Aloha and Welcome to the Friendship Club,
Please allow me to introduce myself and let you know what all this
is about.
My name is Debi Ross. Some of you may also know me as Thundercat.
An online friend of mine, John Nelson had been talking about a way
that a group of people could be able to get together in a safe place
and find ways to help each other with this sometimes confusing
business of online marketing.
As most of you are no doubt aware, there are many scams out there on
the net. Unscrupulous people trying to get your money and leaving you
with nothing but an empty wallet. Most of these offers sound very
good to say the least. As a member of this club, you are able to send
the info to the group and say "here is something I have received, is
it a scam or not".
Maybe we aren't experts but I myself and I'm sure many of the people
on this list and those who will join later, have been around the block
a time or two on the net and can usually spot a ripoff at 50 paces. :)
Just send us whatever URL you want to look at and we will help you
make an informed decision.
This is also a place to ask for help and support for yourself or others.
For example, one of our friends named Lorren ( ) has a
horseriding academy for the handicapped. He has been having severe
financial difficulties and stands to lose his academy if the funds
don't start rolling in. He is in a business called Magic Learning
Systems and would appreciate it if you decide to sign up for that
opportunity, you do it under him. The URL for his MLS page is
Click here
If you sign up, be sure to purchase the software within the 10 days
to maximize your earnings! This is a good company and I am an
associate already or I would join under Lorren.
Another friend of ours, Ed Kiesling ( ) could use
our help. He is disabled and can not work outside the home. He doesn't
qualify for SSI disability. He is involved in several opportunities.
The only one I know of right now and strongly recommend
(especially for beginners) is The Gold Club. The URL for his page is
Click here
Check out his page and you will agree that this is a very good
Loretta ( ) is having computer problems to-da-max
(as we say here in Hawaii). If anybody knows of or has a good,
working,upper-end computer that they can either donate or sell to her
at a fair price, please contact her. She is also in MLS and you can
sign up under her page at
Click here
If anybody else needs help or knows of anyone who does, please e-mail
John Nelson ( or me at
( I will make the announcement here in this
newsletter. I will not hold up emergency cases, I will send them out
to the group immediately. Please also let your friends know about this
club. Make sure that they, and not you request membership by writing
to either John or myself. I can't afford a spam complaint.
If anybody is having trouble sponsoring people into whatever opp
you're in, if you send me your Name, Address, Phone, Fax
(if applicable),e-mail address, URL, Keywords, Description you want
to use (20 words or less to get the most submissions), Headline you
want to use, I will submit your program every now and then with my
Submit Wolf software for free. Keep in mind, when I do this, you will
receive MANY e-mails confirming your submission. This is not spam,
just delete them. You'll know I'm up to my submissions when your
email box is full. :)
As time goes on, this group will evolve and much more information will
be sent to you. More and more people will be helped and find new
I will be setting up a listserv in the next few days that you will be
able to subscribe to and post to directly. Meanwhile if anybody has
any content they would like to see in this newsletter, please let
John or I know.
A Message From Your Founder John H. Nelson - Human Being Extraordinaire
This is not about business or any thing like that! This is about the
real world and the way we have to learned to cope with every day
pit-falls and human greed! We think we have the answer to these
problems. It is called FRIENDSHIP OR FELLOWSHIP!
We have already started putting together an awesome tool. YOU can be
apart of this.
ICQ is a must as we have to have a tool to keep in touch with each
Debi Ross is the main contact in this program.
She is a very honest lady and with her as our leader we can not lose.
( ICQ# 12080354.
My # is 15702708
We have a lot of work to do as all that are interested will be a part
of it. We will use all our different talents to make this the best and
most well informed Group on the interent. Just remember all for one and
one for all and FRIENDSHIP ABOVE ALL! Anyone can be a part of the
friendship club. There is no fee of any kind to become a part of the
program. The purpose the club is to help each other to do more and
safer, to communicate and share experiences, always look out for each
other, report any danger signs to the group, check out an opportunity
to the best of your ability before wasting the club members time with
bad information, share any resources and talents you may have with
the club, always work with the best interest of the club in mind,
never do anything to hurt the club's name.
As John mentions, you should get ICQ. It is a free tool and will help
us stay in contact easier. You can download the program at
ICQ Click here
Well, there it is, our first newsletter. I am basically a boring
person and will count on all our members for interesting and helpful
content to this newsletter. So please let us hear from you even if
its just to talk story.
Aloha for now,
Debi and John
Aloha And Best Wishes,
Debi Ross
ICQ 12080354 99-004 Kaupili Place
Aiea, Hi 96701
Help! I need a Work Car/Truck in Houston!!! Quick!
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 17:02:28 PDT
"AnnePatricia J Hunt"