This method is performed very early in pregnancy. The suction generated by a vacuum pump will suck out everything in a uterus including the torn fetus. No dialation of the cervix is needed with this proceedure of abortion.
This procedure is used during a first-trimester. The abortionist dilates the cervix with a mechanical dilator or laminaria. Then he inserts a tube with larger diameter into the uterus due to the larger body parts of the fetus. The suction created by a vacuum tears the body of the fetus and the placenta apart. If the fetus's body parts are too large, the abortionist will remove them manually. This abortion proceedure can damage a woman's uterine cavity resulting in scar and infection, in some cases parts of a woman's intestines were sucked out.
In thes abortion proceedure, the cervix is dialated, a curette or a loop-shaped kinfe is inserted to cut up the fetus and scrape the uterine lining to detatch the placenta.
This abortion proceedure is used during the second trimester (14-26 weeks) Due to the larger body of the fetus and the toughness of more developed fetal tissues, the cervix is dilated more and the fetus is dismembered by the abortionist grasping the fetal body parts with an instrument to twist them off. The fetus's skull has to be crushed and its spine snapped for an easy removal. An ultrasound is needed at the end and an assistant needed to account for all body parts. To soften the fetal tissues of late second-trimester, the fetus sometimes was killed first by injecting urea into amniotic fluid or rupturing the membranes and cutting the umbilical cord 24 hours before the abortion.
In this abortion method, the abortionist injects a concentrated salt solution or urea into the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus which causes burning and poising as the fetus ingests the solution. Prostaglandin hormone injected will stimulate an uterine contraction to expel the fetus.
These last two proceedures or methods are done during the second and tird trimester. Like a Ceaserean section, the aborttionist surgically opens up the uterus and removes the fetus and the placents. The fetus who could be saved even as early as 21 weeks is left to die.
This proceedure is well-known as the partial-birth abortion in which the live fetus is inducedly delivered up to his head. Then the abortion forces a pair of curved scissors into the base of the skull of the fetus, enlarges the wound by opening up the scissors, inserts a suction catheter to suck out his brain and to collapse his skull for easy removal. This method is favored for a low rate of complications, for a safe abortion done on a mature fetus during late pregnancy up to 32 weeks or more, also for the way to extract live fetal brain tissue for transplantation and research on various kinds of treatments in reversing the aging processes on elders.
If you can read this and still think that abortion is ok, then God help us all.