Published in The American Srbobran
A Pompous Academic Ass By William Dorich
"I do not agree with what you say,
but shall defend to the death your
right to say it."—Voltaire.
May 17, 1999—In the America of the 1930s in which I was born, the lexicon
included such ugly words as “Japs, Kikes and Pollocks.” As the son of a
“Displaced Person” of Serbian origin, I was called a “Hunky.” Today we
referred to such abusive language as “hate speech.” In the current American
society it is considered “politically incorrect” to attack Blacks, Asians,
Arabs and Homosexuals. However the recent article in the May issue of The
New Republic entitled “The New Serbia,” Mr. David Goldhagen of Harvard
University demonstrates how acceptable it is to attack Serbs with the same
ferocity that Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels attacked the Jews prior to
putting 6 million to death and liquidating 1.7 million Serbs.
In 1939 Hitler said: “I have three enemies, the Serbs, the Jews and the
Communists.” Mr. Goldhagen’s shameful piece of academic trash appears to
have fallen from this same dust bin of hateful European bigotry. Sadly, he
is not alone. Secretary of State Warren Christopher displayed his anti-Serb
hate by saying “Serbs are immoral.” He had to eat those words before
leaving office when his nephew was arrested at Forest Lawn Mortuary in
Glendale, California, where it is alleged he burglarized the facility and
where the police allegedly caught him having sex with a corpse. There are
no laws in California against having sex with the dead, but the mortuary was
compelled to notify the family that their loved one was raped in death.
Necrophilia was not included in the list of bigoted names attributed to the
Serbs in recent years.
When Madeleine Albright took office at the UN she accelerated the pace of
demonizing the Serbs. In 1991, at a demonstration in front of the United
Nations, a Serbian demonstrator yelled out at the Ambassador in his native
language, “Why do you treat the Serbs like we are animals.” Albright turned
on her heels and in her best Serbian dialect replied: “Because you are.” In
a New York Times article on February 15th, 1999, Albright said she had “Fond
memories as a child in Belgrade,” and that if her father “Was not a Czech
first, he would have wanted to be a Serb.” After 7 years of her insulting
terminology her new found fondness for the Serbs was like pouring salt in
their wounds. Especially since her biography omits any reference that Pavle
Jankovic, a Serb journalist with Politika, save her life in WWII.
Richard Holbrooke unashamedly called Serbs “Murderous Assholes” (New Yorker,
Nov. 6, 1995), and in his new book referred to the Serbs as “Evil.” Senator
Biden’s Serbophobia included calling the Serbs, “... illiterates,
degenerates, rapists, baby killers and cowards” (Aug. 1, 1993). And just
imagine, that was only in one of his many appearances on CNN. Congressman
Obey called the Serbs, “Pigs” and political cartoonists began drawing Serbs
as pigs turning over outhouses. Even the press has its share of bigots as
Morton Kondracke called the Serbs “Bastards” on national television.
Apparently Harvard University also unashamedly supports the “collective
guilt” concepts of Professor Goldhagen. If Harvard University does not make
a full apology for this hate speech, I suggest to the Serb National
Federation that they file a class action suit against this professor and
Harvard University for this racial intolerance by a member of their staff.
I also suggest that the Serbs take this potential “hate crime” to the
Justice Department considering our new laws. It appears obvious to me that
after some of these racist creatures obtain their teaching credentials they
emerge out of their closets confident of their academic cover. I suggest
that this professor crawl back under his rock.
Mr. Goldhagen’s abhorrent suggestion that Serbs should be “occupied,
rehabilitated and punished” for their collective sins borders on the absurd.
In a Washington Times article, June 15, 1997, “A German tank rolls through
a small village, and the peasants rush out , lining the road with their
right arms raised in a Nazi salute as they chant ‘Heil Hitler.” How immoral
that professor Goldhagen omits this lack of Croat “rehabilitated” now for 60
years. Germany helped Croatia fulfill its WWII Nazi dream of an ethnically
pure, Roman Catholic state—they “aided and abetted” the genocide of 630,000
Serbs cleansed from Croatia with German weapons, financial aid and
intelligence support. Professor Goldhagen’s vengeance of the Serbs reveals
a contempt for the truth. Der Spiegel publisher Rudolf Augstein wrote about
Goldhagen’s book, Hitler’s Willing Executioners, “Goldhagen’s conclusions
were at best ignorant, if not in fact malicious.”
President Milosevich of Serbia, President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia and
President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia are all ‘Commanders and Chiefs’ of
their armies, each of whom had concentration camps in which their prisoners
were starved, raped and beaten to death—yet all three go free while we
prosecute low-life camp guards and pin all of the responsibility on
Milosevich. There are currently 1.2 million Serbian refugees from Croatia
and Bosnia who have not been allowed to return to their homes for three
years with 30,000 NATO troops on the ground in Bosnia who have obviously
been sitting on their hands. Going to war, or occupying Serbia to guarantee
that 700,000 Albanians are allowed to return to their homes reveals the
abhorrent double standards of this educator.
Mr. Goldhagen’s statement that “Germany, ... has become a force for
democracy, cooperation, and prosperity...” is pure bilge. Germany was
responsible for the first genocide in this century in 1904 when they
slaughtered 100,000 Namibians and 1907 when they liquidated 120,000
Tanzanians. Germans were responsible for two World Wars and they end this
century by fomenting the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. For the third time in
this century German Luftwaffe are dropping bombs on the Serbian people, or
has the professor been too busy rewriting history to notice?
His remark “... if a people's self-understanding of self-determination
includes conquest, mass expulsion, and mass murder, the principle of
self-determination is rendered moot,” was repugnant. He totally ignores the
fact that Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia were denied self-determination and
even autonomy by an international community that stood by as Serbs were
denied their human rights and their sovereignty. Apparently Mr. Goldhagen
has amnesia that 44,000 Serbs signed “loyalty oaths” to the Croatian
government in 1991, then they were fired from their jobs and tossed out of
their homes. The ICRC has confirmed that 575,000 Serbian homes and 212
Serbian churches in Croatia and Bosnia were razed as Mr. Goldhagen managed
to look the other way. By his arrogant standards there were no Croatian,
Muslim and Albanian Nazi war criminals in WWII and there are none now.
By stating that “The majority of the Serbian people, by supporting or
condoning Milosevic's eliminationist politics have rendered themselves both
legally and morally incompetent to conduct their own affairs and a
presumptive ongoing danger to others” sounds like he is having an entire
nation of 11 million Serbs mentally committed for the crimes of their
leaders—much like the World Council of Churches has removed the Serbian
Orthodox Church from their organization, in spite of the fact that Patriarch
Pavle led dozens of demonstrations against the Milosevich regime in the past
9 years. Apparently the Serbs can’t do anything to please professor
Goldhagen and his ilk. In 1997, 2 million moderate Serbs protested for 100
days in the dead of winter, the largest and longest protest against a regime
in modern times. Where was Mr. Goldhagen’s support of those Serbs, and
where was the support by our State Department? Both were immorally silent.
Now this academic seeks to take their country away from them.
Serbs have been persona non grata at the Foreign Relations Committee, the
Helsinki Commission and the Human Rights Caucus since 1992. At Bosnian
forums held at nearly every American college and university since 1992,
Serbs have been barred. Without checking, I am confident that Professor
Goldhagen never permitted the presentation of Serbian views to his students
at Harvard. It makes one wonder in whose interest Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
works so diligently—it certainly is not for free speech, equal access to the
press, for including Serbs in the democratic process and for the rights of
dissenting views.
In conclusion, no one should be surprised that Professor Goldhagen’s article
in The New Republic was void of any mention of the KLA terrorists who
launched this murderous war against the Serbian people whom they have killed
and cleansed with equal efficiency.
The writer is the author of numerous books on the Balkans
including his 1992 book, Kosovo and his current book, Hilendar’s
Octocentenary. He is a correspondent for the American Srbobran.
This article will be widely distributed on the Internet.
James S. Hoyte, Assistant to the President
Harvey V. Fineberg, Provost
Dennis F. Thompson, Associate Provost
Sarah Wald, Assistant Provost
Jeremy R. Knowles, Dean of the Faculty, Arts and Sciences
Carol J Thompson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Laura Fisher, Associate Dean for Academic Planning
Margot Nelson Gill, Administrative Dean of the Graduate School
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Dean William Mills Todd III, Dean for Undergraduate Education
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