Don't Make 2001 Their Last Year
On Earth.
May the Spirit Of The Wolf
always be by your side
Why people are afraid of the Wolf is beyond me. It
has been my experience not only in studying about the
wolf but personal expeience with the wolf. A wolf has
never attacked a human. A wolf is more afraid of
humans then we are of them. A wolf will only attack a
human when it feels threatened or if they feel harm
will come to one of thier pups. Aren't we humans the
same way?
How would man feel if things were in reverse? If the
Wolf was the hunter and man was the hunted.
Look at the world through the eyes of the wolf. The
wolf has no world. Man has taken it from him.
Man has put him on a two by four piece of ground.
When he wonders from this ground he is hunted and
destroyed. Even though he has done nothing. Then man
lies and says he didn't know it was a wolf or the
Wolf attacked my cattle. Even though there is no
Would man like to live this way? I think not. When
you look through the eyes of a wolf feel what he
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