E N Q O H           [ "C'EST C'Est" (fre.)= What
 *"C'EST C'E" coNGEdaSSE riNCOglioN. H@Omini [ exist, does exist !...with
    SanTi CENsire iNGlESE  iNQuisitO H@ORa   [ this words ANN D. will say
                                             [ gooDBYE to doTAGeD MEn  ! ]

 EaST: ESoTiCo ChENG ESSENi QuOng-cHang -->  [ Return of JESUS in CHINA ?? ]
 27) R C I E S G S I R S A Q N A            [ ANn CUTS Off GaS (Fuel)... 
 ReCIS@E CIEgoS GaS IRoSA si inQuiNA anNA   [ to BLInD sCIEntiSt, but ...
      sCIENzIATI                            [ She gets poLLuTED by RAGE !
õ  aRCIEre dES GaS IS@RAele AttaQA@No     
    R C rIESGoSo SIRte [ SAQNA ? ]  õ->[ aRCHERS of gAs will AttaCK ISRAel ?]
 28) E O I E N M S P E R E F T N            [ BUT, vOIces of ENeMieS
 E vOcI ENeMiS SPERimEnti conFuTaNo FoToNI@ [ will conFUTE FoToNS@ in
 NAOs EL@OEN E SPiEgaRE RESTo REFuTaNo      [ eXPERimEnT@, while REFusiNg
      E O I E N  atMoSPhERE RESulTaNTI      [ to EXPlaIN the REST of data ] 
      -                       ^
 29) T I E U O Q L U E G U C F E G     [ NiGHT (black) TIE MAn (CIA, NSA ?)
    "TIE" UOmini "CLUE"  GUSta FrEGare [ ENJoy to ChEAt people playing with...
   No@TTI E pUbbliC@O L jUEGo C @UFE G [ CLUEs or GLUEs ? in pUbliC PLAces...

 õ TIqU@Es OCChio LUE  GUsCio FEGato  õ[ TIqUEs in EYe, SIPHILIS in LIVer ?]
 30)  S U X T I Q U U R G N N I E R C E      [ They like to fRIGHTen People
 "aSUSTan" I.Q. QUiR@UrGia iN@GegNIERe mERCE [ with tales of I.Q. SURGery...
 SUo ZiTtIr INQUiRenti guadaGNI pERCEpire    [ that alieNS would practice to 
  FEGaSUX T I Q U URGNeNtI daNNI mERCEdes    [ eNGINEeR (Paul Dore?) that...
                                        [ paymENT will EaRN... to ShuT Up !]
   FEGaSUX = EQ PEGaSUS ?  [ Paul DORE  picked up a message from this star ]
 31) T X E N U E S S N E N R O H            [ WiTnESs will PISS in his pants,
T@EStE ENUrESi VErSioN N@ERO dENaRO @RiESCe [ and BLACK mONEy will SuCcEEd...   
  TeSta EN "NUbES" SaNEro N@ERO H@ORa   [ to convince him about NEW VERSioN ]
       -                             [ ReQuESts of money made by CRitICS, is 
 32) R C E S G E I E S A Q O N A     [ satisfied by pEntAGON dONAtion. -END-]  
 RiChiESte ESeGEtI dI ESso pE@ntAGON dONA    
 "cHuRChES" inGlEse chIESA SACCO oCCasiONA  õ[ enGlISh cHuRChES will be...
                                            õ[ PLUNDERED by an Englishman ] 
                        Qab-1555 (Ramotti's) deciphering by Giancarlo Rossi



    GRAVITATION LENS EFFECT was previcted by physicist Albert EINSTEIN :
   this is the property of Enormous Gravitational Fields* ( generated by 
   a GIGANTIC MASS, as SUN's) to BEND light BEAMS (attracting PHOTON-WAVE)*
   and OTHER elettromagnetic radiation as RADIO-WAVES, U.V.-WAVES, that 
   came from other stars, making them divert TO the central axis of the 
   MASS (Star, Black Hole, Galaxy) that generated the enormous field, 
   giving  multiple images at great distances of a galaxy that is very far 
   behind. ( This is like diffraction: a gigantic convex glass lense ! )  
   ( * Relativity Theory saids there is NOT such a thing as a gravitational
   field, is all but a bend or curve in the 4-D STRUCTURE of SPACE-TIME, 
   that this photons passivelly follow, as a ball falling into a funnel. 
   But, for practical purposes, we can talk about a gravitational field  )

      This effect has been carefully observed by many astronomers since 
   1920, during several TOTAL SUN ECLIPSES * (Moon between Sun and Earth) 
   It was observed that values of light divertion angles, matched perfectly
   those predicted by calculus using Eintein's formulas for Relativity 
   Theory, so this is one of the main proofs of the latter.

   (* It was necessary to mask light beams coming from Sun Chromosphera,
   and Thanks God, in our planetary system, the diameter of the disks of 
   Sun and Moon, when observed from Earth, are almost the same !!! )
    In this case I CANNOT understand the purpose of EINSTEIN's LENSES...
 1) Maybe E. Lenses could be used for highly efficient emission of impul-
 ses in well defined areas of electromagnetic spectrum as FAR INFRARED 
 and MICROWAVES ( like those of radar and G.P.S. position satellites )
 [ from 1000 GIGAHERTZ (millimeter waves) to 1 Gigahertz (metrical w.) ]
  * We could make the hypotesis that E.T. have gravitational field gene-
 rators around the double star system (and a Black Hole ?) in EQ-PEGASI... 
 TWO little RED STARS, that send mostly RED LIGHT and infrared spectrum ]...

    E.T. could use this Giant Gravitary Generators in order to: 
 1) Divert, 2) Concentrate, 3) Modulate Frequence, 4) Change Phase of LIGHT 
 (maybe transforming it in LASER-LIGHT) and infrared radiation sent by this 
 small stars... ALL in a EFFICIENT WAY, in terms of energetic consumption ?
  2) OTHERWISE : ... ( +++ MOST PROBABLE !!! ) ... maybe they are
   using DOUBLE STAR System of EQ-PEGASI (* OR a HIDEN BLACK HOLE ? ) as 
   a DIVERTING LENS of EINSTEIN, in order to SPREAD messages everywhere !
   / Beta- \   Beta-TAURUS: ( El- Nath )  
  | TAURUS  |  BLUE GIANT, 140 l.y. far.
  |  ( El-  |  Magnitude : 1,6 .           
   \_Nath )/
          /\\ __ __ 
 orbiting\\ /    /        "narrow"
   Radio  /\              microwave
 Telescope|  / \\\\       beam, with 
    of   |/\\ \ o\\       message...
 Taurides     \\ \ \\\    S.O.S. ??? 
                \\ \ \\\  from TAURUS      
                  \\ \ \\\
                    \\ \ \\\
                      \\ \ \\\   Beam travels  
               ___     \\ \ \\\  for more than 
             /     \     \\ \ \ \  150 light 
            ( ALGOL )      \\ \ \ \   years !     
             \_____/         \\ \ \ \             
       ALGOL: ( The Devil )    \\ \ \ \
_.     Two Binary Stars 95 l.y.  \\ \ \ \                    Towards
AL-\  Planet HOSTILE TO TAURUS ??  \\ \ \ \      60-80 a.l. URSA MAIOR       
DE- |   ... otherwise could be       \\ \\\ \   (Big Dipper Constellation) 
BA- |   only as gossip women ! )       \\ \\\ \        
RAN |                                    \\ \\\ \     ( NOTE: I deflected 
___/     ( Otherwise INTERFERENCES:       \\ \\\ \     beam, in order... 
68          Interstellars Clouds            \\\ \\\ \   to make it ...
l.y.     with elettrostatic charge )          \\ \\\ \\  enter in the 
                                               \\ \\\ \\\   page ! )
      __     __                                 \\ \\\ \ \\
     /   \ /   \                                  \\ \\\ \\ \
    (   CAPELLA )                                  \ \ \\\ \\\
     \___/ \___/                   Double system    /_\ \\\_\ \\
  Capella= Alfa Aurigae            of EQ-PEGASI |==>(1)||\(2)|\ \\ 
 (little goat) is at 42 l.y.                          \/ |  \\| \ \\
 Two Yellow Stars orbiting      ___                   /\ |    \ | \ \\
  around a common gravity      /    \          20   /    \    |\|  \ \ \ 
  center in 104 days.         (SIRIUS)     light  /      |\   | |\   \__\\ 
    ___                        \____/      years/        | \  | | \ /     
  /alfa-\       Beta-Taurus    8,7 l.y.       /          |  \ | |  | ARC-    
 (MENSAE)       is 140 l.y.     :           /            |   \| |  | TURUS       
 yelow:28 l.y.     \       angle of       /     36 a.l.  |    |\|   \_____
 similar to Sun           almost 90ø    /    Sun-Arcturus|    | \     Red
              ____     \        :     /                  |    | |\   Giant
    NEAREST  /alfa-\            :   |/_  .               |    | | \ 36 l.y.
      STAR: Centauri)      \   _:__/  .                  |    | |  \ ___
     a-Cent. \_____/........ \/ THE \/                   |    | |   /   \
   (triple system)  4,3 ly. -(  SUN  )---..... 30 ...... |....|.|..(ASTERION
                            / \_____/\        light      |    | |   \___/
  TAU CETI: yellow        /  .   |     \      years      |    | |  yellow
    /   \   11,7 l.y.      8,9.l.y.                      |    | |   star 
   ( T.C.)                       |                       |    | |
    \___/    UV CETI: true adressee ?                    |    | |   beta-Cas
          ____   (two red dwarf at 8,9 l.y.)             |    | white/   \ 
 epsylon (e-Er)  (another Einstein Lenses ?)             |    | star(CAPH )
 Eridani (____)                                          |    |42 l.y\___/ 
     (yellow dwarf)                            16,1 l.y. |    |
                          ___11,3 l.y.                 _\|/   |
                         /    \          ALTAIR =     /    \  |
                        PROCYON       Flying Eagle:  (ALTAIR) |
                         \___/           white star   \____/  |
              ____                       Magnitudo: 0.77      |
             /    \ FOMALHAUT                                 |
            ( F.H. )  Piscis-                     26,1 l.y. _\|/_
             \____/  Austrinus                             /     \
                     22 l.y.                              (  VEGA )
                                          VEGA: alfa Lyra, Blue-White Star
                                        (Intelligent life is NOT probable)
                                        ( protoplanetary cloud around star: 
                                          is plenty of rocks, dust, ecc. )
                                                        40 LIGHT YEARS
                                               SWAN CONSTELLATION (Cygnus) 
                                            Mu-Cyg: Two White Stars 55 l.y.
                \                                              |
        ________| \                              Gienah: Yellow S.: 82 l.y.
       |            \                           Chy-Cyg: Red Giant: 82 l.y.
       | NORTH POLE  /                                         |
       |_______    /                                           /
               | /                                            \|/
               /                                 DENEB: 1800 LIGHT YEARS

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NEW AGE MUSIC (by Red Turtle)

Films about Nostradamus
Peliculas sobre Nostradamus

[ <h2> NOSTRADAMUS by Red Turtle </H2> ]



(by Camillo)


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