Ryanne's Page O' Questions
Welcome to the questions page. These are just things I want to know. Sometimes
life just doesn't make sense.
Things I Wanna Know
- Why does Janet Jackson talk about her "depression" every six weeks? What a pain. She should try being me for a few weeks.
- Is anyone besides myself sick of those "everyday people" Toyota commercials? How annoying!
- Why is bisexuality suddenly the "in" thing?
- Why do women want to join exclusive men's clubs but don't want men to join theirs?
- Why do non-smokers harrass smokers?
- Why is marijuana illegal? Can't you get the same effect from drinking?
- Why do people cruise in the passing lane?
- When men ask "why don't you like me?", do they really want to know?
- Why do stalkers always zero in on me?
- Why can't men take no for an answer?
- Is there a pattern here?
- Why do some women completely pluck their eyebrows and then draw them back in?
- If I use the ladies restroom and the seat is up, what does that mean?
- What's and ERROR 403 and why I am forbidden to access that server?
- Do people really get excited by having cyber sex?
- Why are there ten different types of Crest toothpaste? Why don't they just make one good one?
- Why do gas stations have keys to the restrooms? What the hell would you want to steal out of there?
- Why do cashiers allow people with fifteen items to check out in the express lane? Or checks?
- Why do people stop right in the middle of the grocery aisle? And why do they give me dirty looks when I smash into their carts with mine?
- Why do people care if Monica Lewinsky visited her dad in California? It's not illegal, is it?
- Why do people screech their cars to a halt when they are about to get hit? Shouldn't they move out of the way?
- Why do people blow their horns during a traffic jam? Do they really think the person in front of them is causing the problem?
- Why do people call tech support hotlines and claim to be pc gurus? Wouldn't they be able to fix the problem themselves?
- Why do people with food stamps eat better than I do?
- Why do some women wear flattering clothes to work and then complain when men compliment them?
- Everyone claims to hate the Spice Girls. So why are they so popular?
- Why do people view websites they find offensive and then complain?
- Why do people watch television programs and then complain? Don't they know what remotes are for?
- Why does the state waste money saving the lives of death row inmates who have heart attacks? Isn't that the point of death row?
- Why do people claim porn is degrading to women? What about the men, don't they have feelings too?
- Why do people say that what you don't know won't hurt you? Is it safe to say that if you don't know there is a bomb in your car, you won't blow up?
- Why doesn't MTV (Music Television) play videos anymore? What's with the Real World and My So Called Life anyway?
- Why is it that people who claim to hate television so much seem to know the lineup of every network? Is it in the name of research?
- Why do people call you on the phone when they don't want anything? And why do they expect you to carry the conversation?
- Why do people go to newsgroups and complain about the topic? What do they think the name is for?
This page was last updated 19 Jul 98