Sailors International:

The NEW generation of Otaku Sailor Senshi

join S/I
Ahchoo! Cyberduck XP


Due to some issues with the Internal Revenue Service and our national security, the Sailors International site is closed indefinitely. However, this site is not going away forever. It will contain new material eventually, and it will continue to remain in use for those who have not yet been here or still wish to visit. The webmeister apologizes for any inconveniences this may cause, but feel free to browse the site all you want, and please sign our guestbook.

The Sailors International Continuum of Imagination and the Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi webrings will still be operable, and new sites are always welcome to join. In the meantime, please check out the All-New Website of Cyberduck XP at:

The Sailor Pages

Sailor Omega, Sailor Liberty, Sailor Genesis and Sailor UtopiaHi, there. Welcome to Sailors International,
home of a new generation of fan-created Sailor Senshi. If you like "Sailor Moon"-based fanfics and stuff like that, I hope you enjoy this site. Here you can get to know the Sailors International, or S/I, their friends, new villains, and the abstract connection they have to the Negaverse.

At first glance, it may seem like the S/I have no connection to the original series (other than ideas and a few characters), but references and other things will pop up occasionally during this first season, and next season there will be some direct Moon Kingdom involvement...

Sailor Enigma

Meanwhile, please give this site a good "once-over," and feel free to let me know what you think. Use the handy-dandy navigation column on the left to move about the site. On the character pages, you can meet the S/I: Sailor Utopia, Sailor Genesis, Sailor Liberty, Sailor Omega, Sailor Enigma, and their friends Onyx and Cosmo. Also, if you wanted too, you could get profiles on the Black Empire bad guys, Helius and his henchmen, Aza, Kaza, and Phaza. It will also probably seem like I've devoted a lot more time to Sailor Utopia, but that's because S/I was started with her, and she's kind of my pride & joy, so I've had time to develop her as a character. She is in no way the leader. In fact, there is no leader.....yet.

Dawn of the Black Millennium

Hopefully, in the future I'll have a ton of pictures on here, as well as some quality fanfics*. Also, it would be nice to maybe someday receive an award or two for this site--I put a ton of effort into creating it, but that can wait. I'm also looking for a few good senshi to join the Sailors International Continuum of Imagination. Yeah, it's a webring--just one more to join. The only requirement is that a site have some kind of original "Sailor Moon"-based material, i.e. a fanfic, fan art--not just another SM image gallery or worship page. And if you have created an original Sailor Scout, then you should join the Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi, a webring for fan-created scouts.

While you're here, don't forget to vote for us and sign the guestbook. It sure would make me happy.

Helius, leader of the Black Empire

Oh, okay! You wanted to know about the contests, right? Well, right now, there are 3 going on. First and second of all, the S/I need a theme song and voices. Get the details here. Also, as most of you may or may not realize, writing fanfics is a lot of hard work; not to mention time-consuming! Sheesh! For that reason, I'm offering all of you talented writers out there a challenge. Submit a original Sailors International fanfic to me, and the best ones will be featured on this site! Click here for more information.

Well, that should just about cover everything. If you have any questions or polite comments--no flames please, then e-mail me. I'm here to listen and reply if the case calls for it. Sayonara!

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"Sailors International" and all related materials are original ideas by Cyberduck XP, but are based on "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. All references to "Sailor Moon" are copyrighted by Toei Animation, DIC, and respective trademark owners.

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are the intellectual properties of Evan M. Parris & DuckieWorks International, Ltd.-© 1998. (In other words, please don't take the buttons or backgrounds from this site, and if you want to use one of the images, please give me credit for it.) All other images are trademarked by their respective owners.