About the Olympia Mountaineers

Established in 1963, the Olympia Branch of the Mountaineers is a busy branch offering many activities and classes. Most activities of the Olympia Branch are held at the Olympia Center, 222 N. Columbia Street, Olympia, Washington. Members hike, cross-country ski, backpack, camp, bicycle and explore the waterways of Washington by canoe and kayak. Monthly potlucks followed by interesting programs are held the last Thursday of each month.

Outdoor Activities

Trail maintenance

The Olympia Branch maintains the Mt. Ellinor trail in the Olympic National Forest through day and weekend maintenace trips.

Cross -Country Ski Trips

Most tours are one day and off the beaten track. Some tours head to groomed slopes for telemark practice. In addition, some overnight tours are offered.


Enjoy day hikes or extended trips in the wilderness. Enjoy fishing, photography and the simple pleasures of carrying your camp on your back. Hikes are scheduled year-round. Mid-week outings are also offered.

Family activities

These trips are geared to the age and interest of the participants. A pleasurable experience, rather than reaching a destination, is the emphasis. Events include snow shoeing, picnics, hikes, etc.


Explore the state on your bike. Routes are sometimes include pizza parlors, ice cream stops and potlucks as rewards for your efforts. Regular one-evening a week rides during the summer are featured with weekend and extended trips.

Club Climbs and Scrambles

Mountaineers scramble or climb hundreds of Northwest peaks every year. Trips range from 1-day ridge runs to extended back country excursions. A basic climbing course and an alpine scrambles course are offered each spring.

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The Olympia Branch Mountaineers
P.O. Box 797
Olympia, WA 98507
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