Well let me start with the ones that helped me learn html codes and help me do these pages, belive me they deserve to be first for putting up with me.First there is Jerry11, i met jerry when i first started doing html for my mail page. i was looking for a cloud background and could not find one so i posted it, and jerry answered the post. Thats what jerry does, he helps people with html and pages and really anything to do with web.He is very good at it to!jerry made me those three RIC,S, oh i put some cams in the first one, and told him what i wanted, but thats all i did,jerry did the rest. And not for pay, but as a gift, because thats what he likes doing. I have learned a lot from jerry and am still learning. Some times i call him superman, because no matter what i mess up,he always fixes, I dont think theres anything that can be done on web that jerry can not do. He really amazes me.I keep telling him we need voice mail in whisper in our chat, but he hasn't done that yet.Come on jerry were waiting.Jerry and i have become very good friends since i started this and im proud to have him for a friend,luv ya jerry.
Next theres Dew, Dew is the one who gave me the confidence to even start doing html in my mail, she would say , oh come on you can do it, and if you dont like it, you can always take it out, and belive me i have takeing a lot out.But every morning for about two weeks Dew would say, well Jean have you started your mail page yet, and finely i did with her help, and if i asked her a question about html she would always fine the answer, and would say,were both learning, so i wouldnt feel stupid.Dew has been my friend for a long time now, we met in how2chat oh about 7 months ago, see use to be in there a lot and i use to live in there befor i started this.Dew is a very good friend to have, she is always there if you need her for anything, that is when her web is working right, she has a lot of trouble with her web, right now she cant get her mail, its just not comming,well i want to thank you Dew for being my friend, luv ya.
And then there is Aries, Aries and i have been friends for a very long time, she came with my web she was there my first day in how2chat and made me feel so welcomed, and made me laugh a lot to. You get Aries, blondie and Munch going and they are so much fun. Aries has heped me a lot also with this html, when every i get upset about not being able to fine just what i want she lets me know she has been there, done that, and knows just how i feel, jerry had made me that skylady banner thats on the first page and i wanted a gold welcome sign to go with it, so i asked Aries if she knew of any and i thought she forgot about it, but 3 days later she sent me that welcome thats on the first page and the skylady's home page thats on the second page, she must have made them up for me. thank you so much Aries luv ya.
And then there is Paralyzer and his wife shug,and here are some pic's of therefamelyEveryone calls paralyzer Para, Para is one of the sweetest, kindest, gentelest people you wll ever meet, i feel like hes been a part of my life forever, anyone whos been around him longer then a week feels the same way. He is just one of the most careing people you will ever met, and he really does care.para came to how2chat a little while after i did and it didnt take long befor we were good friends.paralyzer is the type of man that puts himself last and everyone else first, and i do mean everyone, para and i have laughed together, cryed together,sang together, and prayed together.If ever you come in to how2chat and para enters while your there, belive me you wont miss him, the whole screen will be full of paraaaaaaaaaaaaa. Every one loves para, and for good reason.They had a little get togeher a while back, here there arefrom left to right,its73, shug.fig,bigblue, and woodstock i bet they had a ball! para if i had only one friend left, i,ed want it to be you.luv ya para.
Next is figjam, she is para's sister. If you have ever been to how2chat you already knowfig cause she would be the first one to greet you. fig is a very sweet and kind and outgoing person, she loves everyone. Everone there calls her sis because if you have been around her longer then 2 weeks she makes you feel like one of the famely.para and fig get along great, you would never know they were brother and sister, they are more like very close friends.I wouldnt want fig's phone bill tho, she calls all her frieds in how2,if you miss commig in more then2 days expect a call from fig wanting to know if your alright, thats the kind of friend fig is. luv ya fig.
And then there is tool, tool is fig's hubby.He is a very sweet man. He doesnt like this picture of himself because he is all dressed up, but i think he looks very handsom,dont you? down girls, he belongs to fig, but she might share if you ask nice.luv ya tool.
Next is MCGyver and his wife, MCG is tools brother, he is very nice also, and he knows a lot about doing web things also, if you dont belive just ask him anything about web, or look at his homepage on my side bar, MCG is a very smart man. im really glad i got to know him, he is a great friend.
Next we have re-kindle and fire-wolf, now let me tell you, if you want to laugh come in there when one of them is there, they keep you in stiches, fire came in one time and said a bad word and got kicked out and he came back in as pottie mouth, i will never forget that, i keep telling re they need to get a nother web so both of them could be there together, that would be so much fun!luv ya re and fire.
And then we have our Diablopoco,but we all call him diab, he is a nother one that will keep you laughing most of the time that he is in there, I have been friends with diab for a long time also, he is a very sweet man and a good friend, I have a lot of respect for diab because he is raising his son by himself and i know thats not an easy job, i will always have a special place in my heart for you diab, luv ya

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