Living It Up!

Hey! I'm Maria, and right now I'm just having some fun, living life to the fullest. I love to party and make a name for myself, so I'm making this page to show who I am. It's required for English class, but believe me, that's no reason why I can't make it kick!

Visit all my links, and read my writing too. You'll find all you need to know on those neverending books your English teacher makes you read. And, hey, you might even find a book you actually want to read, too.

So come on, click away!

An Introduction

My Reading List

My Journals

A Personal Narrative of My Own

A Saturday Evening Post Article

My Research Paper

My Name is Asher Lev Project

A Class Version of Oedipus the King

My Excerpt of Oedipus the King

A Drama about Hysteria

Julius Caesar

My Final Thoughts

Email me!

Last Updated: June 11, 1999