Ryanne's Page O' Views

This did not start out as a rant page. Honest! This is just a page containing my views on certain subjects.


Now let me get this straight. You work your ass off, marry someone who doesn't work their ass off, it doesn't work out, you wind up paying your ex a monthly sum for your trouble. Now do I have it right? Does anyone besides me see the problem with that scenario? I guarantee that if someone ever tried to force me to pay my hard earned salary to someone else for the privilege of screwing up a few years of my life, I would be held with contempt (or whatever it is they do). How is this fair? Who thought up this ridiculous concept? A vengeful ex-spouse? If you feel that you should continue living the life you had when you were married, here's a thought....get a f*cking job! Go out and earn your own money! Why do Americans put up with this kind of crap? When is somebody gonna stand up and say enough is enough? How is it even legal to force someone to fork over a huge part of their income to someone who doesn't even deserve it? If they did, wouldn't you still be married to 'em?

The bottom line is, paying alimony must really suck. I don't think it's fair and it shouldn't even be legal. It's your money not theirs. You earned it, you should get to keep it.

Mailing Lists

Aren't those just about the most annoying things people can think of? Picture this, I'm going to my mail box giddy with the thought that someone actually thought enough of me to send me something. I open my box to find out that I may have won a million dollars. Or that an exciting MLM scheme could bring in thousands if I act now. Oh goody! More junk mail for my garbage man. There ought to be a law against people selling your address to these vultures. And now I am getting junk e-mail! That is just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. To all of those who waste their time sending unsolicited e-mail to me, I delete them when I see the headers so don't bother. Geez!

The bottom line is, junk mail is a nuisance and it should be illegal for a company to sell your address without first getting your permission. It's like...like...invading my privacy or something, isn't it?


First of all, there's no way that it could have been a big secret that Ellen was gay. I mean, just look at her. Second of all, I don't give a crap who she sleeps with. However, I do care that she's all over the news with her sexual preferences. Whenever I open a magazine or hop online, there she is. Ellen is gay...watch her show! Ellen and her girlfriend are having a tiff...read their story! I saw her show exactly twice and they both sucked royally. I don't think Ellen is funny (not comically anyway) and I don't want her shoved down my throat whenever I search for entertainment. I don't go around saying...Ryanne is straight...check out her website! And as for her girlfriend, does anyone besides me think it's strange that she conveniently became gay or bisexual just when Ellen was so becoming so popular? Hmmm...

The bottom line is, I think Ellen is using her gayness as a publicity stunt. Her show sucked and was losing viewers and she knew it. What a great way to gain viewers, come out of the closet.

Tobacco Lawsuits

OK..let me get this straight. The tobacco company puts warnings of health risks on every pack of smokes, there are numerous public service ads about the dangers of smoking, there are news reports and talk shows devoted to the lives of people who have smoked for years an died, etc. With all of this information readily available to anyone who wants it, or doesn't want it, how is it possible to smoke, get cancer, and sue the tobacco company? Did they tie you up and stuff a cigarette in your mouth? Did they blow smoke in your face? Did your particular pack contain no warning? Do you live in a cave? There have also been studies on the risks of inhaling second hand smoke. If you are concerned about second hand smoke, then don't work in places where smoking is allowed, like bars and international airlines. You should have been aware of the risk and removed yourself from the situation.

The bottom line is, if a person does something, armed with the knowledge that it is potentially dangerous, then they should be held accountable for their actions and not be allowed to blame others for the circumstances.

Interracial Adoption

I do not understand why people are against interracial adoption. There are children of all races in need of a good, loving family. Not a good, loving white family or a good, loving black family but a good, loving family. If a couple or a single person is willing to offer their love, their home, and their support to an orphaned child, then I say go for it. So what if their ancestors didn't have the same challenges as the kid's. That isn't the issue at hand. The issue is simply this: there is a child with no parents and parents with no child. Why is that so difficult? Do the people who oppose interracial adoption plan on going out and adopting all of these orphaned kids? I don't think so. Do they think that it's better to have them bounce around from foster home to foster home?

The bottom line is, if you aren't going to adopt that child yourself, then butt out of it. It isn't your decision to make. If the parents are good people and the agency is happy with them, then that is all that should matter.

Enough of OJ

OJ this and OJ that. I am so tired of OJ's name popping up everywhere. OJ was even mentioned on the Au Pair from Hell message group. Unless he gave her tips on getting away with murder, I don't see the connection. One jury found him innocent (HUH?) and another found him guilty. Of the same crime! I simply don't get that. Only in America can you be legally not guilty and guilty at the same time.

And what about all these people popping up on television and writing books. They go to Larry King and Geraldo (Geraldo?) to tell their side. Unless they are OJ or a corpse they have no side. The Goldmans and the Browns sued, found OJ guilty, and won large sums of money. Ok..good..now go home. There is nothing else for you to do.

Believe or not, lots of people get away with murder. The only difference is that they aren't rich and famous. So we'll miss the wonderful opportunity of seeing their lawyers, their houseguests, their enemies, and their jurors (yes, their jurors) go out and make a name for themselves.

The bottom line is, you shouldn't achieve fame and fortune off of the deaths of others. Besides, OJ did all the work and he can't make a dime off of it. Tsk..tsk.

This page was last updated 19 Jul 98