The Booklist of my Life

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
I recently read this meaningful book in the beginning of my sophomore year. It was not especially difficult to read, and in my eyes, was very interesting because it helped me to look at myself and analyze my own thoughts and feelings towards life. In other words, by reading into the mind of a character who was depressed and in desparate need of help, I got a glimpse of my own inner being and was able to learn more about who I am in comparison to who I try to be.

A Separate Peace by John Knowles
This book I read when I was a freshman. It was not particularly problem-causing and was a very interesting account of a highschool boy's search to find himself while interacting and converging with various aquaintances. I strongly recommend this because it gives you a raw image of envy at its worst.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding
This disturbing account of a group of young boys stranded on a desert island is filled with symbolism and depth. It tells of what happens when society falls apart and there are no rules to guide life by. It was well detailed and explanitory, but beware, for raw images of killing and terror can be quite hard to swallow.

The Chocolate War
I read this in eighth grade as part of the semester's criteria. It described the life of a lonely boy in an all male private school who gets taunted and terrorized because of his choice to not sell chocolates. It all comes down to one final test of strength, and the ending may surprise you.

Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
I also read this book in eighth grade, and I must admit if not for requirement, I never would have chosen to read this book on my own. It described the life of two wild boys and their adventures around town. The writing is mischievous and playful, and for those who like light and spirited tales, this is for you.

I read this book in eighth grade as leisure reading, for it had been recommended to me by my father. It is a horror story about a beast that lives under New York City's Musuem of Natural History, and sometimes I'd get so frightened, I was unable to read it at night.

Raise the Titanic by Clive Cussler
This story was an adventorous account of the main character's, Dirk Pitt, plan to raise the ever famous Titanic. It was interesting and suspenseful, altogether a good book.

The Client by John Grisham
I loved the always flowing plot of this fast moving story, and because of it found I was able to finish reading this in record time. I am now a John Grisham fan because of it.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Lewis
This was a difficult, but very interesting book. I read it in the summer before my freshman year and strongly recommend its haunting and eery tale.

The Lost World by Michael Crichton
This sequel book to Jurassic Park was not a dissapointment, though let me add the movie was. I found the book fast-paced and always suspenseful, keeping my attemtion at its best.

They Cage the Animals at Night
This book I read in sixth grade and was a first person true account of a boy's tormented and abused childhood. The power of it stunned me, and I found myself crying from the deepness the book possessed. Two thumbs up, definitely.

I read this maybe in sixth grade and it came to me quite easily. It told the story of a boy and his dog, but unfortunately ends sadly. Overall, it was a good book.

Lord of the Rings, Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
I read this series in fifth grade after reading The Hobbit, because I loved the tale of Bilbo Baggins so much. I enjoyed the many adventures described, and found the series delightful and mind-easing.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
This book is just a wild adventure the reader goes on as Huck takes part in countless activities.

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
This is the tragically gripping tale of a young girl living in a mental hospital, trying to regain her sanity. It is definitely a must read for those who like emotional and compelling novels.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
In this book, the reader is shown maturation through Francie's character. The reader is so captured by her story that they are able to see the hardships she lives through and cry with her when she is down. Overall, a great book.

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