  Equality Between Men and Women
If you cut off the feathers  from one of the wings of a pigeon, it will unable to fly no matter how strong its other wing may be, because a bird needs two wings in order to fly.
Abdu'l-Baha says:
Humanity is like a bird with its two wings - the one is man , the other woman . Unless both wings are strong and impelled by some common force, the bird can not fly heavenward.  "
Again he says:
"   God has created all creatures in couples. Man beast, or vegetable, all the things of these three kingdom are of two sexes, and there is absolute equality between them. In the
vegetable world there are male plants and female plants; they have equal rights,
and possess an equal share of the beauty of their species; though indeed the
tree that bears fruit might be said to be superior to that which is unfruitful.
In the animal kingdom  we  see  that  the  male  and  the  female  have
equal rights; and that they each share the advantages of their kind.
Now in the two lower kingdoms of nature we have seen that there
is no question of the superiority of one sex over the other. In the
world of humanity we find a great difference , the female sex is
treated as though inferior, and is not allowed equal rights and
privileges. This condition is due not to nature. but to education.
In the Divine Creation there is no such distinction. Neither sex is
superior to the other in the sight of God.... "
God has created us all as human beings, and it makes no difference to Him whether we are men or women. To a loving parent sons and daughters are equally dear.
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