My diverse mailbox...

You've done it again! Only a wonderfully twisted mind could parody so much in one fell swoop. Congratulations!

Wonderful! Your Brat and Leotardo pages are amazingly funny! Keep up the good work! Who's next to be skewered?

i don't understand your page at all. please explain.

It has something to do with the moon and the tides. -Shinoh

Leonardo DiCaprio is the hottest guy in the world. You have no right to have a web page dedicated to ruining him. You obviously have no life.

If you can believe it, this person told me she's 24. God help us all. -Shinoh

To whom it may concern, You probably get lots of letters like this but I found your page on leo very funny, keep up the good work!
Yours, Ron

You Suck! It was kinda funny though. The you suck is because LeoNARDO hotter than hot and you are just jealous because more girls like him than they like you. So why don't you stop picking on him and make one of yourself because I bet that there is so much more that you can put into it. Thanks For your time and Effort talk to ya later or e- mail me back
Love the fans of hottie LeoNARDO DICAPRIO

You hate me, but you love me. Not an uncommon response. -Shinoh

what's up leotardo? i must admit that i love your page dedicated to yourself. as i sit here surfing the net i happened to come across your page and found it quite amusing! your sense of humor cracks my shit up! i think that the pictures added a good personal touch. i appreciated your style/humor. alright, well, since i took the time to email you, you yourself can email me back at i'd like to hear from your sarcastic self. talk to you later.

You are one sick puppy. Why are you so jealous of the hottest actor in movie making. He makes more money in one movie than you will ever see in your life.
Phyllis Wayman

I think your page SUCKS!!!!!! it's as crappy as hell.
-A true leo Fan

I'm not exactly sure what your position on the matter is. Could you please be a little more specific? -Shinoh

I love your Leotardo DiCappucino page! It is so funny!

Dear Retarted Person, Hello, who do you think you are? You must be the the biggest asshole on the face of the Earth. Do you think that was funny? You are just a stuck up whore you knows that Leonardo DiCaprio would never go out with a fat ass like you. And I don't blame him!!! I think you probally said all that because you are a 300 pound lard ass! I don't really care either if you go cry to your dad King Kong. Why don't you shit and die. But you would eating yourself wouldn't you. Go eat a big foot pizza for a snack. Ever heard of 1-800-94-JENNY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Public education: ya can't beat it. -Shinoh

To: Leotardo, After having seen your web site, I had to say I really like it !!! I'm a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and I have seen a lot of his fan web sites which are really the same. I think you are one of his fan, too. That's why you know a lot how to imitate their style. It's good though. You make me laugh, you know that? Well, just want to say that I like your web page. You are doing a good job. Okay, bye...
~ one comment from one visiter. :-)

your page is awesome!

Hi, my name is Chrissy. I just wanted to let you know that your sight is really funny. I couldn't stop laughing. Is that you or is that one of your friends? Whoever it is they really do look like Leonardo DiCaprio. Well thanks for the laugh!

dude: I think your site is brilliant! I love the quotes attached to the links.. especially the one about the magic markers.. strange but strange...

Congratulations! Leotardo DiCappuchino has been chosen as one of the Top Ten Leonardo DiCaprio fan sites by Total TV Online, the website companion to Total TV weekly and The Cable Guide monthly. The Leo Top Ten is part of a big "Leopalooza" at Totally Teen TV, our rockin' new teenzine, where Leo IS Oscar. To see the good company you're in, check it out at:

I just visited your page and thought it was pretty funny. I was just wondering - do you have something against the REAL Leo? It seems as though you do.
A Devout Leo Fan, KV

My name is Kacey Johnon, If I'm right it sounds to me you are making fun of Leonardo DiCaprio. I might be wrong but I doubt it. I can get your site banished. I don't like to be rude but LEONARDO DICAPRIO is the most talented and bueatiful actors of our generation.
Very Upset, Kacey Johnson P.S If I am wrong please forgive my rudeness.

You might be smart, but I doubt it. -Shinoh

I love your website of Leo!!! it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!

Hi, My name is Cyndie and I visited your Leo page. I disapprove of it and so soon as I get the word out to a lot of Leo fans online they will be very angry too. You shouldn't be making rude jokes or etc about Leonardo DiCaprio. It so so so so obvious that you are very immature and decusing. And it proves that you are jealous of Leo because of his talent, intelligence, looks, and I could on and on and on. I hope you change your attuide about the WONDERFUL LEONARDO DICAPRIO! bye! A Very Displeased Leo Fan, Cyndie

What the hell is "decusing"? -Shinoh

I "was" looking at your Leonardo DiCaprio web page. Or as you would say it "Leotardo DiCappucino." I think that by you making this page to make Leo look bad you are making it show more that you are jealouse of him anbd his good looks. Well Thankx for your time!

Yore Wellcum! -Shinoh

I have never laughed so hard in my life...I mean I guess I don't have to tell you what a genius you are!!! My God, Robin Williams should be as talented as you. I am sitting at this computer and lauging my head off, to the extent my entire family is wondering, "what is wrong with her now?" I just had to send this e-mail to you, and thank you for a serious round of laughter. I am so impressed...please know that I will check in periodically to know the latest and greatest!..........You are going to write more aren't you??????????Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

what do u have against leo anyway???????there's nothing wrong w/him,and u are just cutting him up for no damn good reason,well F u!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! Don't use that strong language on me, young lady! -Shinoh

Hey you freak who gave you the right to make fun Leonardo Dicaprio your a fruit loop

Um...the Constitution? -Shinoh

a hilarious site...thanks for making at least 15 minutes of my life enjoyable! I laughed, I cried, and then realized that your DiCapalike model is actually WAY better looking than Mr. Hollywoodie himself. What a crazy I must obsess over this new & improved version.....
later, Kyle Chicago

Hello my name is Maura I'm Italian and I'm working to a new site Cinema World which contains the links to the pages of international artists and films In the Leonardo Di Caprio section I've linked your amusing site The address of Cinema World is
Bye Maura Iannaccone

hello bitch! leo is a kind, nice guy and you shouldnt bash him like this! its not human or reasonably fationable comments about him they are just mean and crule!! if i were him i would kick your asss in a second! i dont like it and im sure he doesnt eather!please remove your site from the webring or i will have it removed! by calling your server and having you dissconected!thankyou and have a nice day!:P~~~~~~~~~~~~~``````

That would be assuming my server can translate your finely written letters. -Shinoh

Well all i have to say is that i am a fan of Leonardo (to make the dissention clear), but i think that what you have come up with on your page is quite clever. Leotardo doesn't look half as good as Leonardo, but he is still blond so it works.(lol) I think that everyone who is a "true Leo fan" who is upset by this should take a chill pill. I mean, i was laughing so hard, not because i don't like Leonardo but because this guy is really funny. I think that Leonardo himself would laugh at this page, because he has a sense of humor, and he would realize that it is all in good fun--whether or not this guy likes him as an actor or not--no one would waste the time to write something like this with out it being a label of respect. (Like a girl that i work with said:"They make fun of me while i am working, so they must love me!" The point being that this guy isn't secretly, not that it would pay for him to be, hating and talking about Leonardo without him knowing (I know, i know, it doesn't make much, he is very open and honest about it! (lol) Leonardo would probably say "Finally there's not a shrine devoted to me in the page!" (lol) So yes I am a "true Leo fan" like the rest of you out there but, i can see where even Leonardo would find this funny, so don't be so uptight about it. If you want a shrine dedicated to Leonardo you have come to the right place, check out my site at

Right on! (lol) -Shinoh

Hello! Your site makes NO sense at all! It can be very misleading too (duh!) The jokes are gay (probably as gay as you) and very stupid. Maybe you should go see a movie called Titanic and maybe your views on Leonardo DiCaprio might change. Thanx for your time.
Suzanne : )

Nothing like a polite insulter. Love the smiley face, babe. -Shinoh

HA HA...that was funny!!!!! I think that that was about the funniest thing I sister was online looking up her nonexistint boyfriend and then she showed me this!!! that was great!!oh and another thing all those people that are mad cause you hurt there perfect Leo...GET THE F*** [Shinoh's censor] OVER IT!!!!!!!!! You don't even know him!!
Thanks, Allison

You go, girl! Thanks for the support. -Shinoh

When TITANIC came out I was a huge Leo fan, but lately I think he is way overated. When I found your website I thought how rude, he is just jealous, until I started reading it and looking at the pictures. I laughed my ass off. (Especially at the pictures.) Whoever you are, I think you are brilliant for creating a site that proves that some people take life way to seriously!!!! Thanks for the laugh, awesome site!!!!

Take life too seriously, hmmm? Who could those people be...? -Shinoh

I think your sight is pretty rad even though Im a Leo fan. But let me ask you a question. And dont put any sarcastic comments under it. Why did you make this sight. Obiviously you have something personal against Leonardo DiCaprio or you wouldnt have taken the time to put up a Leo bashing sight. So while you are saying that the people who are offended by this page take life too seriously(by the way im not offended at all) what about a person who dedicates a web page to ragging on a guy they dont even know. By the way, I thought the site was cool, but how would you like to see a sight like this about you. For your sake, I hope Leo never runs across this page.
Abigail Rose Dearing

Dear friend, I understand the pain you must feel, torn between loving and hating my page. First off, once and for all, for the record: I ACTUALLY LIKE LEONARDO DiCAPRIO! He is a damn good actor, attractive, and successful. I also think he's a big boy who can take a few jokes. Anyone who regards their idols as perfect have a real problem. I simply wanted to do something different from all those look-alike Leo loving pages that have drool running down the screen. My page is more of a satire of those pages' styles than of Leo himself, I feel. So, take your assumed amateur psychological theories about why I would make this page and toss them out with this morning's trash. I also run ten other websites, so this is just for fun. Thanks for writing! - Shinoh

Hi, my name is Penny and I also run a large website on Leonardo DiCaprio.. I was wondering if you could add a link for my webite on yours? The URL is:
The LEO Files
By the way I love the website, Its so so so so funny!!! :) I have been cracking up in class all morning!
P.S. Congratulations on being named in the top 10 at Teen TV! I was also picked in the Top 10 List!! Woo Hoo!

We are kings of the world! (Or queens)-Shinoh

You are a very Funny Person. It takes alot of creativity to think of something like this. I am a Fan of Leonardo's but I have to say this is the funniest hate pages I have seen. It is kinda Degrading To Leonardo though don't you think.

Degrading? It's not degrading. Degrading would be showing Leo French-kissing a staple gun, or eating Uma Thurma's feces, or lopping his own head off and frying it in a Bernaise sauce. Compared to that, I'm pretty tame I think. -Shinoh

i laughed my ass off! your page is the funniest i've ever seen. your sense of humor is brillant! i'm a 17/f. u? please write back & tell me about yourself.
P.S. was that u in those pics.?

Okay, okay, so who am I? Well, I'm not the skinny dude in the pics. I am pictured as Shinoh, Queen of Andelusia, defeater of the Saxons, sovereign of all muffins, blueberry or bran. But seriously, I am a 25 year old male, and a college graduate with a B.A. in Theatre. I'm currently a low budget filmmaker, a young adults novelist, a screenwriter, a caricature artist (check out my DDT Page), and at one time I was actually a prospective Catholic seminarian! Figure that one out. I am Shinoh, the eternal enigma. - Shinoh

Dear Shinoh,
I already feel so close to you after reading your page, but especially seeing your flawless photo. I do realise that you are an "all important star reporter" and everything, but you are going to give away some of your beauty secrets aren't you???I mean, not every female is as "blessed by God" with such drop-dead georgous looks as you!!!! I mean,...........hey, I know that you are busy with all your stellar (and I don't mean Stevens) reporting, just please think about divulging some of those beauty tips and perhaps a teen page....I mean, only another female can truly understand our complusive yearnings to visit each and every Leonardo site listed before Good Friday!!!, I guess I can assume that I will soon be adressing you as "Dear Shinoh". So, move over Abigail Van Lisper!!!

You already did address me as "Dear Shinoh." But thanks for the kissing up anyway! - Shinoh

I found your site a while back and have been sending it to all of my friends. This is a great site. And I'm a Leo fan and I don't find this degrading at all. Maybe all of you obsessed people should take a look at one of my pages Signs You're Obsessed With Leo and then get a clue. He is a brilliant actor but he doesn't know you and never ever will. And congrats on The Top Ten , Shinoh. I was listed too. Don't we rock ? Leonardo DiCaprio : Unplugged. Keep up the good work and can you hook me up with Leotardo ? I find him very attractive. :):)
- Angel

I have just finished enjoying your excellent website. Not only is it genuine humor (rare!), but the beautiful presentation and the correct spelling (!) were rare treats. I don't know when I last enjoyed a website so much. But that probably doesn't count for much...I haven't got a hell of a lot going for me.

Neither does Pauly Shore, and he lives a comfortable life! -Shinoh

The "Leotardo" web page is hilarious. Great job! You just forgot the Shirtless Pinup Gallery! That's my favorite part of the Brat Renfro Page!
p.s. wanna check out my teen hunk website?

Thanks! I'm sure all the chicks will dig it! Good job! - Shinoh


Dear Mrs. DiCaprio, I understand your need to defend your husband, but let's face it...he loves me more than you or deviled eggs or garden gnomes or Zimbabwe. It's time to let him go, hon, and move on with your life, no matter how difficult that might seem. By the way, good luck with your career in psychiatry. It was eerie the way you got into my mind and actually could tell so much about me. - Shinoh

I have a message from Mr. Cappucino for all of you who have been slamming him, he thinks you are all, "poopy". For those of you who want his body, he says, "if you can make it past my up-and-coming star director babe, then you might have a chance, but a warning to you, she hits hard with a belt." Straight from the horse's mouth. (By the way Shinoh, Mr. Cappucino is anxious to do another photo shoot with you so give us a call, or we'll twist your nipples)
-- Up-and-Coming Star Director Babe

This is the real deal, folks, from Leotardo's main squeeze. So watch out...-Shinoh

Brilliant site, luv! Especially enjoy the correct spelling and decent grammar. I'm a mid-level DiCaprio fan, think he's a handsome old son, and your pix model is a sweet one -- and a fair likeness! Love the wit and wackiness. Please keep it up, I laughed until my sides hurt. A suggestion: Why not do Michael T. Weiss (The Pretender) next? I suspect you'd do a wonderful job lampooning him (gently and with taste, as evidenced here), and I'd like to see a site like that. By the way, loved your "Mrs. DiCaprio" response... had to laugh as I read the tirade. I didn't know the Appalachians were wired for cable, never mind the Internet. BTW, once met the gent (very briefly at a gas station in LA), and he gave me $4 to pay for gas when I came up short. Sweet, huh? Kissed his cheek to thank him; he drove away in a silver car (think it was a Porsche, don't really know).
Diz. (

Thanks luv! Pip pip, cheerio, and all that rot! -Shinoh

omg i luved ure page!! omg it made me laugh soo hard, i was crying!! Well anywayz r u a girl or a guy that did that page?? Well w/b, l8er!

And who says they don't teach shorthand in school anymore? -Shinoh

I'm confused. Do you like Leo or not? If your not I would tell you not to do a page on him like that. That was pretty stupied. What I'm trying to say is I hate your page.
P.S. I'm not telling you my name.HA!!

Thanks, Louis! (Or whoever is using your account) -Shinoh

Dear Shinoh,
Everyone here at Tripod just loves your Leotardo page! Every week we feature a few special member pages in the Tripod Insider newsletter. We would like to feature your page in next week's issue of the Insider. Is that all right with you? Let me know.

Sincerely, Gail
Gail M. Burns, Assistant Editor, Tripod, Inc.

Woo hoo! - Shinoh

Dear Shinoh14:
I am writing a piece for the New York Times Circuits and would like to talk to you about your involvement in/creation of the DiCaprio Web ring. Can you please e-mail me a phone number where I can call you, along with some appropriate times to call? Thanks.
Charlie Bermant

He did a really cool article, too! Thanks Charlie! - Shinoh

Just had to email and let you know that your page is the most awesome Leo site on the net! I'm a totally devoted Leo fan but I can tell you are too or else why would you make such an awesome page? It's completely laugh out loud funny and I'm sure Leo himself would really enjoy reading it unlike some of the amazingly BORING Leonardo fan sites which just repeat the same info as any other! And to all the people hating this page? Obviously their life is so worthless and boring that their only source of enjoyment is bashing anyone who has a slightly different view on a guy that they will NEVER meet! And if you do meet him? Well I feel extremely sorry for the guy! Love the page!

Hello, I am enjoying your NOTHING page! I could not imagine NOTHING? I had to click on to see for myself. I am still laughing at myself... Good show! Laughing doesn't hurt anyone...but just the opposite...keep up the good work... even if it is nothing.
Dick Lower (Lauer)

Just wanted you to know how entertaining your web site(s) are!!! ILMAO!!! Sorry about some of the hostile comments...when we become so anal that we can't enjoy some playful banter about our media becomes very sad...
Cherrie Carter

Shinoh, just had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your page. I get such a kick out of your sarcastic humor! Keep up the great work. Hope you don't mind, but I added this page to my favorites so I can check back periodically and get another taste of your humor!

Man, that page was pretty funny. I'm still sore that Leo got that part in Titanic and I didn't. WHO CARES if I really don't like water. I like drawing naked chicks; so it works out, right? But NOOOO "Mr. Camera" says I got to like water. Go figure. I thought site was amusing.
Philip Wesley

Thank you all so much! I'm glad I could make you laugh. I appreciate your letters. - Shinoh

Okay, I have to say that your page is the most funny page I have ever seen in my life! I love pages like yours. They take a big hollywood star and make them look stupid as monkeys. Okay, this didn't make Leo look like a monkey :-), but it made his fans look a little silly. I mean come on people, can we say stalkers? Gosh, I'm just glad to see someone has a brain!
~^*Danax AKA Dawn Princess*^~

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, not that I am done reading the hate mail you got..I would like to say that your page kicks ass! I am the PRESIDENT of the Active Leonardo DiCaprio Fan Club. Obviously, you have some rather slow visitors, so I will spell that for you: A-C-T-I-V-E L-E-O-N-A-R-D-O F-A-N C-L-U-B That's right! I am the president, and I find the page EXTREMELY funny! You people need to grow up and have a little sense of humor. I would bet you right now that even Leo himself would find the page funny. On a side note~~ Where do these people come from? If these people are from the United States, I'm moving to a different country man!