Los Angeles Times April 17, 1999,
The small craters and mysterious
fin-shaped pieces of metal found next to
civilian vehicles attacked in Kosovo
suggest that they may have been hit by
U.S. cluster bombs designed to destroy
tanks. Similar evidence has been found at
several bomb sites over the past four days,
including two roads on which tractors
pulling wagonloads of Kosovo Albanian
refugees were destroyed during NATO
airstrikes Wednesday.
The intact bomb remnants, shaped like
single fins about two feet long with a
one-inch hole at one end, are stamped in
two places with the name ALCOA,
suggesting that the U.S. aluminum
company made them. The bomb remnants,
small impact craters and at least one
survivor's description of "explosions coming
from the air" do not jibe with a 1,000-pound
laser-guided bomb that the Pentagon said
was dropped near the village of Meja on
Wednesday, British weapons expert Nick
Cook said.
NATO has suggested that Yugoslav forces
attacked the refugees for their own
propaganda purposes, but so far NATO
has not provided any evidence to support
that contention.
While stressing that he can't be certain
without seeing the bomb remnants himself,
Cook said the description of the fin and
small craters was consistent with several
types of cluster bomb. U.S. F-16s and B-1
bombers have been dropping cluster
munitions in Kosovo, but the specific
models are not known.
One type of cluster bomb, which the
Pentagon reportedly wanted to use in the
air war over Yugoslavia, is a high-tech,
heat-seeking bomb that hasn't been used
before in combat, experts said in
Washington and London.
"It is meant to be quite 'intelligent,' "
because there is a device "which actually
gives it an aim point on the tank to provide
'greater lethality,' " Cook, the editor of
Jane's Defense Weekly, said in an
interview from London.
"You'd think it should be able to determine
a tank between a tractor, but in practice,
these things tend to get a little bit blurred."
A bomb half that size would blast a crater
3 feet deep and 20 feet across, NATO
Brig. Gen. Giuseppe Morani told reporters
in Brussels. The roadside craters seen at
several sites across Kosovo this week are
usually only inches deep and a few yards
across but pack a powerful shock wave
that throws hunks of jagged shrapnel
dozens of yards. "The circumstantial
evidence points to some kind of cluster
bomb," said a U.S. defense expert in
Washington, who spoke on condition he not
be named.
The refugees, at least six of whom were
badly burned, may have been the victims of
the debut of U.S.-made CBU-97 cluster
bombs, guided by infrared sensors and built
to spray super-hot shrapnel into tanks,
Cook suggested.
But without more evidence--or information
from the Pentagon--"it's still a mystery," he
Jane's reported earlier this month that the
Pentagon expected to use the CBU-97
cluster bombs, known as sensor-fused
weapons, for the first time in the air war
over Kosovo to destroy Yugoslav armor.
They could be mounted on several aircraft,
including F-16s, at least two of which were
involved in the accidental attacks on
convoys west and southeast of Djakovica
on Wednesday, by the Pentagon's official
At least two of the fin-shaped bomb
remnants were found in craters near
tractors that were struck in Meja, about
three miles due west of Djakovica, in
southwestern Kosovo.
Another fin lay in a similar crater, about 3
yards long, beside destroyed tractors and
refugee wagons about nine miles away,
east of Djakovica.
The same parts were found Monday beside
civilian cars destroyed on a main road in
Pristina, Kosovo's capital, and in the village
of Merdare, on Kosovo's administrative
border with Serbia proper, the previous
day. Kosovo is a province of Serbia, the
dominant Yugoslav republic.
The Pentagon insists that pilots only fired
on military targets east of Djakovica.
Survivors of airstrikes in at least three
spots along a 12-mile stretch of the
two-lane road said jets attacked them
several times.
Some of the refugees also said they heard
explosions overhead, which experts said is
also consistent with cluster bombs because
the smaller bomblets drop after a falling
canister detonates.
Cluster bombs are designed to hit several
targets at once, such as tanks crossing a
battlefield, and can carry different numbers
of bomblets depending on their size.
Each CBU-97 dispenses 10 smaller
devices that in turn drop four bomblets
each. They find their targets with infrared
sensors that detect the heat of an engine.
"It's certainly a possibility" that the
sensor-fused bomblets could drift as they
fell, because they search for running
engines and could strike targets at different
spots on the same road, the Washington
expert said.
CBU-97 cluster bombs also have fins, he
added. The British military has confirmed
that its warplanes are dropping more
conventional cluster bombs in the NATO
airstrikes on Yugoslavia, but only when
pilots are "extremely confident there are no
civilians around," Cook said.
The Yugoslav air force is also known to
have British-made cluster bombs in its
arsenal, but the ALCOA stamp on the
bomb pieces found at several sites in
Kosovo leave little doubt they were
American-made, Cook added.
Under the name ALCOA on the metal fin,
the number 2 was followed by B24. Less
than an inch away, there was what
appeared to be a serial number: 8377401,
followed by ALCOA 7075 and then the
number 961. The possibility that Yugoslav
air force jets may have also bombed the
refugee column shouldn't be discounted
because one could slip underneath a
NATO jet flying at 15,000 feet, Cook said.
That is the "hard ceiling" at which NATO
pilots are supposed to fly to cut the risk of
being shot down, but the height of flight
also makes it easier to hit the wrong target.
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