The Celtic Webring

Welcome to the Celtic Webring homepage. If you do not know what the Celts were, please visit one of the webring's member's pages to learn more.

This webring is for all Celtic pages, both personal and informational. To be a member of the ring, you must follow these few requirements.

That's all! Now please follow these three easy steps.


Add your site to the queue using this form.

Submit site to The Celtic Webring
Your Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


Insert the webring graphic into your homepage. For the HTML fragment click here. When inserted correctly, it should appear like this:

This Celtic Webring site is owned by

Want to join the Celtic Webring?
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Step Three:

Simply wait now. Someone will check your page to make sure the webring graphic is on your page. If not, your site will be deleted from the queue if not placed there within two weeks. If so, expect a reply by then!

Webring Members:

If you would like to edit your site information (such as URL, title, your email, etc.) then use this form provided here.

Site ID:

Send email to Sarah Noelle if you have any comments, send to Marina Johnsonif you have any questions or requests, and send mail to Kira Danforth if you have any complaints or problems.