Dad and I are wearing our "Orange"
I had a busy day...
Daddy makes a good pillow
This is my cousin Tyler
He came over for a visit....
What a stick in the mud!
He wouldn't play with me!!
This is me trying to be brave
and go down the steps
They look awful high up to me!!
Geez! What dispair!
Whoever invented baths
Outta have to eat.....Cat food!!
I hate bath time !!!
I stole this little golf fella from Daddy
I sling him around
and he yells Fore!!!!!!!
I'm not sure but I think my Dad
is use to yelling that whem he plays golf!!
Reading the paper makes me so sleepy!!
My mom is saying............say cheese!
I'm thinking....ok....
Yummy! I'll take some cheese please!
I feel safe in Daddy's big strong hands!!
This is Brandy and I playing in the snow
We loved it!!!!
Mom says I'm a Hippy with this shirt on
I think I look pretty kewl!!
Yuck! My sister wants to kiss me!
Brandy, Mommy and Bailey
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