
(a step into the life of a rude boy)

*hey.. this is my first entry and also my first attempt at writting a diary. I'll try to organize it more in the future and make it more eye pleasing.. feel free to stop by every couple of days and take a look at what happening to me, since skool started i won't be able to chat with my net friends as much.. so this is a way we can keep in touch! I'm not much of a writer but i feel this would be a neat thing for me to do, if i make any spelling errors that you feel wern't intentional.. just email me or something. if you think this page sucks.. well don't tell me.. hehe.. just make your own and do it your way!!

*What to look for on this page: i dunno.. i hope to talk about all the kewl people i meet on the net and places i go.. i'll try to update this everyday, however, all of my entry's prolly won't be as long as my first one!

maybe i would be able to look back on this one day and laugh.. gee.. i sure hope i can laugh.. but until i look back at this and laugh in my head.. you can just laugh at me now.. ;)


Dear Diary.. man that sure is a lame way to start.. AHH!.. got it.. i'll give my diary a name.. like.. hmm.. Wooly! (for those of you that don't know i'm wearing a wooly willy shirt right now.. that's how i came up with that stupid name..) let me start agian..

dear wooly,

wassup?.. i hope you had a kewler day than me. it's my first day back at skool and it looks to be a tough year. me and crash are gunna need alot of prayer, especially crash.. he's a dummy.. (just kidding crash!) this was the first day i had to wake up early in a long time. i talked to alot of my friends i hadn't seen in a long time. my teachers act as if they were putting on a show for my parents at open house.. they said we would prolly hate them for a while.. they're right.. hehe.. i think i have a christian teacher for once.. my chemistry teacher.. he's a trip. my english teacher kinda looks like the professor on 3rd rock from the sun (the one that dick is in love with).. she kinda talks like her too.. me and crash got 4 classes together.. which is amazing considering Rose High is such a big skool!!.. but!, we didn't get lunch together so we aren't going to be playing hacky-sac.. i think i got jipped-out.. the only person that i really hangout with in my lunch period is a dude named wei long (pronounced way-long... yes, he does get picked on alot.. hehe) he's pretty funny, and we help each other in class alot.. i still haven't got all my skool supplies yet, i guess i ought to.. man.. in lunch.. i stepped on something weird.. and slimey.. part of it's still stuck to the bottom of my shoe.. i don't think anyone saw it.. they prolly wouldn't have cared too much. I had to wear my contacts for the first day all summer, wow.. clear vision is weird.. well.. that about sums up all the important stuff about skool today.. or all i can remember.. i need to find out what homewerk we have tonite...

when i got home.. it seems that my mom has werk planned for me.. i have to go outside and work in the yard.. she says "a litte werk never killed anyone".. well... that's what i want to do.. i want to find one person on this planet that was killed by a little werk.. then i'll have an excuse.. AWESOME.. it's raining.. maybe i won't have have as much to do outside.. it was funny, she was the one who was telling me it wasn't going to rain today so she walked over to the store (it's pretty close) while she was there it started raining hard and she had to walk back with our dog toby (he's older than me so she had to walk slow!) she was soaked! hehehe

well, i guess this is it for my first entry in my diary.. kewl.. i think it went well.. i hope some kewler stuff will happen to me so i'll actualy have something to talk about.. but, until next time be sure to tune in for "the rest of the story"


dear wooly,

i have some good news and some bads new.. the good news is my mom is tired and doesn't feel like us going out to do yard work.. (woohoo!) the bad news is that there are 178 DAYS OF SKOOL LEFT!!!.. the more i think about it.. the more it bites.. anyway.. i'll get over it.. we did a funny experiment in chemistry, it made the whole room smell funky. my algebra 2 teacher is still a trip. i was afraid he was going to call me wooly since he did the day before. today i wore a shirt that said "Life is Good" and it had a little stick man eating ice cream.. he read that shirt too. about that shirt.. my english teacher (the one that looks like the lady on 3rd rock) read my shirt the second i got in class, for some reason she didn't look pleased. now i can officially say my english teacher is a dork, she not only knows what the longest word in the english landuage is, but how to spell it and say it!! she said it made her mad when they shorten it. luckily i found some people to sit with at lunch, all my friends (and i mean all.. except for wei long) got 1st lunch period. i talked with my friend joel. joel is one of the funniest people i know, even when he isn't talking.. everything he does just makes me want to laugh at him.. hehe.. just thinking about the stuff he does trips me out... he's a slacker.. but he doesn't try to be!!... my computer teacher doesn't know that much about anything.. she askes really dumb questions.. even for a teacher. me and crash just sit back and image to slap her in our head every time she does something dumb.. my and crash got stuck with the "loners" of the computer lab.. i mean these computers are old.. half the time our monitors don't werk or when they do.. every time the screen refreshes it clicks.. it sounds like there are little bitty bigs eating something inside the monitor.. nuf bout skool..

i wouldn't usually talk about the grocery store but something funny happened today.. i usually play hacky-sac there while waiting for my mom at the checkout line.. but when i did some little kid (like 2 or 3) pointed and started talking "baby-talk" REALLY loud.. i felt real dumb.. they couldn't get her to stop.. the sad part was that she was probably making fun of me.. (like i need more people doing that ;)

i did have one kewl thing happen to me today!.. a christian punk band called "crock pot oatmeal" emailed me today.. with the url to their page.. https://members.tripod.com/~cxpxox/welcome.html

well that about wraps it up for this episode in the life of a rude boy, tune in next time for.. "The Rest of the Story"


well.. some kewl stuff did happen to me today.. i got an email from Gobstopperz (christian band) and they asked me to add them to my bands page.. with i'll do in a second.. and also i somehow got added to a kewl christian business newsletter..

ok... i'll start off with me waking up.. i oeverslept... actually the weird part is i actually believe that i can turn off my alarm in my sleep.. and my mom says she thinks she's seen me do it.. i didn't even get a chance to finish my homework.. ohh well.. luckily the teacher didn't check it too good... one thing did make me mad today, in chemisty my teacher started relating chemistry to sky-diving and said that if chemists hadn't tested the parachute that there would be a chance of the material just flat out tearing up agianst the wind.. and he was just joking around when he said.. in the event that does happen.. you better start praying.. then all of a sudden some girl i don't even know said.. "heck with that praying crap.. you'd be hating it".. i thought to myself.. i know she would be hatin' it.. but i would just say.. oooohh well.. sudden death, sudden glory! and to make matters worse.. since i was in a hurry this morning and was tired.. i put some nasty kind reject lunch meat on my sandwich for skool.. hehe.. my computer teacher proved herself even dumber than she looks.. hehe.. when i got into class.. i noticed my mouse had lost it's feet!! (someone stole the trackball ;) i had to sit at a different computer.. ohh yea, in spanish the teacher changed the seating arrangement.. i thought to myself.. gee.. this is gunna suck, but actually it worked out weird and i sit next to crash.. unfortunately there is a weird morman girl behind him, and she likes to bother me and crash.. on to english.. english was kinda kinky today.. we did weird werd puzzles.. we got in groups of 2 and werked on them.. i partnered up with joel.. (the slacker) it was funny.. everyone else was laughing at the jokes.. and me and joel just sat there dumbly.. "uhh.. i don't get it" but the group next to us talked to loud so we just got their answers.. my algebra teacher had a weird way of describing distribution.. something about pizza, italy, and money.. i have trouble staying awake in that class.. it's funny.. but it's the last period and i don't feel much like reviewing.. buf bout skool..

something weird did happen to me today.. some bird has a bitter hatred for my window.. or me.. i don't know yet.. i think it sees it reflextion in the window and thinks it's another bird.. anyway.. it keeps flying into it scared the doodie (that's my fav werd!!) outta me!.. i was just minding my own business and all of a sudden.. "WHAP!.. errrrr" the bird sounded a little shocked.. i dunno..

i do have something good to report, jesse.. err crash has survived yet another ride home with his ride.. you should be on the look out for a dude in a CJ (type of jeep) going 70mph and dodging cars.. there are no doors in the jeep so jesse has to hold on really hard to the bar in front of him..

welp.. sounds like most of the important stuff.. other than i really need to change this background.. if you have a kewl one.. send it to me!!! 


dear wooly,

i'm sorry wooly.. i forgot to address you on my day before's diary entry.. i hope you understand.. hehe..

well.. i got up on time today.. good, had some soggy crispix (i thought it wasn't spose to get soggy?!?!?!?) actually.. i think the soggy crispix tastes better... i must have fallen asleep in some funky way cuz my neck herts... it still does.. listening to FIF is helping it though.. anyway.. off to skool.. i crash informed me that in world history i was reading the wrong part of the board.. (i was reading the one for the other class) i was wondering why she never mentioned homework.. it was becuz it was for the other class.. doh.. my chemistry teacher got way off the subject today and we didn't do much in there.. he said we'll be takin notes all tomarrow though.. in english 2, well.. when we get in there the words that often catch me by surprise came "everyone, get out your homewerk" i though to myself.. uhh.. huh?.. DOH.. i had forgotten.. i figured she was going to lecture me about not doing my homewerk so i prepared myself.. but i did think.. at least i wouldn't be along.. there's no way slacker joel did his homewerk.. i asked him.. he did it! ack.. looks like i was going to be a loner in this one.. the all of a sudden.. the teacher had to go out for something.. i think she was going down to the office on the other side of the building to get some book sale papers... i guess that was God's little way of saying.. next time get your homewerk done at home.. hehe.. but i got it done in time so it's all good.. we got our english books today.. ahh.. it's one of those big dady books.. when we got them the first thing she said was, "turn to page 1432" whoah.. and there was still like another 200pages in the back.. this might be a long skool year... i have officially given my english teacher the "black notebook award".. the teacher i dislike the most i always use the black notebook.. last year it was my civics teacher... she earned 2 black notebooks.. in computer apps II, we had to take a pre-exam kinda thingie... we knew it was going to be pretty easy so we were flying through it.. but for some reason crash had dazzed out.. he sat there for the longest time.. just staring.. at nothing.. (do you have any idea how hard it is to star at nothing?, crash has mastered that skill) luckily crash will be able to finish the test tomarrow.. algebra 2 is a rough class to have 6th period right before you get out of skool... i'm real tired by that time of day.. but one good thing happened!... i used to sit in the front of the row.. he would always pick on the people in the front.. but!, there was an empty seat so he got everyone in the class to move up one... mocing me to the back of the class!... rude boys belong in the back of the class.. but.. i did wear my spam shirt today.. he picked on me.. he said it reminded of some story when he was little and how he loved spam.. it scared us really.. but most of the people laughed at him... i have a couple essays to write.. ack.. and i think me and crash have to do a project that's due soon.. but we have proclaimed that we aren't going to let skool bum us out and we are going to slack off.. i mean.. why do we really stress out over skool?.. i never have been able to answer that question.. in the bible does it say "commandment number 11 thou shalt hate all teachers and stress out over skool" well.. i don't think it does.. and if the bible doesn't think it important i guess i shouldn't.. nuf bout skool..

my youth group retreat is this weekend and i'm leaving tomarrow afternoon so i won't be updating my diary for 2 days.. i hope to write alot about it when i get back.. it should be awesome.. my mom is going to go too.. that won't be too bad i guess... no one can tell she's my mom.. we look nothing alike.. she doesn't embarass me.. she embarass my sister like crazy.. my sister is a little to much into apearance.. but she should get out of that stage soon.. we hope.. if you want an idea what my sister looks like.. think of pocahontas on clueless.. there you have it.. my sister's picture!


dear wooly,

"Today we're going to study the potato" -Fred Baldwin, Algebra 2 teacher

how's it going?.. sorry i haven't updated you but i was on a SALT retreat with my youth group.. it was AWESOME!!.. everyone had a good time and it was sooo much fun, alot of weird things happened.. like when we were trying to find the meeting place for our youth group i ran and jumped on this old hurricane damaged walk-way.. it was ripped up so there was a 15ft drop at the end.. i knew about that.. i planned to just check it out.. but when i jumped on it, it went down like 1½ feet.. scared me for a bit but i thought it was kinda funny.. later crash pointed out to me that DO NO ENTER sign on it.. opps.. there was an awesome underground walkway to cross the road.. we found it fun to run through it was fast as we could screaming and hearing the echo.. i know that sounds childish but you should try it sometime!.. one thing that was REALLY awesome about the trip was our youth leaders seemed not to care that much that we (me and crash) were playing christian ska/punk/hardcore as much as they usually do, sometimes they play onnly DC talk and other stuff like that (which is good) but we prefer different musak.. (and i'm sure you know what that is ;) the whole way there we listened to awesome musak REALLY loud, and when we got there we were skankin' all round da cabin.. i ran jumped on the bathroom sinks then turned around and ran out the bathroom and jumped on my friend chad's bed stand thigies.. it bout lost my balance and ran *smack* into him.. the next day we took the cd player on the porch and played hacky-sac.. people said they could hear the musak all the way down by the lunch hall.. that was a pretty long ways away.. we did however find a good way to give people and idea howto skank.. pretend you are trying to step on a roach (a BIG one) and put a little jigg in it.. hehe.. one thing that was really werid.. the waves at the beach were AWESOME!!!!!! they will never be that good there ever again.. i have never seen the water so blue in NC in all my life!.. the waves looked like something from the endless summer!!! (only a little smaller ;) they were perfect!!! our youth leader was thinking about getting crash's surfboard and taking it along, but we decided not too.. man!.. if we had!!! that would have been sweet!.. but, the meetings we had were flat out kewlness.. everyone was contributing.. even the newer members!!! there is one dude on the SALT team that is really kewl.. he's a 7th grader and really short.. he's awesome though.. i wished (crash does too) that i was that dedicated to the lord when i was that age! one thing that did kinda *tork* (i love that werd.. eheh)me and crash off was the fact that we saw a thingie on the bumper of a car that had the darwin fish on it.. at a christian camp those shouldn't be allowed.. it makes me sad that i'm going to have to go back to skool tomarrow, and does the fact that i haven't done all my homewerk yet.. ehehe.. i'm going to have alot of work to do.. ohh!.. here's something funny that happened to my youth leader!!.. hehe.. i think he was at a resturant when it happened.. and a meat truck pulled up to deliver meat to the resturant and when it did it kinda didn't notice my youth leader's van.. the only way it could be discribed is *flat* hehe.. it ran over his van.. he said the driver was TOTALLY shocked!!.. my youth leader wasn't mad.. the driver was just staring into space.. the police had trouble getting him out of the truck.. well.. that's just SOME of the awesome and funny stuff that happened on the trip.. i think we are going to do it again soon.. i hope so.. one funny thing that happened is when we got back.. we were all VERY tired and it was bedtime for my youth leaders little kids (i think like 5 or 7 but i dunno)... sarah is the name of his daughter.. i noticed she was just staring into space (much like the meat-truck driver) so i walked up and something just popped into my head (that happens alot!) i said "When I get tired, I speak Spanish!".. i have no idea where that came from.. i just busted out laughing.. but sarah was so tired that i don't think she knew it was a joke.. she started crying.. she stopped though.. i think she was just to tired to laugh.. she prolly would have thought it was funny if she had been fully awake.. well.. i guess that's bout nuf for today.. cya wooly...


dear wooly,

*keep in mind the 9mm referred to in my diary is nothing more that my hand.. ;)*

well.. i slept late today so i was in a hurry today.. and 1st period sorta set the stage for today.. NONSTOP STUPIDNESS!.. in world history my teacher somehow got talking about computers.. she said "have you ever been on the computer and lost track of time?" that isn't stupid.. but the fact that she said she was listening to national anthems from around the world and lost track of time.. is that not the best waste of time?.. me and crash pulled out our pretend 9mm (actually just our hand) and plugged her in the back.. hehehe.. in spanish.. some other dumb stuff happened.. the teacher was calling roll and we're spose to say everything in spanish in there.. everyone was doing good and the teacher was complementing everyone.. then crash, usually the spanish suck-up (just kidding crash), says in his "stupid" not paying attention voice (not that he has a smart voice) "here" and the teacher looked like she was going to have a heart attack.. i mean.. it was an honest mistake.. she shouldn't have wigged out like that.. i almost pulled out my pretend 9mm.. but i thought better of it.. it's only for when a teacher does something truely stupid.. she was close though.. i had my share of dumbness in spanish though.. we were spose to break up in groups and role play.. well when she came over to mine.. she asked us to go.. i wasn't paying attention so when she called my name.. i just looked and said "Si".. chemistry was kewl again.. i think i'll like mr. banks.. he's kewl.. and his jokes are funny.. he's good at acting stupid.. but everyone knows he's just playing around.. oh yea.. i got back one of my summer reading book tests.. I GOT A 101!!!! woo hoo!.. that goes to show that even rude boy's can do good sometimes.. and there is another person in the class that likes secular ska.. he got a 100.. we got the 2 highest grades.. what does that prove.. eh?.. crash did pretty well.. he got like 97.. that's fine with us!.. in english 2 we're going to have to get in groups and do a project due next wednesday.. so far it's me, slacker joel, and wei long.. crash has the same class just different period.. i think she might let him work with us.. we're going to act out the 24th chapter in "things far apart".. we're going to try to make it funny.. we'll prolly tape it and show it to the class... that might be kewl.. i dunno.. in computer apps 2 crash's disk went bad.. he asked for a new one.. the teacher tried to act like she knew alot and said "sometimes you have to just bang em on the table a bit".. she did.. uhh.. didn't werk.. she ended up just breaking it open.. so we could see the inside.. like everyone hasn't allready.. she's lucky my pretend 9mm was out of ammo.. in algebra 2 i was VERY tired and didn't feel like doing much of anything... mr. baldwin told some corny joke.. but it cought be off guard so it was pretty funny.. he started talking about bragging and said this is an example "my dog is better than yours".. then he show'd how it related to algebra 2.. but then he said "i have a dog named Bo, in spanish he's El Bo".. that sad part is i think he actually made that up.. then later he made some joke that i didn't catch all of it but it had "Rain Bo" in it.. hehe.. crash handed me some ammo for my pretend 9mm.. so now i'm loaded again.. the teachers better hope i don't have to use it...


dear wooly,

well.. today got off to a bad start.. 1st period world history i had a POP QUIZ!!.. it cought me and crash TOTALLY by surprise.. we both made 70's on it.. ohh well.. that's not too bad i guess.. we'll be able to pull that grade up.. i hope.. in spanish we found a picture of a dude skankin'!!!.. well he looked like he was anyway.. well.. in chemistry, my test got moved back to friday!!.. woo hoo! i found out why my chemistry teacher blinks so much!!.. he has fat dady contacts.. he said they were REALLY expensive.. from now on i'm going to refer to mr. banks as blinky.. i got back another test in english 2.. 93!!! that's pretty good.. the test was pretty hard.. slacker joel got a 94 which shocked me.. the teacher actually handed me the paper.. i though i had a 94.. then i looked.. said joel at the top.. doh.. wei long made a 58.. ouch.. he's usually smart.. guess he didn't read the Cherry Orchard too well... who cares?.. it was a pointless book anyway right?.. i have to write some essays.. we werked on the thesis statement and intro in class.. and took a few notes.. all in all pretty dull.. computer apps 2 was as slack as ever.. hehe.. me and crash were joking around.. he was saying that his mouse pad was better than mine just cuz it had a raccoon on it!!.. mine had some stupid jungle scene.. we found it INCREDIBLY fun to stick our hands in front of the monitor and hand rapidly.. try it!.. these monitors are REALLY cheap and it looks different than it does on most computers.. maybe that's a way to judge how good a monitor is.. count how many hands it looks like to have when you wave in front of it.. the less the better!.. i could imagine old business suit people at a computer show waving their hands in front of monitors to see how good they are.. that would be funny... well.. i really wish i had algebra 2 earlier in the day.. 6th period i don't feel like doing much of anything.. we had a quiz in there and he said some corny jokes.. if i wasn't so tired i would have pulled out my invisible imaginary 9mm and shot him.. he has the weirdest way of teaching algebra 2.. nuf bout skool.. it givin' me a headache.. my mom was late picking me up again!! ack!.. there was a wreck yesterday.. someone at skool said that someone they knew was in it.. the dude tried to make a U turn from the far right lane!!.. he hit someone.. but i think everyone lived.. we prayed for those people.. we did find a weird thing.. we stopped at a red light.. and a black dude in tight black biker shorts walked across the street.. that's not weird.. but his 1½foot tall top hat on his head was.. that was the funniest thing i had seen in a while... that made me feel alot better.. some people looked at our house and are interested.. (for those of you who don't know, i'm moving.. into gville.. right now you could say i live in the outskirts of gville.. eheheh) i think they are interested.. one of them wants it as-is.. kewl.. ohh that reminds me of a story.. well... not really of a story.. but one of the people that tried to buy our house.. this guy in a black sports car (real expensive) pulled up, got out.. he had gold chains everywhere!!!.. he said he was from PA and owned a car dealership.. he hadn't even looked in the house and goes.. i'll take it.. we hadn't even said the price yet.. my mom said are you sure you have the money?.. he said "i could pay for 4 houses like this in cash".. we were shocked.. that's quite a bit of cash.. he looked a "little" creapy (we tried not to judge him for his looks).. they agreed to meet later to talk more.. he never looked at the house.. they were going to meet my dad at a resturant the next day.. he never showed up.. we called his pager.. no such number.. house.. no one answered.. business in PA.. no answer.. sounds a little fishy eh?.. that was the last we ever heard from him.. but.. i dunno what to think.. nuf stories.. well.. i'm tired and need to do homewerk.. later wooly..

P.S. it looks like i might be able to get a paintball gun and a really nice helmet for my b-day!!!!.. i think crash is gunna try to get one too.. somehow.. if you didn't know.. me and crash LOVE paintball.. we played it with our small group (like youth group) and it was AWESOME!!!!


dear wooly,

well.. i had to wake up early today.. it was the first meeting this year for the Bible club.. 7:30a.m.! ackers.. well i got up.. i found a good way to wake yourself up in the morning.. skankin'!.. i was acting dumb in the shower and almost slipped and busted myself.. that would have been bad.. i would have looked real dumb.. "Here lies Brent Leanhardt, Died of Skankin' in the Tub; Born 19-11-81, Died: 8-27-97".. hehe.. i got a bowl of Lucky Charms.. the marshmellow to cereal ratio was depressingly low... i think Lucky checked me out of a few there.. ohh well... maybe all the marshmellows are on the bottom.. i sure hope so.. Bible club was pretty kewl.. i was like 3mins late so they were already singing and i found crash in the back... it was mostly today about showing us what to expect and it should be a pretty fun thing.. we're gunna be every wednesday at 7:30a.m.... i couldn't beleive the amount of notes were are taking in world history!!!.. i have like 8 or 9 pages already!! the year's just begining!.. one thing was funny.. she was showing us this old crusty map that hangs from the chalkboard.. she pulled it down and when she put it up.. it whipped up and nearly fell down.. i was just imagining it landing on her head!.. spanish was pretty kewl today.. aparently, someone pulled the fire alarm.. we didn't know what it was.. we just went outside.. we were the only class in the skool that did.. the reason we didn't know what it was, was because it was a different type bell.. it was weird.. another weird thing.. we found out that people drink banana juice alot in Spain or something.. that's not to weird.. but how do they get banana juice???.. squeeze bananas?.. i told crash that would have to be the kewlest job in the world!!!.. could you just imagine in kindegarden.. the teachers goes "Bobby, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Bobby: "i wanna be a docter" Teacher: "susan, what do you want to be?" Susan: "i want to be a nurse" Teacher: "Brent, what do you want to be?" Me: "i wanna be a certified banana sqeeshers typer person!".. i wonder how much education you would need to do that.. gee.. college?.. well.. nuf bout bananas.. hehe.. i have a quiz 'marrow in chemistry.. mr. Banks "blinky" told us some funny stories about lab safety.. how he was shocked or something.. he showed us how dumb he used to be.. when he was younger he stuck his hand in a lamp (without a bulb) for the sole purpose of finding out what it would feel like.. i talked to slacker joel.. when the fire alarm went off the period before.. his class thought it was a tornado.. they were all crammed up against the lockers... hehe.. in english 2.. we had a "literary discussion".. if i would have known we were going to have one of those.. i would have shot myself before i walked in the class.. it was a might bit boring.. somehow she got off the subject and told us how she had hit a rabbit with her car and felt bad about it for 3 days.. i mean.. 3 whole days?.. i would feel bad, but.. as long as the rabbit was saved.. he's in Heaven anyway! hehe OHH!.. i did get word that my english 1 teacher from last year finally fell over from leaning on his stand.. he would always lecture us.. and in the process rock back and forth.. well, looks like the stand was tired of it.. it finally broke!.. woo hoo!.. computer apps 2 is really getting dull!!.. the teacher has no clue what she's doing.. she thinks there is only one way to do something... well that's exaclty how you aren't spose to teacher computers.. i learn more by myself or with my friends.. talking is how we learn.. she just thinks we should do it her way.. everyone is starting to get tired of hearing mr. balwin's jokes.. we're not long laughing with him, more at him.. well.. that's about it for skool.. other than as i was leaving some dude from the bible club walked up to me and said "hey!, you know melony?" i said "uhhh... huh?.. ohh.. yea.. " she's one of my sisters friends.. she's a christian.. somehow she had told him to say hi to me.. i forgot the dudes name.. he seems nice.. and not afraid to share what he believes.. it looks like i am going to get some paintball stuff!.. i got some of my outfit today.. we went to the ARMY/NAVY store and i got a really big camo-shirt.. and gloves.. i'm going to get the pants next time i go.. and i found a kewl thing to go ever my head.. last time i played.. the back of my head was an open target.. luckliy i didn't get hit.. i shot my friend john though.. he said it hert pretty good.. hehe.. looks like it did.. when you get a chance, ask crash about paintball.. hehe.. me and him did a little flag run.. it was kewl.. he was the decoy.. and i ran like crazy with the flag.. he got "ate" i guess you could say..


dear wooly,

skool is getting more and more tiring you could sum it up when i say "Beinvindos a la Case de Loco Gatos" (welcome to the house of the crazy cats) if you don't know what that means.. don't worry.. there's no hidden meaning behind it.. i just thought about it. and wen we had to act out a resturant scene in spanish i was the waiter.. so that's what i said.. hehe. i only think crash and the teacher understood me.. everyone else went "huh?" NOTE!!!: a kewl thing did happen to me today!.. i got the focused CD!!.. it's christian hardcore!!, i found it used at cd alley (local cd store) only $6!! it's awesome.. crash already has the cd, that's how i first heard about them.. well. anyway.. i guess i'll tell a little about my day.. i was really tired.. i stayed up studying.. i slept in late!.. when that happens i get it a rush.. when i get in a rush i do stupid stuff.. like.. since i have long hair.. i don't blow -dry it.. if i did.. it would get VERY fluffy.. i would look like carrot top with brown hair.. so i thought to myself "gee.. i need my hair to dry fast.." so i saw my fan in my room.. i put my head up close to it.. some of my hair got stuck in it.. it didn't pull out much hair.. but a few.. and it kinda scared me for a second.. it would have been real funny if it had ripped off all my hair.. we took more notes in world history!.. ahh!.. we found out that the teacher talks to herself alot.. i mean.. has full blown conversations.. somehow we got talking about some weird god of the egyptians or something.. all of a sudden some said "I saw dat on Seseme Street!".. i don't know where that came from.. but others agreed with her.. scary.. in spanish we did alot of stupid stuff.. we got the spanish workbooks we ordered.. they're huge!.. man.. you could really hurt someone with a workbook like that.. in chemistr we had a quiz and took some notes.. and discussed lab safety some more.. english 2.. ahh!!.. we had a HARD siddartha test... those werds were big! and it was confusing.. i think i did decent.. i hope so.. we had to make an outline for an essay.. man, there are alot of rules to doing that. i worked on it for like 15mins, then checked over it for like 10mins.. then i handed it to the teacher.. it took all of 2seconds for her to find errors.. luckily she gave it back for me to fix.. in computer apps 2.. the dude next to me had 2 pens break in his backpak.. hehe.. there was ink EVERYWHERE.. he had to cover sections of his pak with duct tape to keep the ink from leaking.. we did a bunch of junk in that class today too.. but luckily crash found some pennies to play with.. algebra 2 is pretty easy.. the teacha is getting a little on the corny side.. at least he's fun to watch.. if he wasn't i would fall asleep.. well.. i don't feel like typing much today... i'm listening to my new cd!!!!.. my sister made the volleyball team.. i don't know how.. she's a wuss.. (90lbwuss) and when she hits the ball she bruises.. hmm.. what does that tell you?.. she's never played volleyball before.. i mean not on a team or anything.. there a 2 teams for her skool, A and B, A is the good team... she's riding the bench for the B team.. what does that tell you?.. anyway.. hopefuly she'll have fun.. and she'll have alot of practices so she won't be at home to bother me.. i need to get of the computer.. we're showing the house to a family to buy and i need to clean my room.. they should be here any minute now... i hope the family likes loud <>< hardcore... later wooly..


dear wooly,

Fishstix for me (you'll have to read on to figure out what i mean)

sorry i haven't writen in here lately.. been really busy and my computer line's been messing up so i couldn't called the net.. allota funny stuffs been happening.. we were playing hacky-sac and i was serving.. it was like 20 feet from the circle.. i was facing backwards and i spun around and kicked it as hard as i could... it was funny though.. crash had plenty of time to move.. but it hit him dead in the face.. skool's getting pretty tough.. i was working on my english project ALL weekend!.. it was pretty funny though.. we aacted out chapter 24 in Things Fall Apart ... we worked (you could call it work) on it for 8 hours total over the weekend.. we had allotta bloopers.. one scene i was suppose to jump out from behind a tree and over a wooden fence.. well apparently i didn't notice how slick it was at first.. i tripped up and fell in the ditch.. hehe.. then on one scene.. wei was suppose to run and jump over a fence.. well.. he didn't quite make it.. heh.. his leg got stuck and he landed flat on his back.. we edited the film and it kinda looked like he was getting ready to do a flip.. on one scene.. slacker joel was suppose to pull out a dagger (actually it was one of wei's family chinesse sword's) and when he pulled it out.. the blade was gone.. hehe.. it was only spose to be a gift and the blade screwed into the handle.. well.. somehow it got unscrewed.. it was pretty funny.. on one scene we were suppose to all walk up and start talking.. we thought it would be kewl if we greeted eachother... when i went up to greet wei (actually obirieka in the book) i was suppose to says "Greetings Obirieka" but instead i said "hey wei".. i don't know what i was thinking but it messed everything up.. we could stop laughing for the next 3 scenes.. hehe.. we put all the mess up scenes at the end of the clip.. i wonder if the class will find em.. hehe.. well.. onto my day.. i woke up and ate breakfast.. i like staring at the cereal boxes for some reason.. sometimes they're kinda funny.. well.. i noticed that they haven't changed the back of the apple cinimon cheerios box in like a year!!!.. luckily i found an empty lucky charms box.. it was old too but at least it had a funny green guy on it.. i had a world history test today!!!!.. ahhh!!!.. 80 questions.. 50minutes!!.. nuf said.. in spanish i dazed off again.. it seems she always calls on me when i do that.. it's hard to stay awake.. me and crash are thinking of joining the spanish club.. hehe... i know it sounds stupid but we need to get involved.. in chemisty some kid said he was absent last friday cuz he was on a trip.. well.. mr. blinky (banks) said.. i went on a trip too!.. then another kid said.. "yea.. and acid trip".. hehe.. it was soo funny.. me and joel laughed for a while at that one.. not that we think that mr. blinky is a druggy but.. he acts like he could be.. hehe.. one thing that really scared me is that when i walked into the class he said hey.. that's not scary.. but the fact i said "hola!" scared me.. i didn't even think about it.. i'm turning into a spanish freak!.. ahh!.. in english 2 i got some tests back!.. i got an 86 and an 83 on some pretty hard tests.. that's not too bad.. as long as i can get b's i'm happy.. they count as a's as far as quality points go anyway.. we had to get in groups and answer questions on one of the books we read.. i got with slacker joel.. we knew our answers.. except we didn't know what some werd meant.. we thought it meant satisfied.. well.. when joel read our answer.. uhh.. she said "do you even know what that werd means?" we said... uhh.. i guess not.. she told us.. then joel said.. "ok.. then just make our answer the exact opposite of what we said".. hehe.. she laughed.. computer apps 2 is getting more and more doodie.. (doodie is my fav werd for stuff that bites).. they count off for some of the dumbest things.. me and crash fooled around in paintbrush.. i made this thingie that said "fishstix for me".. hehe.. i don't know where that came from but it just popped in my head.. it was funny and we laughed.. it looked awesome too.. so i made it the wallpaper.. i changed the screensaver to say "you know you want some fishstix" and crash made his say "have you had your daily dose of fishstix?".. i'm sure the next period class is going to wigg out when they read that.. they'll prolly think it has some hidden meaning.. but it doesn't.. hehe.. algebra 2 is getting less and less funny.. mr. baldwin is getting corny.. i'm just too tired to laugh.. i saw crash just flat out go brain dead.. and then mr. baldwin goes.. "isn't that right crash (actually he said crash's real name)" he just looked up and goes.. huh?.. that kinda described how everyone in the class was feeling.. well.. that's about all the dumb stuff.. hehe..

ohh.. i forgot one thing!

Word of the Day!: Stribbleberry (gom's fav fruit..)


dear wooly,

well.. today i had to wake up early for the Bible club at my skool.. MAN! was it crowded!.. woo hoo!!!.. they had to move it to a different room cuz the lecture hall was in use.. i walked in only like 2minutes late and when i opened the door i hit some grrl.. hehe.. i think she understood.. crash was already there.. i have some awesome news!.. my friend john miles is growing as a christian.. i mean.. if he died he would goto Heaven but now i think he really wants to grow.. he wants me and crash to hook him up with some awesome christian ska!.. this world needs more christian rudeboys!!!!.. i have some more good news today.. i had like a 60average in world history but we took a test yesterday and we got then grades back today!!.. i got a 92!!.. that was one of the highest grades in the class.. and i found out that it's counts ALOT more than the little quizes.. but i will need to study more from now on.. i was sooo happy when i found that out.. when i got the test back i even checked to see if it had my name at the top!.. in spanish we had a sub.. mr.perry is kewl most of the time.. he's cherokee i think.. he looks like it.. but our teacha cramed us with work so we wouldn't have time to bother mr. perry.. in chemistry we did normal stuffs for once.. we got to watch mr. blinky act dumb some more though.. english 2 was actually kinda funny today!.. we watched the video that me, slacker joel, and wei made!.. the whole class laughed.. even ms. west i think.. now that it a first... i mean she has frown wrinkles on her face.. some people have wrinkles cuz they smile so much.. but not her.. everyone laughed at me when i messed up my line and when i tripped.. but when they saw wei land flat on his back they completely wigged out.. hehe.. some of the messups we just but in the film and i don't think anyone notices.. like when the spider crawled on our camera man and he started to shake.. i almost slammed my hand in the door on film but no one noticed.. i started laughing in class and they looked at me like i was crazy or something.. hehe.. computer apps 2 is really getting dumb... the teacher told me to take off the screensaver "you know you want some fishstix".. i think she thought it had some hidden meaning behind it.. i don't think she noticed the background said fishstix too.. in algebra 2 i have a huge test tomarrow... ack!.. i prolly should look over a few things in there... i screwed up on a quiz we had in there today.. ohh well.. we didn't do much but review though.. i started to fall asleep.. it started to thunder outside.. i think that's what keep everyone awake in clai have ss.. i had to run across the street in the rain to get over to my mom's car... and she was late too!.. said there was some 6 car pileup on memorial drive.. the fone guy still didn't fix my line!!!!!.. i'm having to call the net on the house line!.. that bites.. me and excaliber played some golf over the net today.. usually we play more aciton type games but golf is just too funny!.. we talk on the fone while we play.. we tried to get crash to join in but he didn't have it installed on his computer at the time.. well.. i have allota homewerk wooly.. lata dude..

Word of the Day: skingsplat.. hmm.. i've thought of better.. but it'll do..


dear wooly,

do you prefer ice cream or meatballs?.. hehe.. that just came to me in comptuer apps 2 today..

i do have something strange to say.. i was going to the bathroom last night.. and i turned on the light.. the bulb burnt out the second i closed the door.. it was wet on the floor cuz my sis had just taken a shower.. i just about tripped and landed flat on my face.. that would have been the 3rd time i've almost serverly injured myself in the bathroom.. hehehe.. i just got off the fone with the fone company... man!!.. they sure do have some dummies working for them!.. they're so lazy!!.. he's came out 3 times so far and done nothing.. it's the fone companies fault that the internet is so slow!!.. computers have had the technology to have better modem connections for a long time!.. it's the crappy fone lines they give us that slow everything down!!!.. i haven't been albe to call the internet from my computer in a week!!!.. i do have a praise report.. yesterday afterskool a girl got hit by a car crossing the road... she's ok and was released from the hospital.. well.. anyway.. my day went by pretty fast.. which is a good thing.. we just took more notes in world history.. she go talking about tribal duties.. that made me laugh for some reason.. my favorite word is doodie... try it.. it's fun to say.. you have to stress the "doo" for it to be fun.. me and crash laughed at that.. i finished my spanish homework right at the end of world history.. luky for me i did.. the teacher decided to check homewerk too.. in chemistry we went over the homewerk and i have a quiz tomarrow.. me and slacker joel busted out laughing when he was trying to strench and slammed into the desk behind him.. the metal under tha test was broken so it made a real loud *gong* type sound.. it was pretty funny.. in english 2 we got our projects back!.. we got a A-!.. that's good compared to what everyone else got!.. she said ours would have been better if we had costums but it was good overall!.. we turned in our outlines for the essays we're gunna write.. it proofread mine for like 5minutes.. it took her 2 seconds to point out like 5 errors.. hehe.. i sat out in the courtyard today to eat lunch.. it was cool outside.. yesterday and before it's been really hot outside.. me, slakcer joel and wei sat in the shade near the windows.. i wish i could get a hack circle going.. i haven't got to hack during lunch at all this year.. me and crash just fooled around in computer apps 2 today.. we had finished most of our work already.. we just drew stupid stuff in paintbrush most of the time.. i drew this kewl thing that said "skankin' biscuits".. it's looked pretty weird so i didn't make it the background.. i didn't want to scare anyone who didn't know what skankin' is.. i remember one time me and crash were talking about skankin' and my sister's friend goes.. "isn't that when you pull down someone's pants?".. she's sadly mistaken.. pulling down someone's pants in shankin'.. skankin' is a dance you do to ska musak.. everyone should skank at least 10 minutes a day.. heheh.. we had a test in algebra 2 today.. it wasn't that hard but usually when i say that i find out that i made a billion careless errors.. ohh well.. he'll have them graded soon.. i'll know.. i had to give my friend matt a ride home from skool today.. he also didn't have any lunch and i gave him a blueberry multi-grain bar.. (i didn't want it anyway ;) when we dropped him off i saw his neighbor.. she's a freshman i think.. she told make that she thinks i look like a druggy.. hehehe.. it's prolly the long hair that makes her think that.. she's just a skizmed little valley girl anyway.. what does she know? hehe.. later wooly!!!!

Word of the Day: Dacrinfribulious.. hehe.. that sounds like a good one to say as a put down when you can't think of anything.. "you're so Dacrinfribulious!".. hehe..

9-04-97 / 9-07-97

dear wooly,

how sick would you get if you ate a bouncy ball?..

well.. i'm getting more and more werk to do.. and me and crash are having to force outselfs to study and do our homewrk.. i studied alot last thursday night.. i had some feeling that we were gunna have a pop quiz the next day, well.. crash didn't quite have that feeling.. we have a pop quiz!.. i actually made a 100!!.. woo hoo!.. bought time.. crash has decided to study more.. hehe.. we just basically slacked of in spanish.. not much to do.. on the way to spanish though, i saw one of my friends that i wanted to make sure he attended youth group this sunday.. i ran over to him and said "mark.. you're coming to youth group, you have no choice.. it's gunna be kewl!".. he knew i was just foolin' round.. but i just decided to let him get to his class cuz i figured he must be in a hurry.. then i thought.. "I'm in a hurry!!!!".. we have to make a long trek to spanish class and me and crash had to haul some boodie.. (in some people's case that takes 2 trips.. hehe.. i like that joke) we ran into mr. blinky.. crash goes, "hola señor banks".. blinky says... "hola!.. now yall go learn you some language!".. we thought that was hilarious in his hickville voice.. in chemistry slacker joel was strenching again and hit the desk behind him.. it made that *gong* noise.. it was funny.. we got back some tests in english 2 today.. i didn't do to bad at all!.. high b's are OK with me anyday.. we also go back our outlines we had to turn in for the essays we have to write.. uhh.. i wrote it in pencil.. but when i got it back.. the teacher had maked so much red ink on it.. i couldn't tell.. hehe.. it had like a bizzillion errors.. in computer apps 2 i think i'm going to have to learn to proofread more carefully.. (hinting i didn't do so hot on some papers.. hehe).. me and crash made some more absolutely pointless backgrounds for windows.. i made one that said "skankin' bicuits" and crash made something.. i forget though.. in algebra 2 we got our tests back also.. i got a 96!!!!.. that test is going to be something like 30% of our grade by itself!.. that's a good thing.. ohh yea.. we get participation grades in that class too.. and i needed to raise my hand for something.. so.. i waited till 13 seconds before the bell rang.. i kinda got lucky.. afterskool.. crash and i had werked it out so he got to come over to my house.. we basically acted stupid the whole time.. (which comes quite naturally) we spent time kicking a soccer ball at my dog.. (he liked it) and ping pong.. crash goes "i used to play ping pong all the time!!"... NOTE: he did not say he was good.. hehe.. it was kinda funny.. if they had stikeouts in ping pong.. well.. you know.. the fone guy came out to look at my line again to see what's wrong with it.. my mom goes "brent!.. the fone guys here!".. i went out to look for him.. uhh.. no fone guy in sight.. his car was empty.. and we looked all over the place.. i don't know exactly where he went.. but he showed up like 20 minutes later when me and crash were playing ping pong.. crash goes "we thought we'd lost you for a second".. i don't think he heard it.. but it was rather funny.. that night we spent working on our projects and playing games on the net.. we played some comptuer golf.. (we're getting better!!!) we played some pilot in a world war II simulation.. NOT a good idea.. he waxed us.. and had alot of fun doing it.. the next day we played volleyball with my sister (not voluntarily).. my sister made the volleyball team at her skool.. (don't ask me how).. the score was like 1,000 to maybe 3 after like 30minutes.. my neighbor even came over.. we told him my sister made the "B" team at her skool (the "B" team if you don't know is the team of people who weren't quite good enough.. heh) my neighbor says "is there a "C" team.. hehe.. that was kinda funny.. my sister was complaining the whole time about the ball being to hard.. she gets bruises from the volleyball!!!!.. that's kinda sad.. after that we went over to crash's house and played with his dog.. his dog doodie's waaaaaay to much.. we threw him a frisbee and he was happy... later when we were putting him up i was playing hacky-sac.. i accidentally hit it into his pen.. (not a good idea).. he almost swallowed it (notice i didn't say ate.. he would never eat it... only swallow).. i jumped over the fence.. and stuck my hand in his mouth (it was pretty nasty in there.. just thought you might wanna know).. i got my hacky-sac back.. but it was pretty slobbered.. we washed it off with a hose.. i'll have to let it dry out for a while.. that night we stayed up late listening to musak and crash showed me some awesome christian bands.. whose cd i'm going to HAVE TO BUY!!!.. they were pretty kewl.. one thing sad did happen while i was at crashes house.. we all need to pray for Thomas Taft (he was a kid i played baseball with a long time ago.. he's 2 years younger than me) he was riding his bike and was struck by a car.. we saw the scene coming back from getting ice cream.. the bike was inside the car.. i saw his cousin at church today...he said he thinks he'll make it.. but he's not sure.. anyhow.. i hope he was saved.. well.. i've got to finish my history paper.. and i have youth group tonite.. youth group should be awesome!!.. they rented sumo-suits!!!.. our youth leader made some kewl advertisements for the even too.. he took the sumos off the cover of the ghoti hook cd.. and superimposed me, crash, ryan (just call him little guy.. everyone does), and some other people from our youth group on the faces of the sumos.. it was funny!.. crash said.. "hey this is pretty neat.. i should put this in my scrapbook... uhhh.. if i had one.. ".. hehe well.. i'll catchya later wooly..

Word of the Day: spoit (the sound made when you step in a Leprechuan)

Did you know that: a 1 with 100 zeros after it is called a googal (no joke.. it was actually thought up by a 9 year old kid)

-Is there any number higher than infinity?

-yes.. infinity plus shipping and handling..

9-07-97 / 9-08-97

dear wooly,

where did my mom get that dumb bear holding that surfboard that she has on her desk?

hey.. sup woolyman?.. i'm putting the rest of sunday up here.. youth group was awesome!.. we had over 100 people showup!!.. i got some of my friends to come and i think they liked it.. gom was able to come too.. that's miracle.. usually his dad doesn't let him do stuff like that on skool nights.. it was so funny.. the church rented inflatable sumo suits!!.. the are usually like $800 but they got a great deal on em!!.. it was so funny.. it amazed me how good our youth leader was.. like he had done it before or something.. the church also got a "moonwalk" or what me and crash called it "the rubber room" or "rumpus room".. it was one of those things you would see at the fair or something.. it got you really tired though.. every once in a while you would get shot really high in the air.. we also got to play with the "soc 'em bopperz".. those we pretty kewl.. they are big inflatable boxing glove type things.. you just run around knocking the doodie out of people.. it was a fun way of saying "welcome to youth group" for all the newbies.. after we had eaten and cooled down.. we went into the youth room.. we got to play kewl musak and praise God.. i don't think everyone there is used to singing but.. i'm gunna make em.. hehe.. it's their first time so i'll give them a little slack.. one this funny did happen though.. my friend john miles came to sit next to me so i tried to scoot over.. i noticed there wasn't any more room on the upper level (our youth room has like semi-bleacher thingies..) i decided to sit on this tv cart.. i sat on it for a while.. well.. i didn't notice it was actually 2 tv carts.. one on top of the other.. i got moving when i was singing and the top on i was sitting on slid out from under me.. it made a really loud noise.. luckily i didn't fall to far.. ohh.. that reminds me of another stupid thing i did.. when i was walking in the room i still had a little bit of my drink left.. i didn't want to bring it in so i decided to drink it.. one of the GUYS (grown up youth sponsors) said... "hey brent how's it going!" she's funny so when i looked i started laughing and kinda missed on pouring my drink.. i got a little on me.. and alot on the floor.. hehehehe.. i took a bow and went to where my friends were sitting..

-the next day

well wooly.. i'm really tired.. on the way to skool my mom almost ran out of gas.. we had to stop.. it was close.. i think we were running on fumes.. i was too tired the night before so i didn't do my algebra 2 homewerk.. i finished my world history paper.. when we got to class after turning in out work... we took more notes.. she got in the lecture and was talking and talking and talking.. then the announcer came over the inter-com.. and she goes "Yes?" in this angelic voice.. like she's trying to suckup or something.. she doesn't always talk like that.. trust me.. she showed us all the things we did wrong on our essay.. she really got mad at this kid that didn't double-space.. eesh.. in spanish i found out that i had homewerk.. i did it as fast as i could.. i don't know if she took it up for a grade or not.. but anyway.. i got most of it done.. ooh!.. when we were taking notes in spanish.. the teacher sits on top of this desk when she's writting on the overhead projector.. well.. there was a piece of chalk on it.. she sat on it for like 10minuts.. then someone finally told her.. she had chalk all over her buttage (that gom's favorite werd).. it was pretty funny.. in chemistry we noticed that mr. blinky likes to talk to himself.. he was going on and on about something.. no one knew what.. i found out that slacker joel actually has another nickname.. it seems to be one that goes way back.. my friend jason said they used to call him captin D.. i don't know why.. sounds kinda kinky to me... i'll just stick to slacker joel.. it's more fitting.. we found out that we had english 2 homewerk also.. i had did mine before skool.. i let slacker joel "borrow" my paper.. during chemistry.. hehe.. and somehow.. he still ended up missing one... i got a 100 and he got a 90.. that was weird.. we found out that it's my english teacher's bday tomarrow.. she didn't look to happy.. i told slacker joel that we should give her a happy 104 year old birthday party.. hehe.. during lunch it was kinda hot outside again.. some stupid bee kept flying around wei and joel.. it was funny.. it flew in his drink and we cought it and threw it in a trash can.. i wonder what the bee has to say about that.. i told him it would have been really bad if he hadn't noticed the bee in his drink and swallowed it.. that would be too much fun for the bee or joel.. maybe a little fun for me though.. hehe.. computer apps 2 it getting REALLY dumb.. we doing all this typing crap.. she thinks she knows everything or something.. when we start learning about web pages.. me and crash are gunna show her some stuff.. in algebra 2 we started doing some funky stuff... mr. baldwin said some really stupid jokes.. that i even think he made up.. that's the sad part.. he has this huge chalkboard grid to plot lines and stuff on.. he said "how do i get wrinkles out of my chalkbaord?"... "with a grid iron"... and "how do i keep people from stealing it?".. "with a grid lock"... and later that period he had to move it.. he said "look mom.. i can pick up a plane".. i don't even think some of the people in the class got that one.. it was really dumb.. crash says he thinks he has the flu.. hopefully he didn't give it to me.. i am feeling tired today.. but i think i'm getting better.. i took an hour nap after skool.. and a little during skool.. hehe.. i have to get off the computer becuase my mom is showing our house to some buyers... i think i have some chores to do.. later woolyman!..


dear wooly,

did you know that it's against the law in Elkhart, Indiana for a barber to tell a squirming child, "Sit still or I'll cut off you ears!"?

well.. i overslept again.. i stayed up till 11:30 listening to musak and studing.. i was in a rush and couldn't find anything.. my mom's car is getting fixed so she barrowed my dad's and my dad is driving the truck.. the funny thing is, is that my dad is going to have to pick up my sister in the "ol' pick-up".. when i say old.. whoah.. i really mean old.. the only reason we have it is because my sister rides horses and she needs something to pull the trailer.. it's a pretty funny thing.. my mom picked me up from skool in it yesterday.. and no one cared.. and my sister thinks that if my mom is so much as seen with my sister everyone will freakout.. she's a little to cought up in "prep" image.. but i guess alot of middleskoolers are.. my mom's pretty kewl actually.. i don't look like anyone in my family.. not many people even know... my friend john miles just found out that she was my mom.. my sister gets bothered when my mom comes to youth group (she's a leader type person).. i told mom to get my dad to pick up tricia (my sis) in the truck, with the dogs in the back, country musak playing, and get my dad to wear a cowboy hat.. the funny thing is.. i know my dad would do it.. hehehe.. my sister would spazz out if people saw her.. ohh well.. in world history we didn't have a quiz like i thought.. but we do have a test tomarrow.. that ought to be fun.. yea right.. since i didn't get much sleep last nite.. i don't really remember what we did.. other than we took alot of notes.. spanish.. we had a test... it was pretty tough.. the oral part screwed everyone up.. it was a tape of spanish people talking.. we had to write down what they said.. that test took the entire period.. in chemistry i was the first one getting to class.. i walked in on mr. blinky singing "dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh.. Hey!!".. that somehow woke me up.. it was funny today.. one of the vice-pricipals came over and said.. i need to talk to you mr. banks... he said joking "am i in trouble?".. the vice-pricipal goes "yea".. then blinky goes "am i sespended?" (it was funny cuz he was dancing and acting like he wanted to be suspended..).. everyone laughed.. even the principal.. in english we had a quiz.. luckily i had read the stuff.. but slacker joel hadn't.. hehe.. we exchanged papers to grade and he had the funniest answers.. he put hot dogs for one and something like flapjacks for the other.. (those had nothing to do with the myths we read.. he just didn't know what else to put).. he did get a 50 though.. which wasn't that bad for someone who was guessing.. i got a 110!!.. woo hoo!.. somehow the class got started on local gville myths.. they were all about ghosts, dead people, rats, etc.. some were pretty freaky.. she was asking people if we had any strange stories.. well.. i had one!!!.. i make my sandwich everyday with one piece of cheese on it.. well.. by the time i get to lunch the cheese is melted!!.. my question is who's melting my cheese????.. i'm gunna find out who it is.. i'll teach them not to mess with anyone's cheese.. hehe.. it's still a mystery.. i should put it on unsolved mystery's.. hehe.. in computer apps 2.. we got out progress reports.. well.. i need some progress.. i'm not to good a proof-reading.. put we have like 3weeks to pull up our grades.. no prob.. in algebra 2 there is a chinesse girl that doesn't speak much english.. i don't think she has understood a single thing that is going on.. luckily she lives right next door to the teacher so she can get help.. they called he down to the office and she got lost.. they had to find her.. we have a quiz tomarrow so i need to make sure i know howto do all the linear function.. whoah.. i had a flashback.. in 8th grade my best friend coby (we called him obi-wan) was in english.. we had to make a sentence with some vocabulary word.. his was malign.. it's means mean spirited.. well his sentence was "the dog was so mean spirited that the people called him malign".. hehe.. then i went out and started acting like a old blind guy saying "malign, where are you malign.. we've missed you malign.. come home!".. it was pretty funny.. i guess you would have had to been there wooly.. the point was that malign is a adjective.. not a noun i think.. the teacher didn't find it too funny.. well i joined to algerbra 2 team.. yea i know it sounds dorky.. but it's kewl.. we just practice a few times then we get to take a test and they rank the highskools.. last year wei won something.. me and crash scrubbed up.. hehe.. we got a cute little participation sheet.. hehe.. i have it right here.. under this junk.. i found out that my aunt if going to be ordering me a subscription to a internet web authoring zine.. that shoudl be kewl.. i just remembered to call echoes musak club.. i'm ordering the new value-pac cd right now!!!.. i want to find every day life but they don't carry the new cd.. they will soon i hope!.. everyone that likes christian musak should join echoes.. call 1-615-591-7848 i know people say "hey that's long distance!!" but who cares when you can get every cd for only $11!!!.. all <>< musak too!.. thay have a wide variety i christian musakl underground stuffs.. but i really need to get started on my homewerk so i'll catchya later woolyman!!.. chao

Word of the Day: wackfrabulious (don't even ask me how i came up with that one.. i don't even know.. maybe i should write a dictionary or something)

Phrase of the Day: "May all your integers be positive" -mr. baldwin 6th period algerbra 2.. yea i know it's stupid.. but it's funny.. sort of.. nevermind.. that's not funny at all... i'll stop..


dear wooly,

A teenage ice cream vendor invented the ice cream cone at the St. Lious World's Fair in 1904! Arnold Fornachou ran out of ice scream dishes one day, so he bought some soft wafers from the pastry booth next to his ice cream stand. He rolled the wafers into cones and filled them with ice cream. His customers loved this new taste treat and called it the "World's Fair cornucopa"!

just thought you wanted to know.. well.. i stayed up till 11pm last nite.. and i slept in late again today.. well.. that usually wouldn't be to much of a problem if i didn't have to leave 20minutes early to goto Bible Club!!.. on the way there i tried to play a tape of some <>< bands i recorded from cd.. well.. the catr "ate" my tape.. it did make a kewl noise though.. at least i got here right on time.. i saw crash walking in and we sat in the back.. it was pretty kewl.. the leader dude had some kewl stuff to say.. that took most of the time.. well next wednesday is "See you at the Pole" that's where like every skool in the nation has a prayer time.. that should be kewl.. that's alot of people..in world history we had that test.. ouch.. i didn't know as much as i thought.. hehe.. ohh well i think i made pretty good guesses.. in spanish we had a substitute.. well.. you know what that means.. WORK!!.. i got it all finished and after that me and crash talked about kewl <>< bands and cds we REALLY want.. my new value pac cd should come in sometime next week.. and my mom got grammatrain for gom (his 16th bday is next week!).. i kept laughing at crash cuz he's sick and has a runny nose.. he had to sniff like every 2 seconds.. hehe.. i even timed him a couple times.. ohh.. i made a shirt the other day that said on the front "if death is nothing but decaying flesh, what's to live for?" and on the back it had a verse from 90lb wuss.. i don't think many people knew it was a christian shirt.. it looked pretty kewl.. i wrote it in scary little letters with a permenant marker.. all day people we asking me what it meant.. and what it said.. i saw people looking at my shirt too.. it was funny.. in chemistry class mr. blinky was singing again.. he asked me what my shirt say.. i told him.. he's a christian so i know he got it.. he said "deep".. heh.. in english 2 we presented our vocabulary projects.. i had a funny one.. it had a rat on it and a punk.. and a rudeboy.. everyone laughed.. i don't think they know what a rudeboy is though.. you would have had to have been there wooly,.. we also had a quiz and i got a 110 on it!!.. slacker joel (who also has another nickname i found out.. doodle.. don't ask me where he got that one.) got a 20!.. and crash got a 5!.. the didn't read.. hehe.. i don't even think crash know's howto read.. in computer apps 2 we got a grade back on something we did.. me and crash both got 88's.. which isn't to bad.. it's still a B!.. crash kept saying he was special because he could jump up in the air and kick his feet together twice.. i told him he wasn't special.. hehe.. in algebra 2 we had a quiz.. i think i made a 100.. that's good.. he told some more stupid jokes and no one laughed.. well.. after skool i had to go but some stupid book that we are going to be reading in english... then i went home and made some pretty snazzy images for my page.. check them out when you get a chance wooly https://members.tripod.com/~spyda97/images.htm i worked for a long time on them so i hope people use them on their pages and stuff.. well.. it thundered and rained alot today.. it was sunny this morning.. i didn't expect it.. i don't have that much homewerk but i do have small group tonite so i need to get going.. it's start's in like 45minutes.. i don't have much more time to fool around on the computer.. so i'll cathya lata wooly,

Word of the Day: gabbersnickit (whenever you think you are gunna say God's name in vain.. just say that.. it's alot more fun!)

Quote of the Day: "Dirt, it's pretty cheap, but not much fun to eat" -spyda (ohh know!!.. i'm ryming agian!.. you would not believe it.. it seems like everything i say rymes!.. ask crash.. i'm starting to ryme all the time.. i don't even mean to do it!!)


dear woolyman,

did you know it hurts bad when you slam your tongue in a cd-rom drive? (no i haven't tried it... but i bet it would.. try it and tell me how it feels.. hehe)

well.. i forgot to set my alarm the nite before.. so, as you can emagine.. i slept pretty late.. i didn't make a sandwich very good.. it was kinda lopsided and squeshy.. i did make it to skool on time.. me and john were gunna play hacky-sac but he had homework.. then i remembered "uhh.. I HAVE HOMEWERK".. i did get must of it done before class.. but i didn't get to hack.. and when i don't get to hack, it throughs my whole day off.. in world history we got our tests back.. i got a 84.. not bad.. i'm satisfied.. it was a pretty hard test.. we took more notes and we found out we have a history day project due sometime.. well.. i don't know of a topic i could do.. i might do musak or something... "the history of Ska".. maybe.. sounds kewl.. crash is gunna have to come over sometime this weekend so we can work on our projects.. one thing kinda weird happened.. this dude in our class is always saying dumb stuff to try and be stupid.. well... all i remember is he said something that was even dumb for what he usually says.. i was acting like i was getting ready to smack him and the teacher thought i was raising my hand.. she called my name and i was like "huh?"..in spanish the teacher was back.. she always greets us in spanish (in fact all she usually says is in spanish) i wish i knew howto say doodie in spanish.. all in all it was pretty lame in spanish.. just the typical crash sniffing and me making fun of him.. and the girl in front of him talking about stupid stuff all period long.. in chemistry we took a quiz on the conversion factors.. i think i did pretty well.. some girl didn't take it cuz she missed the discussion on it yesterday.. mr. blinky said.. "that's fine, just go out in the hall".. well.. he's kinda forgetful... he never told her to come back in.. she stayed out in the hall the whole period and the quiz only lasted like 10minutes.. heh.. he did alot of weird stuff today.. sometimes people will stay something outloud while he's talking and he'll get it mixed up with what he's trying to say.. we was explaining to us why dead fish float in rivers.. well someone said something about babyfood and he was like "have you ever seen dead babies in the river".. he didn't even know he said it.. and for the people that didn't know he was confused.. it was really weird.. they were all like "gee.. so that's why dead babies float".. the blinky goes "who said anything about babies?".. he also was trying to say cream of the crop but he said cram of the crap.. hehe.. that was pretty funny.. everyone laughed at him.. well on the way to english class i found a dude in the hall.. well that's not weird.. there's over 1600 students at Rose High.. well.. his backpack had wheels and he was pulling it.. that was kinda weird i thought.. i saw alot of people laugh outloud at him.. but really.. he has the right idea.. it was prolly alot easier... i didn't laugh at him, but i do hope i never come to the point in my life where i do something that dumb.. hehe.. i was thinking at hoping on the back of it so i could get a ride to my class.. he was going alot faster than me.. i told slacker joel about it after skool and he was like.. "yea i saw that dude.. wasn't that... umm.. different".. i told him it would be awesome if everyone in skool had to have a backpack like that.. in english i have and essay due tomarrow.. me and slacker joel haven't even started yet.. eessh.. i also found out it was picture day today.. hehe.. we were the first class there so i didn't miss much class.. ack!.. they had so many lights flashing everywhere.. we found that if you look at the flashing umbrella sometimes you would see a red flash in your eye.. joel kept saying he saw purple.. but he's weird anyway.. he that the umbrellas we prolbably for brainwashing the students.. "school is good, study is good, i love my teachers".. the day i say that.. i hope is the day i get hit by an old lady going 96mph driving a bulldozer in the parking lot.. hehe.. it could happen.. when we went out to the courtyard we noticed some weird odor.. crash said it was outside when he was eating lunch.. but he eats an hour before me.. slacker joel said "it smells like gville blew up"... we all agreed that that might have happened.. but.. later we found out it hadn't.. actually i think it was someone who let off a stink-bomb... whatever it was.. it smelled horrible.. it ruined everyone's lunch.. i told joel that if we see people standing up fall to the ground and turn green we should leave.. he agreed so we kept an eye out... computer apps 2 is majorly biting.. the teacher has no clue what she's talking about.. i said something, i think it was about crash and he started acting dumb and hiting me with his book.. i stuck my foot up to block it and he slammed his finger smack into the bottom of my foot.. he made some dumb scream and his hand was literally twitching for 10mintues.. it wasn't broken but it looked pretty funky.. in algebra 2 mr. baldwin said some more stupid stuff.. that didn't surprise anyone.. i have some homewerk and a quiz tomarrow.. i guess i should work on it a little.. i have to call gom and tell him about the S.A.L.T. meeting with the youth group tomarrow and 7:30 i think.. or something like that.. i hope it's kewl.. well.. lata woolyguy..

Word of the Day: yettyfunkless -now that is a kewl werd.. being yettyfunkless is prolly a good thing.. i dunno though..

Quote of the Day: "When i was a kid, the musak was slow and the grrls were pretty" -some old guy with wrinckles..


dear wooly,

i got the new value pac cd!!!.. it's kewl.. gom's grammatrain cd came in also.. it's his bday present.. (i hope he doesn't read my diary and find out what we got him.. hehe)

well.. i had a VERY busy weekend.. like most.. i'll just sum up some of the weird things that have been happening.. in chemistry mr. blinky was talking about how dead fish float but someone was talking about babies and blinky got mixed up.. he said "have you ever seen dead babies floating in the river?".. we didn't know what he was talking about but he just keep on going.. and the end we asked him about the dead babies.. he goes "i said wha?".. hehe.. he thought he had said fish.. also that same day he was explaining how the cream in milk floats to the top and he said "the cream of the crap always rises to the top".. hehe.. he cought that one.. everyone laughed.. in spanish the teacher was wigging out everytime a male raised his hand.. cuz usually the grrls are the only ones that answer.. everyone laughed when this dude named cliff (who we call earl) said an answer.. simply becuz he talks funny.. kinda like a druggy.. me and crash saw him at dunkin' donuts that saturday at like 10pm.. hehe.. he was wearing a weed wacker hat.. i wish i had one of those.. this weekend i hooked my camcorder up to my computer so i could take some photos of me and crash.. "giving us a camera is like giving us a weepon.." said crash... which was true.. he went absolutely spastic.. we just made stupid faces en stuff.. i need to hook the VCR up to my computer becuz the tape playback part of our camera is messed up.. i could only do live footage.. we recorded some crazy stuff.. we went outside at like 10:30 and taped us skankin' and jumping off my porch.. one really awesome thing is happening in my life.. you can prolly tell how important musak is to my life.. well.. my mom had asked me just the other day if i ever had wanted to play the guitar.. i said "uhh.. YEA!".. so we were gunna start looking for one.. there is a dude in my youth group (he's like 30something) that is AWESOME!!!.. it amazes me how expensive his setup is.. well he said he teach me for FREE!!. and me friend john miles, who's gunna be playing drums for our youth group soon, has a friend in new hampshire (that's where he used to live) that has a bass.. (i wanted to play the bass..) just today he said he had called him and said i could buy it for like $75.. i know that sounds really cheap but john said it was an awesome bass and the only reason it's so cheap is that he's doing me a favor.. i'd have to buy the amp though.. that's not too much of a problem.. i don't think it'll take me too long to learn bass.. i mean.. i can keep a mad beat and you don't have to be that talented to play bass.. at not least to get started.. me and john were talking about getting a ska-core band going.. gom can play the trumpet, me on bass and throat, john on drums, crash used to play the guitar.. but never really got into it.. he could prolly learn pretty fast.. and we know a kewl christian that can play the trombone.. i also have a christian friend who's younger brother can play the sax.. crash just called me and i'm letting him hear my calue pac cd.. i stayed up late chatting with rude boy lastnite so i slept late and was rushed in getting to skool.. i found out during spanish that i had chemistry homewerk.. so i had to rush getting all my spanish werk done and do my chemistry.. in world history the teacher was showing us how horrible our essays were.. ohh well.. we have 2 tests in there this week.. and prolly a quiz tomarrow but she won't tell us.. english was total slackness cuz we had a speaker.. i think we are going to have a speaking in chemistry sometime this week too so that should be slack also.. in computer apps 2 i finally made a good grade!.. woo hoo!.. but class was overall pretty lame today.. i printed out 7½ copies of a 2 page thing we had to do.. everytime i printed it.. i would find something else wrong.. hehe.. in alebra 2 everyone was tired so mr. banks decided to have an experiment on what makes the loudest noise.. he started slamming his meter stick on various objects in the class room and we voted.. heh. that woke a few people up.. well.. i have alot of homewerk to do and i'm still stoked about the possibility of getting a bass so my brain isn't fully functional at the moment.. later wooly!


dear wooly,

well i was able to wake up on time today.. bought time.. lucky for me i did cuz i had to do some homework.. and the extra time i did i got to study.. it didn't help though.. i still made a 60!.. hehehe.. crash and wei both got 40's.. i had one of the higher grades in the class.. i don't know how we are suppose to study for these freak quizes.. we took another billion pages of notes again today.. i don't remember much of 1st period.. i hadn't really woken up yet.. in spanish our teacher was back.. turns out she got a $40,000 scholarship to someplace.. she's gunna go back to skool... and still try to teach.. she says she hopes we don't feel left out or feel that she hates us.. well.. personally i don't care what teachers think of me.. hehe.. she was giving us some speach (which it seemed like she had prepared) on how her lifes been going... it was pretty lame.. she was asuring us we weren't behind the other spanish classes.. she's just fooling herself.. she slacked off and now we're like a unit behind the others.. ohh well.. in chemistry we got to do labs today.. we had to wear big funky googles.. crash isn't in my class but he told me in his lab he had broken his beaker.. mr. blinky had told us the process how not to break them and crash said he did it.. but he has a nack for accomplishing such feats of stupidity.. they're giving out the teacher of the year award soon and mr. blinky has to give a speach at convocation (i thought he had said conviction.. hehe.. big difference.. ) it was so funny last year when mr. blinky won the teacher of the year.. he wrote a rap that he sung to the skool.. it was a trip.. he said maybe this year he'll do a dance for us.. in english we had to go over our homewerk.. slacker joel had only done like the first 5.. out of 33.. hehe.. and the worst part was that he was working on his latin homewerk when she called on him to answer number 24.. he just looked up and goes "huh?.. say wha?".. she got a little mad at him.. i guess it didn't make much since to be doing latin in english class.. heh... we have a HUGE test in there tomarrow.. i need to study alot!!!.. during lunch it was really hot outside.. we were laughing at one of the comments put on slacker joel's essay.. he had to compare these 2 people in a book we read.. well he had one of his comparisons as "they both were fathers and they both had fathers" the teacher wrote "don't we all" on his paper.. hehe.. she shot him down cold.. in computer apps 2 the teacher displayed her lack of computer knowledge again today.. she still thinks there is only one way to do certain things.. in algebra 2 mr. banks was pretty funny.. he told us some jokes and somehow someone said something about a bee and he told us how he had been running when he was a little kid and cought a bee in his mouth.. he didn't know what it was so he bit it.. he said it was pretty nasty.. i bet it was.. well.. hopefully i can get the bass guitar soon so i can get practicing.. i think crash is getting a lead guitar soon.. that'll be kewl.. God is helping us in so many ways it's not even funny.. all the doors are opening.. alot of stuff like that has been happening.. my mom has always wanted a drisage saddle that nornally costs over $1000 but she found some extremely wealthy person that sold it to her for $250 with the pads.. the pads can cost quite a bit too.. my sister has been wanting a new horse for a long time.. well.. these people are thinking about selling a REAL good one for like 9,000 but my parents would never pay that much for a horse.. but we've got the price down to 4,000 (which is still crazy in my opinion but, they didn't ask my opinion) a lot of weird things have been going on and it's getting complicated and it's a real long story.. but it looks like God has it all in control.. well.. nuf said woolyman.. lata