Patrick Marleau News Clips Archive

March 31, 1998
Staying alive-
The sharks remain in the hunt for a play-off spot. They are currently 3 points back of phoenix and edmonton who are tied for 8th in the west. They still have a chance at it, but they better start winning now, as they've lost their game in hand. The sharks are looking to the young guys, including Marleau, to step up and produce. He is 5th in rookie scoring with 29 points, not exactly a threat for the calder trophy, but has been playing well lately.
*new article below*

March 20, 1998
Big FOX game tomorrow-
The sharks face off against the avs tomorrow on FOX. This will be the most seen game for west coasters. Want a preview? Go here.

March 16, 1998
The elusive last play-off spot-
Yes, the sharks want it...bad. So do a few other teams right on their heels. They're currently 9th behind Chicago for the final spot, and the sharks will face LA tonight coming off a 2-1 win vs. Carolina Saturday, a game Patrick ended +1. Patty's been even or plus since the all-star break and has been on a steady learning curve with 21 of his points in the last 40 games or so. You know where to go to check out the new articles!

March 5, 1998
Catching up-
Patrick scored the winning goal with 5:37 to go in the 3rd period today versus the mighty redwings! That would be the 11th of the year for him. Osgood misplayed the puck, and Pat just poked it in past him. "It was just laying there, so all I had to do was whack it," Marleau said. "It was a nice play by Jeff. I saw the opening and just skated to the net." The Sharks had to overcome a 2 goal deficit to beat Detroit for the 3rd time this season. They are 3 points out of 8th place behind the Oilers, but they have the same number of wins and San Jose has played 2 games less. (Article added).

March 1, 1998
Ho hum, not much to say right now. I added an article to the articles section. Also, Pat's now up to 20 points in the rookie scoring race, 15 behind Calder rookie favorite Mike Johnson of the Leafs. The sharks continue fighting for that last play-off spot in the west, but they certainly didn't help their cause last night with a loss to Edmonton. Now they're 1 point out of 8th place. *Yawn*

January 23, 1998
Scoring update-
Hi all! Just thought I'd check in with *badaboom* the 1st news update of the year... news has been pretty dry, don't I know it! Just watching the hi-lights yesterday, and Patrick scored a goal, and earned an assist in a 3-2 win over the Oilers. I got a bad angle shot of Pat, but looks like he might be growing that *grimace* dreaded goatee again. Ah well, Pat's now up to a whole 9 points, 9 assists for 18 points. As Dave Randorf said, "Not bad for a guy who's supposed to be in junior right now."

December 10, 1997
Marleau declines invitation to World Junior Championships-
Many of Marleau's advisors, such as his agent, Sharks' GM Dean Lombardi, and Sharks director
of pro development Doug Wilson, recommended him to take the trip to Finland. Marleau responded, "I want to play for my country in the Olympics...if I'm going to be the player I think I can be, I can play for my country in the Olympics or the World Cup." He points out that he'd
rather stay with the Sharks to improve parts of his game. With only 2 returning players from last year's team, Team Canada would've welcomed Marleau, a gifted scorer, with open arms.

Last modified Jul.9, 1998.

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