Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and news reports
Networks Need to Be Skeptical of Both Sides
Reporters Repeated NATO Falsehoods on Refugee Bombing
May 21, 1999
In the latest in a series of "accidental" bombings of Yugoslavian
civilians by the U.S., at least 87 ethnic Albanians were killed May 13
in the Kosovo village of Korisa. But the Pentagon did not admit that
it had in fact bombed the village until several days later; during the
first news cycle, when the story was big news, U.S. and NATO officials
advanced a variety of cover stories in order to deny or reduce its
guilt. And network news media were all too eager to carry these false
Here's NBC's Jim Miklaszewski on May 14, the day after the bombing,
reporting that NATO officials are "fairly certain" they didn't bomb
the village:
"NATO's still investigating, but privately, Pentagon officials believe
the Serbs attacked the village with mortars or small artillery, and
then laid the blame on NATO."
Meanwhile, officials were "privately" giving ABC an entirely different
story. Here's ABC's John Cochran on the same night:
"Privately, though, U.S. officials say American planes apparently did
bomb Korisa, where they say there were legitimate military targets,
including troops and anti-aircraft artillery. NATO analysts are
looking at the possibility that, after the bombing, the Serbs
shelled the town with artillery to make the devastation appear even
worse. The analysts say the pictures from the scene do not seem to match the
damage they believe was caused by the bombs."
Why did officials lead the networks to such divergent conclusions?
First, when you hear about such NATO "investigations," keep in mind that
in modern warfare, planes drop bombs on specified targets whose
coordinates are precisely known. Nonetheless, NBC ran with NATO's
"fairly certain" denial of even targeting the village without a shred of
evidence, when NATO's own targeting data would have revealed the truth.
ABC, on the other hand, offers NATO's alternate explanation: that Serb
forces shelled the village after a NATO attack. Again, no
substantiation was ever offered for the charge that Yugoslavians had
themselves shelled the site to worsen the carnage. After NATO
officials dropped this claim, and openly admitted that they had in
fact bombed the Albanians, they settled on a new story to try to
redirect the blame for the mass slaughter: The refugees were "human
shields" who were brought to a military facility in hopes that they
would be killed and provide a propaganda victory for Yugoslavia. (New
York Times, 5/15/99)
But press accounts from the scene cast doubt on the idea that Korisa
was a military target: The London Independent, reporting from the
scene, noted on May 16 that "Western journalists who visited the scene
saw burnt scraps of flesh and the scattered possessions of
villagers--but no sign of a military presence beyond a small number of
soldiers apparently billeted in nearby homes." Reports from
journalists at the site (e.g., L.A. Times, 5/15/99; Independent,
5/16/99) suggest that NATO bombs were not aimed at any obvious
military target, but at the tractors and wagons of the refugees.
Still, most of the press accepted the "human shields" story with
little questioning--including those news outlets that had reported
NATO's original falsehoods without a hint of skepticism. U.S. news
reports are properly skeptical of Yugoslavian government assertions,
since many of Belgrade's claims turn out to be wrong. Shouldn't
independent journalists apply the same standards to NATO's frequently
inaccurate statements as well?
ACTION ALERT: Please contact the TV networks and urge them to show
skepticism of unverifiable claims made by both Yugoslavia and NATO,
since both sides have made a series of claims that have turned out to be
ABC News
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Phone: 212-456-7777
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CBS News
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Phone: 212-975-4321
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Phone: 212-664-4444
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