Olympia Branch Mountaineers

Board Meetings

Remaining meetings of the Olympia Board for 1997 will be on Sept. 2, Sept. 30, Nov. 4 and Dec. 2 1997. Board meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7 pm in Room 200 of the Olympia Community Center. All branch members are encouraged to attend. For information call Becky Russell, Chair, at 360-273-9465.

Help Wanted

Olympia Branch members are invited to provide input for the following two projects. Send a sketch, picture or description of your ideas to Edythe Hulet c/o The Mountaineers.

(1) Design of the new lakes hiking pins. The pins will represent these four hiking areas:
North Cascades Lakes
South Cascades Lakes
Alpine Lakes
Olympic Lakes
(2) Design of a new T-shirt commemorating the 35 year history of the Olympia Branch. The shirts will be available for sale at the Branch banquet in November.

Climbing Awards

At the Branch Banquet in November, the following peak pins and patches were presented:

Cascade Classics

Olympic Trails Award

Snoqualmie Lodge Pin - Second 10

Five Majors

Tahoma Peaks Pin - First Group

Olympic Peaks Pin

Tacoma Irish - Cabin First 12

Teanaway Ten

Olympia Branch Potluck

There are no potlucks scheduled until fall. Please see information on the Branch picnic here.

Meeting Room Reservations

If you need a room reserved at The Olympia Center, please contact Joy Justis, at 360-866-8427. Joy is the liaison with the Center for the Olympia Branch.

Magazine Deadline

Please send submissions for the August 1997 issue of The Mountaineer to Don Taylor at 6316 Tamoshan Dr. NW, Olympia, WA 98502, no later than June 20.

Volunteers of the month

Anyone who participates in Mountaineers activities is aware that it is a volunteer organization. Most people have no idea of the scope of volunteer hours which are given. I want to recognize and thank the following Mountaineers who gave of their time and talents at the Climbing and Scrambling Field Trip at Priest Point Park in March. Some of these people were involved in setting up their stations the day before the field trip, as well as teaching at the field trip.

Ralph Blankenship, my assistant; Jamer Lange, Tom Pierson, Nicole Gilsdorf, weight drop; Tom Keller, Larry Cowan, hip belay; Dana Behrns, Viki Bowles, standing carabiner belay; Linda Stretz, Russ Gilsdorf, prussik; Rick Silvan, knots; Jennifer Weldon, Mike Rosso, navigation; John Flanagan, Greg Tudor, boot axe belay; Paul Wiseman, Mike Rowswell, dulfersitz; Hugh Favero, Matt Overfield, belay devices; Ron Lucas, Marilyn Miller, hip belay; Steve Lerch, Steve Payne, running belay/fixed line; and Susanne Feucht, 10 essentials.

Also, those who escorted groups around to the various stations: Bruce Treichler, Jim Brooks, Tom Whitney, George Lemagie, John Masterson, Bill Morgan, Rory Bareith, Daryl Olson, Tim Weber, Ed Henderson and Ed Rashin.

It takes many volunteers to keep the Mountaineer's activities going. I would encourage allmembers to get involved and have fun

Where to now??

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The Olympia Branch Mountaineers
P.O. Box 797
Olympia, WA 98507
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