Hello, and welcome to my world on web.
thank you so much for stopping by.First of all i would like to thank the friends that have helped me learn all this and made it possable for me to do this and are still helping me,Jerry11, Dew, and Aries, thanks guys you have been great!!
Now about me, my name is Jean, (picture below) i am 40+ (close enough) i was born in Mass. lived in Texas for 18 years, and am now living in FL.i have 4 childern, 3 grown and a 14 year old son, i also have 3 grand childern ages 6,4,and 8 months, they are still in Texas, i miss them alot.I hope to go to visit them come spring time.Things i love, well if you looked at my page you probably can guess, i love the skys, the
ocean, music, flowers of course my web.
When im not here i spend my time with all my friends in how2chat, you would not belive how close we all are, when one of use is hurting ,were all hurting, we are like famely,And i'm proud to be a part of that famely. Please stop by and visit use some time and be sure and look at my friends page there is lots of pictures. Please be sure and come back and see what i have got done , as i've only just begun, thank you again for stopping by, OH and please sign my guest book so i will know that you were here. Have a great day!

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